We Are Forever, America
We are a Country proud of who we are,fought for, preserved and defended. Through ages of unsung heroism,We are forever, America
We are a Country strong and unwavering, we demand our continuance of Freedom, We do not bow to our enemies, We are forever, America
We are a Country determined and brave, failure we will not accept, Every shore, mountain and prairie majestic,We are forever,America
We are a Country rich with culture,our treasures are our citizens, It's lands founded by immigrant sweat, We are forever, America
We are a Country unwilling to fold, we won't hide, run or cower, We'll meet our aggressors face to face, We are forever, America
We are a Country of realizations,we thrive on dreamers and idealists,Our soils tilled by determination, We are forever, America
We are a Country of braided strength, interwoven by our Fore Father's tears, the un-slippable knot of democracy, We are forever, America
We are a Country with arms spread wide,we encourage,build and protect, We shine as a people, a Nation,We are forever,America
We are a Country absent of horizons,no boundaries, no limitations, We are the land of abundant opportunity, We are forever, America
Home of the Brave; Land of the Free; We are forever; "AMERICA"
~ Lisa Hilbers