GPS and the diad


swollen member
Observing you is nothing more than looking at your previous stop counts. We don't have a "live stream" option.

it makes more sense that when being observed the gps at the center takes over and cannot be at the address where I'm at with my board... make sense?


Well-Known Member
More often lately I'll be at a stop, the diad does it's thing where it thinks I'm at the wrong location. Obviously I am not as I'm a trained professional. Where's an I.T. guy when you need one?

It has nothing to do with the IT guy. GPS is based on getting information from 3 or 4 satellites. The more satellites that the DIAD is able to use to pin point a position the more accurate the location is going to be. Sometimes the DIAD doesn't pick up 4 satellites or even 3 so the GPS location can't be accurately determined that is why the DIAD beeps and blinks red....