Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Inordinately Right
Hopefully when all this settles down the creatures who are the main antagonists of this chaos will find themselves in the sorts of cages they belong in.
"Creatures"? They belong in cages? Are you for real man?
I'm gonna choose to believe you are simply ignorant of the racial undertones of the statements you are making. But let me just say, animals don't act like this. This kind of madness is reserved for one species, and you are a member of it. Deal with it.
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Strength through joy

Part of a preliminary private autopsy report by Dr. Baden and Professor Parcells showing wounds on Mr. Brown’s body. Credit Dr. Michael M. Baden

FERGUSON, Mo. — Michael Brown who was killed by a police officer was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.

Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.


Inordinately Right

Part of a preliminary private autopsy report by Dr. Baden and Professor Parcells showing wounds on Mr. Brown’s body. Credit Dr. Michael M. Baden

FERGUSON, Mo. — Michael Brown who was killed by a police officer was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.

Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.
Time to go to trial.


nowhere special
Time to go to trial.

How so? All of the shots entered the front which refutes accounts of Brown running away? Not any kind of definitive proof but does support Wilson's account. If shots had been in the back then it would look much worse for the cop. Still being investigated and this is just one more piece of the puzzle but not going to be a simple solution.


Inordinately Right
How so? All of the shots entered the front which refutes accounts of Brown running away? Not any kind of definitive proof but does support Wilson's account. If shots had been in the back then it would look much worse for the cop. Still being investigated and this is just one more piece of the puzzle but not going to be a simple solution.


golden ticket member
How do you get a bullet in the very top of the head (apex)while shooting from the front unless his head was bowed down? Someone needs to explain that one to me. Someone who knows forensics and that doesn't mean tos.


nowhere special
How do you get a bullet in the very top of the head (apex)while shooting from the front unless his head was bowed down? Someone needs to explain that one to me. Someone who knows forensics and that doesn't mean tos.

That matches the eyewitness who said Brown was bullrushing the cop because he would probably have his head lowered as he charged. Or it could be a last shot fired as Brown was starting to fall forward on his front side. Some may claim too many shots were fired but the first 4 in the arm didn't stop Brown so the cop still felt threatened. In a high stress situation like that it is very common for the shooter to empty his magazine after he starts shooting and not even be aware of how many rounds he fired. Whether Wilson should have shot at all is still unclear but the autopsy definitely discredited the witnesses who claimed Brown was shot in the back as he was running away. It also shows Brown did not have his arms raised in surrender since they were hit in the front.
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Well-Known Member
That matches the eyewitness who said Brown was bullrushing the cop because he would probably have his head lowered as he charged. Or it could be a last shot fired as Brown was starting to fall forward on his front side. Some may claim too many shots were fired but the first 4 in the arm didn't stop Brown so the cop still felt threatened. In a high stress situation like that it is very common for the shooter to empty his magazine after he starts shooting and not even be aware of how many rounds he fired. Whether Wilson should have shot at all is still unclear but the autopsy definitely discredited the witnesses who claimed Brown was shot in the back as he was running away. It also shows Brown did not have his arms raised in surrender since they were hit in the front.
What do we need experts for when we got you?


Well-Known Member
That matches the eyewitness who said Brown was bullrushing the cop because he would probably have his head lowered as he charged. Or it could be a last shot fired as Brown was starting to fall forward on his front side. Some may claim too many shots were fired but the first 4 in the arm didn't stop Brown so the cop still felt threatened. In a high stress situation like that it is very common for the shooter to empty his magazine after he starts shooting and not even be aware of how many rounds he fired. Whether Wilson should have shot at all is still unclear but the autopsy definitely discredited the witnesses who claimed Brown was shot in the back as he was running away. It also shows Brown did not have his arms raised in surrender since they were hit in the front.
Okay Mr forensic expert can you tell us again what side of the arms would be shot if they were raised facing the police officer?


Well-Known Member
the front. Not the backs of the arms which is what happened. The forensics indicates the arms were not raised like in surrender.
Look at the autopsy pictures then raise your hands and tell me what side are your arms facing. His arms could have definitely been shot in that manner being raised facing the officer.
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Well-Known Member
"Creatures"? They belong in cages? Are you for real man?
I'm gonna choose to believe you are simply ignorant of the racial undertones of the statements you are making. But let me just say, animals don't act like this. This kind of madness is reserved for one species, and you are a member of it. Deal with it.

I am for real. Civilized people don't act like this earning them the "creature" designation. And yes they belong in cages. Also if you haven't been reading my posts long enough you will begin to understand I don't give a crap about racial undertones. Get used to it.


golden ticket member
the only eyewitness statement I heard that was absolutely true was...."that mother is gone.."

The rest is what someone the police shot him while he lay on the ground......probably not.



nowhere special
So far none of the evidence has disproved Wilson's account but have discredited some of the opposing accounts. It is still possible Wilson committed a crime but the evidence has to prove he did, not come up with possibilities of the way things may have happened. Other plausible explanations are in the realm of the defense and not a prosecutor. There still may be other evidence not released yet that does condemn the cop but so far that hasn't happened. It is still quite likely political pressure will force a trial regardless of the evidence and if so and he gets acquitted there will be (more) riots because they didn't get the verdict they wanted.