FedEx Ground


Well-Known Member
It will come because the USPS delivers 6 days per week and I believe that the USPS has been old Fred's target all along. What ever new direction X takes it will be decided behind closed doors and no contractor will be present to have say in the matter. Whatever new operations plan it will be handed to the so called "entrepreneurs" to effect with revenues , latitude and protocols still controlled by X. As for IWBF's little dig about SWA contractors in 2015, I respond by asking IWBF this question. If you are as good as you think you are, why were you not there on Day 1 when your terminal when it first opened? It was all SWA when it opened and SWA's were the trailblazers who got operations going long before you arrived and no doubt they got along just fine without you.
I don't need to answer for him but regardless that is not a legitimate question. How can you be part of something that you don't even know about or didn't have the opportunity for?? If you ask it to me it's because I couldn't even drive at the point when it first started.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Bacha, no one cares that you were a day 1 contractor. The dig was still being a single van operator in 2015 demonstrates a foolishness when it comes to business. If anyone was caught surprised by the ISP transition they weren't paying attention. I think the same can be said about the overlapping HD and Ground services. We all know it's coming so it's time to get onboard now. Don't wait and end up disgruntled when it becomes forced.


Well-Known Member
Bacha, no one cares that you were a day 1 contractor. The dig was still being a single van operator in 2015 demonstrates a foolishness when it comes to business. If anyone was caught surprised by the ISP transition they weren't paying attention. I think the same can be said about the overlapping HD and Ground services. We all know it's coming so it's time to get onboard now. Don't wait and end up disgruntled when it becomes forced.
Some of us can't make that one happen. It is one thing if you are co-located but there are quite a few of us that aren't. Until we get to that point which is years down the road I have no interest in being in two buildings prior to ISP 5 PSAs or 500 stops in both buildings is a little more than I want to do, in 1 building not so bad.


Well-Known Member
GT and IWBF it does indeed matter. Somebody had to lead the way and establish routes and markets long before you two showed up. GT you hit the nail right on the head. It is indeed about not knowing the events that unfolded long before you arrived on the scene yet you continue to pass judgement on events that you were not there to witness for yourselves. One thing is for certain the day 1's who proceeded you operated in an environment much harsher than the one in which you operate now and I 'm certain that if they knew that they would be followed by ungrateful SOB's like you two they would have never put themselves through it. AS I told you before I knew that ISP was coming when I read about in the forward looking statement in the back pages of the 2008 annual report. And yes GT the opportunity was there waiting for you when you arrived.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Some of us can't make that one happen. It is one thing if you are co-located but there are quite a few of us that aren't. Until we get to that point which is years down the road I have no interest in being in two buildings prior to ISP 5 PSAs or 500 stops in both buildings is a little more than I want to do, in 1 building not so bad.
You can probably get them to divert HD over to your ground station. Then you only need to run out of the HD building on Saturday. It's not ideal, but they will make it work to help encourage the overlap. At the very least I'd recommend building relationships with the HD contractors and getting tentative deals in place now so you're prepared if/when it happens.
I think part of a forced combination will be the elimination of the stupid VRP program they use at HD and FedEx will just load all the HD anyway. This would eliminate the need for the HD side of the belts and the stand alone HD buildings. If you just step back and watch a HD building during the sort it is an amazing model of inefficiency. It is strikingly stupid how they do things.


Well-Known Member
GT and IWBF it does indeed matter. Somebody had to lead the way and establish routes and markets long before you two showed up. GT you hit the nail right on the head. It is indeed about not knowing the events that unfolded long before you arrived on the scene yet you continue to pass judgement on events that you were not there to witness for yourselves. One thing is for certain the day 1's who proceeded you operated in an environment much harsher than the one in which you operate now and I 'm certain that if they knew that they would be followed by ungrateful SOB's like you two they would have never put themselves through it. AS I told you before I knew that ISP was coming when I read about in the forward looking statement in the back pages of the 2008 annual report. And yes GT the opportunity was there waiting for you when you arrived.
Take a step off your high horse. Give me a break that they would have done anything different because of our "ungrateful nature" none of us leave a legacy for the next to inherit. We do what we do to make money so cut the crap.


Well-Known Member
Bacha, no one cares that you were a day 1 contractor. The dig was still being a single van operator in 2015 demonstrates a foolishness when it comes to business. If anyone was caught surprised by the ISP transition they weren't paying attention. I think the same can be said about the overlapping HD and Ground services. We all know it's coming so it's time to get onboard now. Don't wait and end up disgruntled when it becomes forced.

That is rude dude. Maybe all he wanted was to be a single van contractor, like he agreed to when he invested in getting set up with fedex. Since day one, fedex has unilaterally changed the terms, starting just months after day one. Ask yourself why fedex requires an 'independent' contractor to have employees. It is only to muddy the waters. independent contractors should not be forced to grow or go.


Staff member
That is rude dude. Maybe all he wanted was to be a single van contractor, like he agreed to when he invested in getting set up with fedex. Since day one, fedex has unilaterally changed the terms, starting just months after day one. Ask yourself why fedex requires an 'independent' contractor to have employees. It is only to muddy the waters. independent contractors should not be forced to grow or go.
They should if that's what the courts require.


Well-Known Member
You can probably get them to divert HD over to your ground station. Then you only need to run out of the HD building on Saturday. It's not ideal, but they will make it work to help encourage the overlap. At the very least I'd recommend building relationships with the HD contractors and getting tentative deals in place now so you're prepared if/when it happens.
I think part of a forced combination will be the elimination of the stupid VRP program they use at HD and FedEx will just load all the HD anyway. This would eliminate the need for the HD side of the belts and the stand alone HD buildings. If you just step back and watch a HD building during the sort it is an amazing model of inefficiency. It is strikingly stupid how they do things.

HD was supposed to be a stand alone division when it started. Just months into HD, fedex unilaterally changed plans because the growing pains were expensive. They sold HD to day one contractors based on the plan to have small vehicles delivering only to residential locations. I was told that I could set my own hours, and work part time, as long as I serviced my zip code, and could contract for more zip codes if I wanted to. HD was sold as 'perfect for retirees' who still wanted to work part-time.

That never happened. I was only looking to work 20-30 hours a week, and contracted for 5 rural zip codes. Instead, they 'requested' that day one contractors cover more area than they had agreed to until 'things got up to speed.' I guess things never got up to speed because I was told that I had to work 10-12 hours a day or more or 'face risking my contract' even though I fully complied and had a 99% service rate, even in the expanded areas I had never agreed to serve.

I ended up working an average of over 11 hours a day for 5 years until I finally got sick of the bullying. In the end, they claimed that they could demand 'full use' of my vehicle, no matter how many hours it was, instead of letting me determine 'full use' as the law would require based upon the idea that vague terms have to be interpreted in the light of the party who did not draft the contract. They even tried to convince the judge in the UI appeal that they could require me to work 24 hours a day, and require that I hire someone if I didn't want to work 24 hours a day.

I won an unemployment case, a case challenging the validity of the arbitration clause, and a class action case. I think I am more familiar with the laws than any one of the fedex supporters on this site.


Well-Known Member
They should if that's what the courts require.
Courts have never said fedex needed to require ISP. Courts have never told fedex how to do business. Sounds like you drank the kool-aid. Courts determined that even multiple route owners were employees if they drove. Courts did not say the owners who did not drive were not employees. That question was not before them. It likely will be if/when fedex starts mistreating 'owners' who then seek legal redress.


Well-Known Member
GT if the day1's had adopted the same "it's all about me" approach you take the entire operation would have gone among the missing a long time ago. Somebody else had to get the operation up and going, routes laid out and established getting a public accustomed to being serviced by someone other than UPS or USPS ,creating markets . This was established well before you and IWBF showed up."Building a Company"? That was accomplished well before you 2 showed up. All you did was to take a market somebody else established and service that market in accordance with the rules and revenue pools X created and strictly govern's to this very day and has every intention of continuing to do so until the law tells them otherwise "Entrepreneur". An entrepreneur is a price maker. You guys are not price makers. You're price takers. As a result, your ego's are writing checks the undeniable facts confronting an X contractor won't cash.


Well-Known Member
No I took someone routes that ran with the same type of attitude you had that they wanted out. He was on the boarder off losing it all because he did all the crap that Bounty talks about, that a lot of contractors do. Took every dollar out of the business, didn't do any maintenance besides duct tape, ran on bald tires, didn't pay taxes. In two years I almost doubled what he sold me because no one wanted to deal with him or his drivers in any of the areas. I have the fastest growth in my terminal because I went out and talked with shippers and have quadrupled the pickups that he should have had all along.

"All about me", and you are basing that on what? I am one of the first people in the terminal that contractors turn to for help when they have lost people, too bulked out, truck broke down, need a spare, whatever. Once again you have no idea what you are talking about. I can't afford to be "all about myself", I need to keep strong so my legacy will stay in tact for the next generations that own my routes after me.:tongue_sm

I also know the checks from them are clearing just fine every week, won't be stopping any time soon, and they are very nice!:cool:


Staff member
Courts have never said fedex needed to require ISP. Courts have never told fedex how to do business. Sounds like you drank the kool-aid. Courts determined that even multiple route owners were employees if they drove. Courts did not say the owners who did not drive were not employees. That question was not before them. It likely will be if/when fedex starts mistreating 'owners' who then seek legal redress.
Courts have found problems with the IC model and X has addressed those issues. No Kool-aid drinking done. You simply are one of the jaded that has believed X would be forced to abandon a contractor model altogether. It just isn't so.


Well-Known Member
Now you are talking about a "legacy" but in your last post you said, "we do what we do to make money". That says it all so stop trying to portray yourself as "Mr. Good Samaritan". You wouldn't perform a single one of those acts if there wasn't present or future economic benefit in it for you as you plainly admitted to earlier.Furthermore nearly all of the good deeds you mentioned are contractually required of you . So please spare me the self adoration.


Staff member
Now you are talking about a "legacy" but in your last post you said, "we do what we do to make money". That says it all so stop trying to portray yourself as "Mr. Good Samaritan". You wouldn't perform a single one of those acts if there wasn't present or future economic benefit in it for you as you plainly admitted to earlier.Furthermore nearly all of the good deeds you mentioned are contractually required of you . So please spare me the self adoration.
That's called "running a business".

For me, charity happens at the soccer fields.


Well-Known Member
Now you are talking about a "legacy" but in your last post you said, "we do what we do to make money". That says it all so stop trying to portray yourself as "Mr. Good Samaritan". You wouldn't perform a single one of those acts if there wasn't present or future economic benefit in it for you as you plainly admitted to earlier.Furthermore nearly all of the good deeds you mentioned are contractually required of you . So please spare me the self adoration.
Apparently you are to dense to realize I was making fun of you and your bs legacy comments from before.

You guys always on the personal attacks is quite telling about how you are. Keep on going after everyone's character since it makes you look so good.

I never said anything about not helping anyone if it doesn't benefit me at all. I am not contractually obligated to help anyone. I damn sure no that letting others use my trucks is not beneficial to me at all.

Keep on stretching and try to break us down by lying about our character but it isn't going to go very far just going to keep making you look like an ---.


Well-Known Member
No, it's called hypocrisy. You are not running a business. All you are doing is fulfilling contractual mandates and policies . The design and structure of which you have absolutely no control over. When running what is a true business or entrepreneurial enterprise you design and adopt your own policies, processes and protocols and that's the difference between a true entrepreneur and simply operating in a climate of servitude to FXG.


Well-Known Member
No, it's called hypocrisy. You are not running a business. All you are doing is fulfilling contractual mandates and policies . The design and structure of which you have absolutely no control over. When running what is a true business or entrepreneurial enterprise you design and adopt your own policies, processes and protocols and that's the difference between a true entrepreneur and simply operating in a climate of servitude to FXG.
Yeah cause my structure, handbook, breakup of routes, schedule, # of employees/trucks, how much I work, virtually everything has been done for me..........
Just so you know, this statement is meant to be sarcastic so you are not confused this time.


Staff member
No, it's called hypocrisy. You are not running a business. All you are doing is fulfilling contractual mandates and policies . The design and structure of which you have absolutely no control over. When running what is a true business or entrepreneurial enterprise you design and adopt your own policies, processes and protocols and that's the difference between a true entrepreneur and simply operating in a climate of servitude to FXG.
Well I'm sure glad you are no longer burdened with it then.


Well-Known Member
You were one of the guys who ridiculed and belittled me when after 23 years of servitude to X seeing that the future rewards would not justify continued subjugation to a company that controlled everything while parading me in front of the public as being an "entrepreneur", I had enough. The final straw came when in order to continue to do" business" and in open defiance of the I law had to be willing to bow to their demand to access my personal financial records as they pertained to my "doing business"
with FedEx Ground and when they did audit and I asked them to show me the rule of law that permitted them to do this they just stood there in silence because no such rule existed but then again they think the law doesn't apply to them. So GT if you don't like getting a taste of your own medicine too bad.