I'm not sure why one decides to be a supervisor if they're not happy


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
It's getting ridiculous. Then, while we're on the belt trying to sort our trucks and load our late airs, management decides now would be the time to pass out hazmat training quizzes.
ever since they made the loaders scan every stupid box it has gone downhill..oh well, keep sheeting air up as late.


Binge Poster
Because I think a lot of people go into it thinking they will be making more money, less work, and also moving up in the company. Until it’s 6 years later and they’re still a pt supervisor. That just my observation from my hub. I’m sure it’s like this at other ones to.
I became a PT supervisor because I was considering a management career with UPS and I felt my back couldn’t hold up to the package handler job for much longer.

I stayed PT Sup for 2 years and 2 months before going FT.

Based upon my experience in management (back in those days PT Sups actually did act as management a little ) I decided that a management career at UPS is not something that I wanted anything more to do with,

but I had a little problem, I needed to continue to pursue it so that I could get a FT Hourly Position back again as a management candidate.

Once I made book again, I was good.

When asked to sit for FT management interview I told them to take my name off the list of management candidates and I never looked back.


Well-Known Member
I imagine some go into PT supervision thinking they can change things but most of them do it because they can't hack doing real work.
I think this is the reason why a lot of RPCD’e become supervisors. They don’t want to be out running a route day after day, after day. A couple times a year they’ll go on road to train a new driver and every so often they’re forced to run a route when there are too many call ins. Other than that they sit around the office and look at numbers. Less labor and little stress (unless their manager is a hard ass).