Going All The Way To The Supreme Court. Yea, Right.


Well-Known Member
It's crazy. I mean I didn't vote for him in 2016, but I accepted the results and dealt with it like a reasonable thinking adult. I didn't make up conspiracy theories that had no basis and were thrown out of courts all over.

there are thousands of citizens that have provided sworn statements that support the allegations. None of those citizen voters have been allowed to be heard in any court.

its not crazy there is a legal process for this to be challenged. whats crazy is the courts refuse to hear the evidence and determine its validity.


Full Service
the unconstitutional rule changes have not been heard in any court.
In fact none of the thousands of sworn statements has been heard in any court.
People swear a lot of things. Example, you swear Trump won. Swearing doesn't change reality. If something were found to be unconstitutional, then that would have prevailed in the court of law. The highest court in the land, controlled by your own party, agrees. Why can't you? Trump isn't going anywhere, just out of the White House. Carry on man, he's just a man.


Full Service
there are thousands of citizens that have provided sworn statements that support the allegations. None of those citizen voters have been allowed to be heard in any court.

its not crazy there is a legal process for this to be challenged. whats crazy is the courts refuse to hear the evidence and determine its validity.
The courts have standards. Clearly the lack of actual evidence beyond he said, she said, I heard, I saw, without any factual evidence backing those claims doesn't meet the standard. 50 separate state controlled elections across the country, all coordinated to cheat? Cmon man.


Well-Known Member
there are thousands of citizens that have provided sworn statements that support the allegations. None of those citizen voters have been allowed to be heard in any court.

its not crazy there is a legal process for this to be challenged. whats crazy is the courts refuse to hear the evidence and determine its validity.
Like the drunk lady Carone? Or the convicted child molestor that Rudy had with him at the Four Seasons landscaping?


Well-Known Member
People swear a lot of things. Example, you swear Trump won. Swearing doesn't change reality. If something were found to be unconstitutional, then that would have prevailed in the court of law. The highest court in the land, controlled by your own party, agrees. Why can't you? Trump isn't going anywhere, just out of the White House. Carry on man, he's just a man.
you cant dismiss thousands of sworn statements some by democrats without hearing the evidence. Voters have a right to be heard in a court of law.


Full Service
you cant dismiss thousands of sworn statements some by democrats without hearing the evidence. Voters have a right to be heard in a court of law.
you cant determine a lack of evidence without hearing the evidence. the courts refuse to review the evidence to determine its validity.
The evidence didn't meet the standard apparently. Anybody can claim something and sign their name to it. But time after time, in court after court, no hard evidence was ever presented. A big nothing burger. I'm sorry you're taking this so hard. Presidents change every 4 to 8 years. This is nothing new. Life goes on.


Well-Known Member
The courts have standards. Clearly the lack of actual evidence beyond he said, she said, I heard, I saw, without any factual evidence backing those claims doesn't meet the standard. 50 separate state controlled elections across the country, all coordinated to cheat? Cmon man.
They didn't need 50 states, just the largest metro areas in the swing states. As I heard the other day when the Dems impeached Trump they said a whistleblower's word was sacrosanct. That in spite the fact their whistleblower didn't actually witness anything. He was a hearsay witness. Republicans have sworn affidavits from hundreds, maybe thousands of whistleblowers who actually saw election rigging and the corrupt court system won't let them be heard. Total joke.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Biden is going to be another milquetoast empty suit, and totally ineffective.

At least another 4 years of Trump would force the nation to continue to stare its problems in the face, despite corporate media’s refusal to do so.

if Trump is still healthy and sane enough to run in 2024, he will have an excellent chance.

Focus on that. This one is over.


Bad Moon Risen'
Biden is going to be another milquetoast empty suit, and totally ineffective.

At least another 4 years of Trump would force the nation to continue to stare its problems in the face, despite corporate media’s refusal to do so.

if Trump is still healthy and sane enough to run in 2024, he will have an excellent chance.

Focus on that. This one is over.
Lock him up! Will the Oval Office be moved to a prison cell?