
New Member
I have a question for all feeders. I am a feeder driver out of Fort Worth, TX local 767. Does anyone else deal with a “call board”?! For those who don’t it is the worst and most dangerous thing for truck drivers. For example last week I was called in for work on Monday at 0800 to run a job. I clocked out that day at 1830 which would give me a reset of 0430. I didn’t receive another call to come back into work until 2230 the following day for a route that is a minimum of 10.5 hours of drive time. If I deny in then I lose my punch and won’t be able to get my hours. So after being up for 14 hours already I was forced to come in and run a 12 hour route with 10.5 of it driving. This happens on a weekly basis! It’s extremely dangerous and needs to stop. The call board is currently banding together to eradicate it. I’m just curious if any other hubs practice this or have in the past. If so how did you get it to stop?


Well-Known Member
I have a question for all feeders. I am a feeder driver out of Fort Worth, TX local 767. Does anyone else deal with a “call board”?! For those who don’t it is the worst and most dangerous thing for truck drivers. For example last week I was called in for work on Monday at 0800 to run a job. I clocked out that day at 1830 which would give me a reset of 0430. I didn’t receive another call to come back into work until 2230 the following day for a route that is a minimum of 10.5 hours of drive time. If I deny in then I lose my punch and won’t be able to get my hours. So after being up for 14 hours already I was forced to come in and run a 12 hour route with 10.5 of it driving. This happens on a weekly basis! It’s extremely dangerous and needs to stop. The call board is currently banding together to eradicate it. I’m just curious if any other hubs practice this or have in the past. If so how did you get it to stop?
I'm sorry but I'm confused about what's so dangerous? You were off the clock and had tons of time to rest.


New Member
I'm sorry but I'm confused about what's so dangerous? You were off the clock and had tons of time to rest.
You don’t see the danger in getting off at 1830 going to bed at around 2200 getting up at 0800 then having to be back at work at 2230? They only call us 2 hours before the start time. Being up for a solid 14 hours not knowing when we will be called in then being forced to come to run a long run is extremely dangerous. We can only sleep so many hours of the day and not know when we will be called until two hours before hand we never know when to rest.


Happy Verified UPSer
You don't . It's a fact of life on being oncall.

It is your responsibility to get enough rest. If you feel unsafe then don't do the job.

No excuses. Welcome to Feeders.



Well-Known Member
You don’t see the danger in getting off at 1830 going to bed at around 2200 getting up at 0800 then having to be back at work at 2230? They only call us 2 hours before the start time. Being up for a solid 14 hours not knowing when we will be called in then being forced to come to run a long run is extremely dangerous. We can only sleep so many hours of the day and not know when we will be called until two hours before hand we never know when to rest.
Doesn't sounds as bad as a 10 hour turn around.

How are you guys planning to eradicate it?


New Member
Doesn't sounds as bad as a 10 hour turn around.

How are you guys planning to eradicate
It’s pretty bad when your nodding out throughout the entire night driving to Amarillo and back 600+ miles. Ultimately being up for well over 24 hours after your shift.
We have no clue we are just all talking and getting tired of the way they are treating us. Tons of people are being skipped on the call board or flat out not called in. There’s 25+ drivers with seniority and 14 without all on the call board. I was just curious if this was a common practice in the company or an issue anywhere else. There has to be other ways to get people in for their 5 punches.


New Member
You don't . It's a fact of life on being oncall.

It is your responsibility to get enough rest. If you feel unsafe then don't do the job.

No excuses. Welcome to Feeders.

Thanks lol I’ve been a feeder for three years and this has been going on for three years. So it’s my responsibility to get rest…true. How am I supposed to know when to get rest when I have been up for 14 hours of the day off for 24+ hours and don’t get told my start time till 2 hours before the start time? Would you like me to just hibernate during the entire day? Maybe I should just risk it and stay up after I clock out that way I can sleep during the day?


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
I have a question for all feeders. I am a feeder driver out of Fort Worth, TX local 767. Does anyone else deal with a “call board”?! For those who don’t it is the worst and most dangerous thing for truck drivers. For example last week I was called in for work on Monday at 0800 to run a job. I clocked out that day at 1830 which would give me a reset of 0430. I didn’t receive another call to come back into work until 2230 the following day for a route that is a minimum of 10.5 hours of drive time. If I deny in then I lose my punch and won’t be able to get my hours. So after being up for 14 hours already I was forced to come in and run a 12 hour route with 10.5 of it driving. This happens on a weekly basis! It’s extremely dangerous and needs to stop. The call board is currently banding together to eradicate it. I’m just curious if any other hubs practice this or have in the past. If so how did you get it to stop?
We don’t have a “call board” here. We have bid run drivers, vacation cover drivers, and you can sign up for extra work on your days off if your hours allow. Sounds like a nightmare. We also have somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 drivers so we are pretty much covered. Are you at a small hub?


Well-Known Member
We don’t have a “call board” here. We have bid run drivers, vacation cover drivers, and you can sign up for extra work on your days off if your hours allow. Sounds like a nightmare. We also have somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 drivers so we are pretty much covered. Are you at a small hub?
From what his contract says he can also turn down the work. So if he feels it's unsafe then he can just say "no thank you. Call me tomorrow."


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
From what his contract says he can also turn down the work. So if he feels it's unsafe then he can just say "no thank you. Call me tomorrow."
I’ve heard other drivers say that they will get skipped over next time if they do that. Sounds like a bad spot to be in.


Well-Known Member
I’ve heard other drivers say that they will get skipped over next time if they do that. Sounds like a bad spot to be in.
Could be true but their contract says they can and if I was skipped over the next day I'd file a grievance for my guarantee if they worked someone with less seniority than me.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Could be true but their contract says they can and if I was skipped over the next day I'd file a grievance for my guarantee if they worked someone with less seniority than me.
True. I would assume drivers on this call board would be low seniority and not well aware of their rights or just don’t want to rock the boat and risk screwing up their chance to drive full time.


Happy Verified UPSer
Then quit......

I went thru this for a couple years. most drivers with an on call board has gone thru this.

"Expect the unexpected"

With 3 years you should know the drill by now. I call BS on you.


Has A Large Member
Yeah being on the call board sucks balls. Whenever I woke up and close to reset I’d call dispatch and ask how many people ahead of me to be called and an ETA of the chance of being called back in.

If they didn’t know I’d just go about my day and get crap done. But if it started getting close to 8 hours being up, I’d head back home and just chill/nap so I wouldn’t be caught with my pants down.


Has A Large Member
I’ve heard other drivers say that they will get skipped over next time if they do that. Sounds like a bad spot to be in.
Im in the local 767. Not at the Indy hub but our dispatch calls in seniority order. You’re allowed to pass once. If they call you again and you pass again you will not be guaranteed work for the day. If you’re the last guy available and others have not reset yet then you can’t pass and must take the work unless you want to burn an option day.

Been a while since I worked the call board but I believe that’s how it still works

Buffet Master

At our Hub we have 100 bid runs and 146 drivers. When we rebid you can choose to go to the call board. For the spring to fall cycle, probably the top 8-12 guys on the board are pretty high seniority guys. They like 3 and 4 day weekends all through the summer.

The call board guys bid every week on the vacation cover jobs and any open bids if there are any. Again, you can pass on bidding to be on call.

Work that needs covered is called from the top of the list down. Dispatch has to have a driver present to witness the phone call, so there is no skipping guys as retribution or whatever for passing up on work the previous day.

They will go through the list twice, which at that point they start at the bottom and force guys in. Generally how you start your week will set it up, for example, Monday you take a run that starts at 7pm, more often than not you'll be in a 2 to 4 hour window of that time the rest of the week.

Our dispatch is pretty good with if you work, get up later you can call and they'll tell you "looks like nothing coming up the next 4 or 5 hours, give a call back then if you want" so you aren't totally in the dark on it. We also generally have enough work on weekends that if you get caught in the scenerio of the OP, you just pass and make up the hours Saturday if you want your 5th punch.

On call isn't a bad deal here. Maybe for the bottom 10 or so guys, slower weeks they might be in the hub 2 or 3 days.


Inordinately Right
You don’t see the danger in getting off at 1830 going to bed at around 2200 getting up at 0800 then having to be back at work at 2230? They only call us 2 hours before the start time. Being up for a solid 14 hours not knowing when we will be called in then being forced to come to run a long run is extremely dangerous. We can only sleep so many hours of the day and not know when we will be called until two hours before hand we never know when to rest.
Uh ya it's dangerous.
Since you know it's dangerous, why did you do it?

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
You don’t see the danger in getting off at 1830 going to bed at around 2200 getting up at 0800 then having to be back at work at 2230? They only call us 2 hours before the start time. Being up for a solid 14 hours not knowing when we will be called in then being forced to come to run a long run is extremely dangerous. We can only sleep so many hours of the day and not know when we will be called until two hours before hand we never know when to rest.
I’m a cover driver in local 657. Just wondering why don’t you work package? Let’s say I don’t get called By Monday morning. I’m working package. If dispatch calls me Monday night for a job, I tell them I already worked today.

Unless they specifically tell me to stay home that day, I’m going in to work.

Also, don’t put yourself behind the wheel if you’re not mentally prepared, or if you’re tired. Stay home, use an option day or take the write up.


Well-Known Member
Take yourself out of service for the night… there’s nothing they can do to you. Tell them you’ll call them when you get rested up.