Divorce and the Pension


Active Member
What they are saying is the math doesn't add up. 40 in 2000 means at least 58 today, and if he is 65 in July, he got you pregnant when he was 6 years old? Really?
To be closer to ages -- youngest was 21 oldest was 29 or so....can't recall exactly since they are my stepdaughter. He was married at 16. He was star quarterback in tiny high school who got the cheerleader pregnant.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
To be closer to ages -- youngest was 21 oldest was 29 or so....can't recall exactly since they are my stepdaughter. He was married at 16. He was star quarterback in tiny high school who got the cheerleader pregnant.
Sure was a timy school to have only 1 cheerleader....
It would be interesting if dna test was to show he is not the father.


Thanks for relating to my life with a narcissistic Ex UPS man. I, too, finally got my divorce and am enjoying life after 39 years of misery. He basically went crazy when they told him he was "busted"....He could never accept a demotion so chose to retire....I truly believe that's how UPS gets rid of excess pension baggage. He immediately blamed me for everything in his life, disowned me, isolated me from family and friends, then started drinking and bar hopping. He has a seasonal part time job with baseball stadium giving tours, otherwise draws social security and pension. He couldn't control me thru family so started in on removing me from financial stuff, then the courts thru divorce. Narcissism knows no boundaries. At the same time stalking me to maintain that control. I moved out of state to get away. His own daughters have a restraining order against him...and he has seven grandchildren he will never know. I hope for him that the 37 years he put in were truly worth it, and that the "building" will comfort him on his deathbed.

Sounds like most center managers I’ve
had the pleasure of meeting


Well-Known Member
They don't all end like this one tho. I watched a center Manager get busted down to a feeder dispatcher.

I liked the guy as a center manager. I had actually worked for him for a short while and he was a fair guy.

His story was little bit different!

One day I walk in to punch in and he is looking out the window, yet I could tell he was somewhere else in his mind. A little time passes , he turns, greets me as he always has with a respectful "How is it going"?
I respond in a positive way and asked him the same thing back

"This Is Where He Floored Me With His Response!
He tells me its been a strange day. He says he had a wake up call that evening before coming in. He tells me this story that he was home for dinner, which in his 20 years as a center manager that rarely happened. Turns out as he came to the dinner table to eat a meal with his wife, when he looks up and sees this man sitting on the other side of the table looking at him. Totally shocked by the event that there was a man sitting at his dinner table started him to rethink his life's choices! No the wife didn't have a boyfriend! He was looking at his Son! So taken a back at his life's choices that had led him away from what he truly valued "Family" he finished his dispatching shift and never came back!

Apparently the company did not have full reign of his soul and it wasn't available for abuse or sale anymore!


Well-Known Member
I also remember when the company did a reduction in management in feeder, which was pre 97 strike where most were unhappy being cut loose. One guy was absolutely elated he was shown the exit door, and as you can imagine he was the best guy to work for.

Then there were these guys??
A couple of them figured "I'm not going out!" I planned my life around this job and a retirement date and that is NOT NOW! So sure enough they got to stay!

OH wait not so fast! They were removed from feeder and were given jobs inside the building so the could ride them like broncs right out of the door. Now they didn't get the pitiful severance pkg they had offered to the other smarter guys who knew the gig was up! But! They did get their freedom by quitting!


Well-Known Member
I'm the spouse of a force-retired UPS manager. We were married 29 years so I get half of everything of everything but because it's pension and 401K money, we had to pay 1,100 to have it audited by a private law firm. Has anyone had any experience in this area? How long does it take? We're divorced since January 4 land I still have no money....what takes UPS so long to audit our Plans?
Strange how so many divorces happen shortly after retiring. I hope he stashed some money on the side!!


Well-Known Member
How Hott are ya?

Do you like to party?

Then in 10 years, she can get the other half of the pension,