Article 3

That's @Gumby 's brother.

Calm down. It was a joke.


Inordinately Right
You in feaders? Its a good point regardles.
Ya, and I've got over 25 to go,
It's gonna be an issue.
I like the forward thinking of it. While it is probably not an issue for this specific contract. It is a lot harder to get stuff added after the fact.
That's my thinking too.
Short term, platooning technology is already in Tesla's semi. I'd like a pension someday and job elimination won't help.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy with the proposals. I have to admit I laughed my A* off when I saw the center manager language. Happy to see the sure post language removed. It won't happen but it can be used as a bargaining chip. :)

I'm also very happy that the union got this out to everyone with the ups rising app. People that rarely ever talk about contract stuff were today in my center. People seem excited and not left out for once in my building.

Now let's see how well our union can negotiate now that we see what's on the table.


My Senior Picture
What difference does any of it mean, if we don't collectively choose to enforce it?

Will you look to your Steward, your Business Agent, or Hoffa to "make it all come true"???.....or will you rise up?

I wonder, will we stand idlely by again, as the Company perverts perfectly good language in deference to supposed "good faith".

This is all well and good, only if we look past our own noses, and pay it forward like those before us.
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Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Didn't see it on there but one thing I'd like to have was getting paid for being "on call".
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Well-Known Member
Notable changes:

1.) The original 1 year wait time for Part Time Holiday Pay, Personal days and options day has been crossed out (No updated information has been added but it is noted the the original 1 year period has been crossed out.)

2.) Went from creating 2350 full time positions from existing part time positions for the period of the old contract to 10,000 over the life of the new contract in the new proposal.

Plenty other changes, read yourself.



You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Notable changes:

1.) The original 1 year wait time for Part Time Holiday Pay, Personal days and options day has been crossed out (No updated information has been added but it is noted the the original 1 year period has been crossed out.)

2.) Went from creating 2350 full time positions from existing part time positions for the period of the old contract to 10,000 over the life of the new contract in the new proposal.

Plenty other changes, read yourself.

It's funny what each person sees as notable changes.


Gravy route
Proposal highlights for package...
-9 P.M. curfew year round.
-Opt in for excessive OT...Under 9.5 is the default. $1 an hour more to opt for overtime, 4-40 hour penalty pay.
-Surepost gone.
-No drones
-Safety committee...no access to HR records
Over 70s handled by other drivers.
-Better winter tires

I guess pensions were not important enough to mention in the first proposal? But free socks were? Or we are just skipping most of the monetary stuff till after language on other issues is worked out?


Well-Known Member
Only reason I work here is for the money and OT. I want anything that limits hours to be strictly opt in. 9PM curfew is BS, imho. You guys who don't want OT are welcome to opt in for a 9pm curfew. Don't get in the way of us who want money.