Going All The Way To The Supreme Court. Yea, Right.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Antifa Leader Warns Trump: 'We're Armed - Concede By Sunday or We Retaliate'​

Adam Rahuba, who claims to lead a violent mob of Antifa leftists in Pittsburgh, PA, warned President Trump and his supporters that armed thugs will target "conservative areas" if their demands are not met.
"If you do not concede by Sunday at noon, we will begin to block roads in conservative areas.

"Your supporters will not be able to go to work or go to the grocery store to feed their families.

"We are armed and will retaliate to attempts of vehicular homicide."

Rahuba’s Twitter account is littered with threats of violence and targeted hatred, yet he was allowed to continue to tweet.
Who is Jambo Bwana and what random and probably foreign "newsforyou.xyz" website is this from?

Everyone has been waiting for a fall guy to start the shooting war
Not really. Only those who are most butthurt over democracy not working out for the God Emperor this year.


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for other states but when it comes to The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania where relatives of mine still live IT IS FINISHED LAW. Any ballot postmarked on or before election day could arrive up to 3 days after the the election would still count. And there was only a few hundred of those ballots . IT'S OVER! PENNSYLVANIA IS A DONE DEAL TEX.... YOUR EMPORER GOD LOST! ..MOVE ON !.
Nope, rules changes were made at the last minute by others than the state legislature. Changes that favored Biden. You're essentially saying that the goalposts can be moved at any time by anyone if it's to your liking. If the Supreme Court agrees with you it's over. If not then this thing has a ways to go.


Strength through joy
Anyone recall an early lawsuit that was tossed out by the SCOTUS ?
They said that certain things had to properly be done before a case could be heard by the SCOTUS.
Well, the Texas Lawsuit is the outcome that the SCOTUS requested,

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
* "We're not men, we're Devo!"
This is my face shield for COVID protection!



Well-Known Member
Anyone recall an early lawsuit that was tossed out by the SCOTUS ?
They said that certain things had to properly be done before a case could be heard by the SCOTUS.
Well, the Texas Lawsuit is the outcome that the SCOTUS requested,
Just saw SCOTUS has denied the Texas lawsuit. Oh well, it was a lovely country.


nowhere special
Just saw SCOTUS has denied the Texas lawsuit. Oh well, it was a lovely country.
Not a big surprise. SCOTUS avoids cases like this with a passion. If they agreed to hear it they would be forced to make a judgement based on the merits of the case instead of avoiding it and taking the cowards way out.


Well-Known Member
you see gop voters say lets verify the votes, lets have recounts, lets identify who voted etc, but of course they have been verifying the votes, recounting and already identified voters. That's what always happens in elections this one is no different. gop voters are delusional, authoritarian, and anti-democratic. their calls for "verifying" the votes is to give their anti-democratic desire the thin veneer of legality by just verifying that millions or hundreds of thousand of legal votes for Biden, are illegal. This is all happening out in the open. gop voters want to over turn an election in which trump got over 7 million fewer votes than Biden. they want to over turn an election in which 54% of voters didn't vote for trump to be president. gop voters don't see certain Americans as fully American and don't believe their votes should count. This belief is ugly but it is right there for all to see in their actions.

keep trying to convince yourself