Do we need or want union


Well-Known Member
Let’s start by saying I voted yes for contract.Then I read it was voted down and UPS is ready to go back to the table,but then the union says do to not a enough voted so it is ratified we probably can do better with what UPS offers it’s dedicated workers.I am sorry but belonging to a union is not a benefit

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Let’s start by saying I voted yes for contract.Then I read it was voted down and UPS is ready to go back to the table,but then the union says do to not a enough voted so it is ratified we probably can do better with what UPS offers it’s dedicated workers.I am sorry but belonging to a union is not a benefit

So if the Union disappeared today, you think UPS would offer all of its package employees higher pay and benefits? Our work lives would be better?


My job is fun
So if the Union disappeared today, you think UPS would offer all of its package employees higher pay and benefits? Our work lives would be better?
You’re wasting your time with people like that. They bitch about union wanna be big and bad on the interwebz and as soon as they get in trouble they go running to the union.. no different then people complaining about cops and such and when they are in trouble and need help guess who they call?


Well-Known Member
Let’s start by saying I voted yes for contract.Then I read it was voted down and UPS is ready to go back to the table,but then the union says do to not a enough voted so it is ratified we probably can do better with what UPS offers it’s dedicated workers.I am sorry but belonging to a union is not a benefit

So if the Union disappeared today, you think UPS would offer all of its package employees higher pay and benefits? Our work lives would be better?

Maybe back in the day it was a union for the people now it’s what is best for the union leaders


Well-Known Member
So if the Union disappeared today, you think UPS would offer all of its package employees higher pay and benefits? Our work lives would be better?
You’re wasting your time with people like that. They bitch about union wanna be big and bad on the interwebz and as soon as they get in trouble they go running to the union.. no different then people complaining about cops and such and when they are in trouble and need help guess who they call?

Don’t plan to get in trouble


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Hey girls, the teamsters are NOT THE ONLY UNION who could represent us!

I am sure we could find another group who would actually serve our best interests and not be trying to line their own pockets! The question would be how to unwind the pension obligations.


Well-Known Member
In the RTW states even if you opt out, they STILL HAVE TO REPRESENT YOU BY LAW. You still get representation just like people who pay to be into the union get. You still get the wages, healthcare, and everything else without having to be apart of it. Perfect example: girl got in trouble and was about to fired in my center, she was non union. My steward still had to go to bat for her and she kept her job. However it's only in RTW states.


Well-Known Member
Let’s start by saying I voted yes for contract.Then I read it was voted down and UPS is ready to go back to the table,but then the union says do to not a enough voted so it is ratified we probably can do better with what UPS offers it’s dedicated workers.I am sorry but belonging to a union is not a benefit

Paid holidays, benefits, vacations, thousands of drivers blood, sweat and tears so that we can have that today more than likely would NOT be here in the form that we currently enjoy today.

I get it that you are mad, so am I BUT IMO the best way to change this is to get involved and help change the leadership.

Stepping off soapbox now.

The Range

In too deep
Considering new part-timers make more with their company issued bonus than part-timers with 4 years in, I'd say the union is not needed. That's exluding the tiny fact the union just stabbed the entire membership in the back.


Management told me I'd never be a driver
Unions aren't perfect, and ours is especially not doing so hot right now, but it is far preferable to the alternative. Vote in every election, every contract offer, even if you are ignored the effort it takes it minimal and it shows you still care. Apathy is insidious and difficult to root out. Democracy demands that you give a :censored2:.

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
Let’s start by saying I voted yes for contract.Then I read it was voted down and UPS is ready to go back to the table,but then the union says do to not a enough voted so it is ratified we probably can do better with what UPS offers it’s dedicated workers.I am sorry but belonging to a union is not a benefit
Your living in a fantasy world where all grivences are won by the company, because all the workers are vindictive, lazy individuals who just want to be paid because they happen to be alive and physically present.
Quite the contrary my friend, we need a union even one as seemingly weak and inadequate as ours may or may not be. UPS would have had 22.4s, 70hr weeks, not to mention their ultimate dream of every new employee full or part timer a PVD, and all that for only 15.00 + a 401k. oh how the memory fades for you all youngsters.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Your living in a fantasy world where all grivences are won by the company, because all the workers are vindictive, lazy individuals who just want to be paid because they happen to be alive and physically present.
Quite the contrary my friend, we need a union even one as seemingly weak and inadequate as ours may or may not be. UPS would have had 22.4s, 70hr weeks, not to mention their ultimate dream of every new employee full or part timer a PVD, and all that for only 15.00 + a 401k. oh how the memory fades for you all youngsters.
The Union may not be perfect, but I doubt if I would be making over $34/hr and a monthly pension shortly for a PT job without the Union.


Well-Known Member
The members need to be patient. Right now it's important not get carried away because the contract still has not been passed. Many supplements were rejected and those need to be fixed and D.Taylor and the company have been quoted as being open to re-negotiation.