Doomsday Clock


Well-Known Member
You can envision whatever the hell you like. It's pretty clear you read whatever you want into the postings of others re gnashing of teeth. If Hoffa came to my house for dinner I'm not going to post about it here or anywhere else. Again, just who is vantexan that I have to prove anything to him?
What bothers me about the thread is it is nothing more then repetitive trolling. Only there to get an emotional response out of those you disagree with.

​No, it's to goad others into doing something. And again, don't like it? Don't read it!


Active Member
And you should thank us! Those are the ones we picked up on our routes from dropboxes and customers who have waited four day for you to show up or the ones that were placed at the right address, just one street


Engorged Member
5:02 in the north and packages still leaving Express for Ground

5:02, and Ground still providing crappy service with sub-par employees in questionably legal business format. Packages are leaving Express because Express sales force has been directed to sell higher margin Ground product and because idiotic Ground employees work long hours for extremely low pay in scheme where taxpayers subsidize workforce through food stamps, Emergency Room Care, and other means that permit FedEx Corporation to operate an extremely low-cost operation.

Ground contractors and ISPs are installed by FedEx Corporation as the face of a supposedly independent Ground network that is actually run under the auspices of FedEx Corporation, not the contractors.

5:03 Status unchanged.


Staff member
All that and still you can find no way to expose Fedex to the powers that give a damn and could do something about it? Makes one wonder if perhaps your prejudices might not be magnifying things a tad. Or maybe taking things out of a context of a job market in which people will take what they can get? Where companies no longer see the need to provide lifetime careers for employees? Spear up! Giants on the horizon!


Well-Known Member
"Express sales force has been directed to sell higher margin Ground product"

Don't you mean FedEx sales has been instructed to educate its customers about all services offered in order to retain customers?


Engorged Member
Give me an address to "Express sales dept" so I can send the thank you cards

When Ground is declared null and void by the courts someday, we'll be sending the lawyers "thank you" cards. It is on the horizon, so I hope you are diversified in your holdings.


Well-Known Member
When Ground is declared null and void by the courts someday, we'll be sending the lawyers "thank you" cards. It is on the horizon, so I hope you are diversified in your holdings.

​If they were going to do that don't you think the courts would have by now? Are there any cases still pending that might have a shot? With legal precedent the longer it goes the more entrenched and accepted the system is.


Staff member
When Ground is declared null and void by the courts someday, we'll be sending the lawyers "thank you" cards. It is on the horizon, so I hope you are diversified in your holdings.

Ah. The Gospel according to MFE. I know this one word for word.