Employee damaging packages while loading trailers "On Topic"

I've been loading with another employee who seems to enjoy throwing boxes. Not simply dropping them onto the floor from waist height, throwing them. Sometimes they will pick a box up off the rollers and lift it to chest height then forcefully throw it onto the floor. I have heard items in the boxes break. One day there was a mis-sorted hazmat, they threw it out of the truck from the trailer, over the platform onto the floor. Should I mention this to my supervisor, steward, safety (because of the hazmat) or all of them?

Rutherford B Hays

gun accipere, et abire cannoli
I've been loading with another employee who seems to enjoy throwing boxes. Not simply dropping them onto the floor from waist height, throwing them. Sometimes they will pick a box up off the rollers and lift it to chest height then forcefully throw it onto the floor. I have heard items in the boxes break. One day there was a mis-sorted hazmat, they threw it out of the truck from the trailer, over the platform onto the floor. Should I mention this to my supervisor, steward, safety (because of the hazmat) or all of them?

Talk to your steward, and have them talk to the employee. It will only be a matter of time before the steward has to represent the person in a termination hearing

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Should I mention this to my supervisor, steward, safety (because of the hazmat) or all of them?

I have no sympathy for :censored2:nozzles who have no qualms about launching hazmats. Sometimes it’s not immediately apparent that those items are damaged or leaking inside the box and they hit the road. And in an enclosed truck, the fumes from those items can make drivers sick. I’d mention it to a supervisor once and no more. It’s an immediate problem for management but not a fight you need to take up if Mr. Throwey gets offended by your mentioning it.

Rutherford B Hays

gun accipere, et abire cannoli
Yes, people do dumb things everywhere but damaging customers' packages and the contents inside should be an automatic firing. In my opinion, its about as bad as stealing.
There are ways to go about rather than going straight to management and getting a reputation as a rat.

From the Teamsters Constitution

that he will not divulge to nonmembers the private business of the Union unless authorized to reveal the same;
to never knowingly harm a fellow member
to never discriminate against a fellow worker on account of race, col‑
or, religion, sex, age, physical or mental disability, sexual
orientation, gender identity, national origin or any other
legally protected group or class; to refrain from any con‑
duct that would interfere with the Union’s performance
of its legal or contractual obligations; and at all times to
bear true and faithful allegiance to the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters and his Local Union
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Well then why even bring it up



Why bring it up? Let me answer that for you. Because it's a problem.

I shouldn't have to be the one dealing with another employees incompetence. That's managements job, is it not? Not wanting to deal with managements problems doesn't make me snowflake. SMGDMFH


Well-Known Member
There are ways to go about rather than going straight to management and getting a reputation as a rat.

From the Teamsters Constitution

that he will not divulge to nonmembers the private business of the Union unless authorized to reveal the same;
to never knowingly harm a fellow member
to never discriminate against a fellow worker on account of race, col‑
or, religion, sex, age, physical or mental disability, sexual
orientation, gender identity, national origin or any other
legally protected group or class; to refrain from any con‑
duct that would interfere with the Union’s performance
of its legal or contractual obligations; and at all times to
bear true and faithful allegiance to the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters and his Local Union

I think being a good Teamster is also being good worker who does their job the way they’re supposed to. We have too many worthless, lazy guys who are not only bad for the Company but also are bad for the Union and make us look bad.

Guys who steal or carelessly break or damage packages are no good for anyone. They’re bad employees and bad Union members.


Why bring it up? Let me answer that for you. Because it's a problem.

I shouldn't have to be the one dealing with another employees incompetence. That's managements job, is it not? Not wanting to deal with managements problems doesn't make me snowflake. SMGDMFH

Then don’t

Why come here whining about it like a 12 year old girl
I think being a good Teamster is also being good worker who does their job the way they’re supposed to. We have too many worthless, lazy guys who are not only bad for the Company but also are bad for the Union and make us look bad.

Guys who steal or carelessly break or damage packages are no good for anyone. They’re bad employees and bad Union members.
The bad ones usually get weeded out.


Well-Known Member
Why bring it up? Let me answer that for you. Because it's a problem.

I shouldn't have to be the one dealing with another employees incompetence. That's managements job, is it not? Not wanting to deal with managements problems doesn't make me snowflake. SMGDMFH
So you say it's not your job to report him but then turn around and ask us if you should report him .

Let's try adulting for a bit . If it bothers you that much say something . If it doesnt then don't .


Well-Known Member
Ya you’re like me OP. I have too much guilt to just damage people’s boxes and it bothers whenpeople mishandle them. Unless you know what is inside the box, don’t toss it.

You shouldn’t toss packages in general because that will cause injury and more likely than not the boxes aren’t being packed tightly when thrown so you’re going to have to rearrange them anyway.

I also know there’s people out there that look forward to getting there packages and it can make their day when they get home. If they come home and the shipment they’ve been waiting for is ruined, they could very literally have a breakdown and cry


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Why bring it up? Let me answer that for you. Because it's a problem.

I shouldn't have to be the one dealing
So you say it's not your job to report him but then turn around and ask us if you should report him .

Let's try adulting for a bit . If it bothers you that much say something . If it doesnt then don't .


Is it that hard to say yo quit throwing :censored2: man.