Local 177 Election


Well-Known Member
Local 177 is a joke, people r being giving warning ;letter's to employee's who call out on Sunday and still have paid sick and personnel time left, and the Union has done nothing this has gone on for over 4 month's now! The pension is in the danger zone, the lump sum distribution option has been taken away cus the pension is so low. Also goto UNIONFACTS.COM and check that 177 has the highest paid officers then any other local around the surrounding tri state area! I myself will run for Shop Steward this coming year, then after that starting 2 years in advance of the next election I will be putting a serious slate together. My philosophy will be to change the thinking there, ala Chris Christie. A little peak my whole slate team will accept making $70,000 for the year which is $10,000 to $15,000 less then what they r making now. Only after 1 year, we will consider a 3-$5,000 raise, but here's the kicker only if it is passed by the membership.
That is just one thing that will change If my slate win's down the road. That's 1 of 10 things that r gonna change, we will make such a radical change that after our term which we will serve only 1, only the members would bring us back if they wanted us. But by then end of the first term, Local 177 truly would be in the hands of the members, not an elite group officials!

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
Wow! dude such hate! The teamsters in whole did allot for everybody thought he ages. If you are going to run years down the road go for it. Really bring this up now? Why not have the b#lls to do it now? I don't get it you join today to put down a slate that has saved so many peoples JOBs. Whether you like the billboard or plane it happened and it was DA BOMB! I myself took people on the turnpike to giggle and laugh at the billboard it was great! UPS was pissed! So your saying that publicly putting UPS out on the carpet for unsafe work conditions is a bad thing? The plane was about Mistreatment. So your gonna take less money the first year then go up and up and up each year? Why not be like a steward. We work for penny's on a dollar. We don't even get our dues back. We do it for the love of helping people. Business Agents take a lot more grief then any shop steward. I myself seen one of the business agents get a call late Friday night about unsafe work area and harassment of an employee. He was at dinner with his wife and family, he left them at the restaurant and came charging in with guns blazing. All the FT, PT, center manager and DM run like cockroaches in a kitchen with lights going on. They won a multi million dollar law suit for the clerks. One of the most important things is they save jobs for fellow brothers and sisters BEFORE going to arbitration. If it has to go to arbitration they bring the best lawyers and a slew of witnesses. How easy people forget what they do for you. They are on the front lines 24/7 as we go about our day. Do some things not work out and they can't save someone's job, it would not be for lack of trying. BOY you are not even a shop steward yet and your shooting your mouth off about fine and decent people! Is it all about money? Let's make it about the rank and files lives! That is what is important to me that I know the best of the best is behind my back. Before you even talk to me about running for a slate, get elected as a shop steward then you can come and talk to the big boys (and girls) about what it's like. As for the pension read the papers we are in a recession, our pension is better off then 80 percent of the rest of the country! I am sure anyone on the executive board would love to talk to you about this. Don't be shy just walk up any one of them and ask them questions. You would get the facts right. They go balls to the walls for the rank and file it's time they got the props for it! Every one stop whining about things you really don't know. Be a Man or a Woman and walk up and ask and get the facts they don't bite!

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
. I have always found that Union Officers seem to blame the company for every bad thing that happens and try to take credit for every good thing that happens, neither is true. Personally speaking,

Is this not funny LOL cos I seen it as UPS blaming the Union for everything bd that happens and taking credit for everything good that happens.

What exactly has the current regime done to improve working conditions for the working man in UPS? I want to know specifically what they have done to make working conditions and employee treatment at UPS better.

Try and be non union at UPS look at all the layoffs of people in offices of UPS and the downsizing. You never know one day from the next if you will have a job in 90 days. While people in other country's get the jobs at a cheaper rate. All they have to do to non union people is give them a PCM and the count down is 90 days. If you leave before that time you don't get anything not even your vacations. You have to sign paperwork stating you will never work at a UPS again. Your Safety committee is really to be run by Union people and management is to sit in and listen and then help the union people carry out what we think will help make the company safe. Everyone thinks it's so easy to patrol all the buildings at once. As soon as a union officer steps in a building the radio's are blasting we have company. The people who should be putting in grievances are the rank and file. The EB can't read minds. They can't be everywhere at once. I see teamsters working side by side with sups and not saying one word. Then they see the BA and complain about sups working and taking money out of their pockets. When asked do they want to put a grievance in they say "No man, I don't want to get involved. I want to stay under the radar man." Explain to me how can you get things to stop when you only have a handful of men and woman standing up for there rights? So stop hiding behind the radar and become a blip on the screen. Read the history of the Union look at what the men and woman did back in the day for you to have your day's off. They paved the road for you now it's just an easy ride for you. Good night!
. I have always found that Union Officers seem to blame the company for every bad thing that happens and try to take credit for every good thing that happens, neither is true. Personally speaking,

Is this not funny LOL cos I seen it as UPS blaming the Union for everything bd that happens and taking credit for everything good that happens.

What exactly has the current regime done to improve working conditions for the working man in UPS? I want to know specifically what they have done to make working conditions and employee treatment at UPS better.

Try and be non union at UPS look at all the layoffs of people in offices of UPS and the downsizing. You never know one day from the next if you will have a job in 90 days. While people in other country's get the jobs at a cheaper rate. All they have to do to non union people is give them a PCM and the count down is 90 days. If you leave before that time you don't get anything not even your vacations. You have to sign paperwork stating you will never work at a UPS again. Your Safety committee is really to be run by Union people and management is to sit in and listen and then help the union people carry out what we think will help make the company safe. Everyone thinks it's so easy to patrol all the buildings at once. As soon as a union officer steps in a building the radio's are blasting we have company. The people who should be putting in grievances are the rank and file. The EB can't read minds. They can't be everywhere at once. I see teamsters working side by side with sups and not saying one word. Then they see the BA and complain about sups working and taking money out of their pockets. When asked do they want to put a grievance in they say "No man, I don't want to get involved. I want to stay under the radar man." Explain to me how can you get things to stop when you only have a handful of men and woman standing up for there rights? So stop hiding behind the radar and become a blip on the screen. Read the history of the Union look at what the men and woman did back in the day for you to have your day's off. They paved the road for you now it's just an easy ride for you. Good night!
I'm am definitely for Unions but Unions need to be honest with themselves as to where they are failing the membership and seek to improve in these areas. Not just brag about their successes. The Executive Board and you T princess need to be honest with themselves as to where they have come up short and seek to improve in these areas. You have failed to give me specific examples as to how they have improved the working conditions in their territory under their regime.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
I'm am definitely for Unions but Unions need to be honest with themselves as to where they are failing the membership and seek to improve in these areas. Not just brag about their successes. The Executive Board and you T princess need to be honest with themselves as to where they have come up short and seek to improve in these areas. You have failed to give me specific examples as to how they have improved the working conditions in their territory under their regime.

If it not for the union I would not of made it to retirement at age 55. I know nothing is perfect in this world but I remember when Mario Perucci came to our bldg. management put their tails between their legs, I would of been fired long ago for some small infraction or trumped up charge. Without the union or any other union for that matter alot of us would be discarded as trash as we are only #'s to them. Be happy where you are today and think back how the unions started and all the hardships endured to get to where we are today, as screwed up as many think unions are I for one was glad to have one on my side no matter how highly or lowly others thought. Sometimes we have to give and take in negotiations and we don't always get what we want in life.
If it not for the union I would not of made it to retirement at age 55. I know nothing is perfect in this world but I remember when Mario Perucci came to our bldg. management put their tails between their legs, I would of been fired long ago for some small infraction or trumped up charge. Without the union or any other union for that matter alot of us would be discarded as trash as we are only #'s to them. Be happy where you are today and think back how the unions started and all the hardships endured to get to where we are today, as screwed up as many think unions are I for one was glad to have one on my side no matter how highly or lowly others thought. Sometimes we have to give and take in negotiations and we don't always get what we want in life.
This issue is not pro union or anti-union, the issue is what specifically has the current 177 Executive Board done to improve the treatment of the workers and the working conditions inside their local during their regime? If specific examples cannot be stated that I can't see why they should be voted back in.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
This issue is not pro union or anti-union, the issue is what specifically has the current 177 Executive Board done to improve the treatment of the workers and the working conditions inside their local during their regime? If specific examples cannot be stated that I can't see why they should be voted back in.

With all the years I had, No matter which board you have just as in politics there will always be problems. No matter how much a politician proclaims he/she will try to change things the more they stay the same. No politician in my life had I seen them deliver on their promises. Newly elected people can only try to wrong rights with difficulty. You can not please eveyone . What might make me happy will disappoint you and that is just the way it is. That's why there are different party lines and those who oppose them. Think of all the protests you have seen on the news, that is opposition to current leaders and it goes for union officials everywhere in my opinion. With the state of affairs in this country with all the Wall strret grumbling and bank bailouts we are all in the same boat with different views on each issue. Again the union is just another political machine that will not please everyone they represent:peaceful:
With all the years I had, No matter which board you have just as in politics there will always be problems. No matter how much a politician proclaims he/she will try to change things the more they stay the same. No politician in my life had I seen them deliver on their promises. Newly elected people can only try to wrong rights with difficulty. You can not please eveyone . What might make me happy will disappoint you and that is just the way it is. That's why there are different party lines and those who oppose them. Think of all the protests you have seen on the news, that is opposition to current leaders and it goes for union officials everywhere in my opinion. With the state of affairs in this country with all the Wall strret grumbling and bank bailouts we are all in the same boat with different views on each issue. Again the union is just another political machine that will not please everyone they represent:peaceful:
This is all agreeable to me which is why the supporters of the current 177 Executive Board or the current members of the board should have no difficulty and no problem giving specific examples of what they have done to improve the treatment of the workers and the working conditions inside the local during their lengthy regime. Please don't tell me their re-election is hanging on a billboard or from the back of an airplane. I have not see treatment and working conditions improve during their regime, I have only seen them get worse.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
This is all agreeable to me which is why the supporters of the current 177 Executive Board or the current members of the board should have no difficulty and no problem giving specific examples of what they have done to improve the treatment of the workers and the working conditions inside the local during their lengthy regime. Please don't tell me their re-election is hanging on a billboard or from the back of an airplane. I have not see treatment and working conditions improve during their regime, I have only seen them get worse.

How long you been in 177 to compare

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
If it not for the union I would not of made it to retirement at age 55. I know nothing is perfect in this world but I remember when Mario Perucci came to our bldg. management put their tails between their legs, I would of been fired long ago for some small infraction or trumped up charge. Without the union or any other union for that matter alot of us would be discarded as trash as we are only #'s to them. Be happy where you are today and think back how the unions started and all the hardships endured to get to where we are today, as screwed up as many think unions are I for one was glad to have one on my side no matter how highly or lowly others thought. Sometimes we have to give and take in negotiations and we don't always get what we want in life.

The quote that say's I am the OP was not me it was 177ers words. I do not know how my name got into the quoted part


Well-Known Member
Wow! dude such hate! The teamsters in whole did allot for everybody thought he ages. If you are going to run years down the road go for it. Really bring this up now? Why not have the b#lls to do it now? I don't get it you join today to put down a slate that has saved so many peoples JOBs. Whether you like the billboard or plane it happened and it was DA BOMB! I myself took people on the turnpike to giggle and laugh at the billboard it was great! UPS was pissed! So your saying that publicly putting UPS out on the carpet for unsafe work conditions is a bad thing? The plane was about Mistreatment. So your gonna take less money the first year then go up and up and up each year? Why not be like a steward. We work for penny's on a dollar. We don't even get our dues back. We do it for the love of helping people. Business Agents take a lot more grief then any shop steward. I myself seen one of the business agents get a call late Friday night about unsafe work area and harassment of an employee. He was at dinner with his wife and family, he left them at the restaurant and came charging in with guns blazing. All the FT, PT, center manager and DM run like cockroaches in a kitchen with lights going on. They won a multi million dollar law suit for the clerks. One of the most important things is they save jobs for fellow brothers and sisters BEFORE going to arbitration. If it has to go to arbitration they bring the best lawyers and a slew of witnesses. How easy people forget what they do for you. They are on the front lines 24/7 as we go about our day. Do some things not work out and they can't save someone's job, it would not be for lack of trying. BOY you are not even a shop steward yet and your shooting your mouth off about fine and decent people! Is it all about money? Let's make it about the rank and files lives! That is what is important to me that I know the best of the best is behind my back. Before you even talk to me about running for a slate, get elected as a shop steward then you can come and talk to the big boys (and girls) about what it's like. As for the pension read the papers we are in a recession, our pension is better off then 80 percent of the rest of the country! I am sure anyone on the executive board would love to talk to you about this. Don't be shy just walk up any one of them and ask them questions. You would get the facts right. They go balls to the walls for the rank and file it's time they got the props for it! Every one stop whining about things you really don't know. Be a Man or a Woman and walk up and ask and get the facts they don't bite!
Why not now cus organization is key not throwing a slate in a hectic way...As for the pension yes there was a recession, but at the same time employment in 177 went up Parsippany feeders went from 190 to 300!!!! That's more money going INTO the pension! The Billboard and Plane where a waste of Union Dues!! Management took it out on us! T Princess worry about your local. Did u even read my post, who was I going to run for Steward then Office, who was it for?????????DO U KNOW WHO CHRIS CHRISTY IS? Do u AGREE WITH GETTING A WARNING LETTER FOR CALLING OUT ON SUNDAY WITH PAID TIME LEFT????????Back to the Pension....do they actively manage the pension weekly? in a recession???Talk to any stock broker and they say they take an educated GUESS!! SO why not question the people who manage our pension weekly when we are in a recesion!And I gave you one thing I would do When and IF my slate get's in, why would I give away all I would do now so somebody could steal my Ideas, Dues is part of my plan, $1,0000 a year for dues is a joke! The local takes in $6million a year and that was in 2006, I'm sure it is more now. How many locals are there across the country?? Hundreds so the National office takes in hundreds of millions, and If it wasn't for UPS employees the Teamsters wouldn't even be half of the Union they r today! What happened to the Strike Fund???????What about the 2 1 1 hiring process is that good????? How bout shut that down nobody from the street can come in unless they start part time then work their way up.If the transfer list gets exhausted then they could hire off the street. Princess I have questioned the Executive board and they don't like me. So Take our mother's advice " If u don't have anything nice to say then don't say it"Before you Attack me Read my post again and you will find out that I am doing it for the members, and putting control back in their hand's.

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
177er I did post and say many things that the EB did to help us out. You seem to have blinders on and only want to talk of the plane and billboards. I think they were great it showed the world how we are being treated. I am happy that they even try to improve the conditions in the centers and hubs. Everyone thinks it's so easy! You get empty promises from UPS about safety. They do it as the BA are in the building. As soon as they leave all heck breaks loose again. I will remind you again a Union is only as strong as it's Rank and File. If they choose not to put a grievance in or choose to put on in then take it back! How can the Hall help them out? A lot of people like to cry that they are getting no help... But yet they are not standing up for themselves. They tell the steward such and such is working or treating me bad. The steward then asks do you want to put a grievance in. The hourly will just say "No I just want you to take care of them and have them stop!" "No don't mention my name to the sup i just want it to stop" How do you walk up to a supervisor and tell them to stop harassing an employee. When they say who you have to say well he/she don't want to be know. It becomes a non issue. Like the law's of the USA you have a right to meet your accuse.


Well-Known Member
177er I did post and say many things that the EB did to help us out. You seem to have blinders on and only want to talk of the plane and billboards. I think they were great it showed the world how we are being treated. I am happy that they even try to improve the conditions in the centers and hubs. Everyone thinks it's so easy! You get empty promises from UPS about safety. They do it as the BA are in the building. As soon as they leave all heck breaks loose again. I will remind you again a Union is only as strong as it's Rank and File. If they choose not to put a grievance in or choose to put on in then take it back! How can the Hall help them out? A lot of people like to cry that they are getting no help... But yet they are not standing up for themselves. They tell the steward such and such is working or treating me bad. The steward then asks do you want to put a grievance in. The hourly will just say "No I just want you to take care of them and have them stop!" "No don't mention my name to the sup i just want it to stop" How do you walk up to a supervisor and tell them to stop harassing an employee. When they say who you have to say well he/she don't want to be know. It becomes a non issue. Like the law's of the USA you have a right to meet your accuse.
Grievances have been filed for calling out on Sunday, also rebuttal letter's have been submitted, this has gone on for 4 month's now, this is bullying and intimidation by management at it's worst.As for safety I have always said it was a joke, take for instance calling out during a blizzard then getting a warning letter for calling out again, if they where so concerned about safety they wouldn't harass employee's who live more than 50 miles from then building for calling out during a snow storm! I also have complained about wearing polyester uniforms in 100 friend heat! One employee had to be taken to hospital this summer for heat exhaustion!And by the way alot of people are complaining in the local about no representation and $75 union dues. And yes you pointed out what they have done, but during this election that is what they did, I told them don't tell what you have done tell me what you are gonna do!

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
Safety is not a joke. Seems that everyone thinks it is. So then with that kind of tude yeah it's a joke! I don't know how many times I have seen people load trailers without a load stand when you ask them to use one tell them it's for there safety they refuse. You ask them to tie there shoes they refuse. You ask them not to walk on moving belts yeah they refuse. UPS has a dress code. It sucks but they do. When you are hired at UPS they tell you the rules of Tattoo's and I am sure before you made the Union you wore the uniform. Seems as you just want to blame the Union for everything. Including fashion statements. Since you followed the correct procedure with grievances and a rebuttal letter, you know have grounds for an arbitration. It seems everyone thinks the second we put in a grievance we should be paid the next week next month. No if UPS and the Union do not agree it goes to Arbitration. This takes time. Really how many buildings are there? How many grievances? I know everyone thinks they have the only grievance. It's like a hospital your in the waiting room for a long time, what takes so long. If someone comes in after you with a heart attack they won't say you need to keep your place in line. The move up to the head of the class. You seem to just keep bringing up this call out Sunday thing. Blizzard so cos you chose to move 50 miles away from your work you think you should have special treatment from UPS? Most accidents happen within a few miles from home. So just cos someone lives near there work they should be able to put there life on the line so someone who chose to live 50 miles away can sit in there warm house safe! Give me a break. How does UPS not closing down or saying you have to be in work in snow a union problem? Hint we do not own UPS! There is not a new slate old slate coming up slate in this world that will own the company. Alot of people like to complain about no representation. Till they need it then OMG where are they I want my steward! Maybe people need to start remembering when they did need the union and there Steward and BA's. If you are going to cry wolf or the sky is falling then be a man / woman and stick to your grievance.


Active Member
There are a lot of cry babies in here! Stop putting down the current slate! They are a strong team, they fight hard and get results.
If you don't know that about the current slate then you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
Stop being ungrateful and open your eyes to the world around you. Vote Executive Board Slate! When you cry babies have some real facts then come talk, until then Stop your whining!
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Well-Known Member
There are a lot of cry babies in here! Stop putting down the current slate! They are a strong team, they fight hard and get results.
If you don't know that about the current slate then you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
Stop being ungrateful and open your eyes to the world around you. Vote Executive Board Slate! When you cry babies have some real facts then come talk, until then shut! Stop your whining!
Nice I bring up Issues and look what happens, you get beat down by the elite's my shop steward said " Shut up you Idiot, don't you know how stupid you are, you are to stupid to know how good they are VOTE EXECUTIVE BOARD SLATE! when you stupid people have some real fact's then come talk, until then shut up! You stupid Idiot! Hey everybody that's my Shop Steward would you want him representing you, I DON'T! Hey Shop Steward 177 anybody who has legitimate gripes should not be shouted down or intimidated into being quite, Shame on you! Now everybody on BC knows how bad 177 really is thanx ST 177. And Princess maybe i should clarify myself since you couldn't tell from my complaint's who I said Safety is a joke, The company I refer to that statement.
Time4change slate has done nothing but try to bash the Executive Board Slate!
I use the key word "TRY" because anything and everything they have said has been a bunch of lies!
Time4change should be ashamed of themselves, for running on empty promises and saying things about the Executive Board that are not true. It is a disgrace, how the Time4change slate has been ungrateful and forgetful on what the Executive Board has done for LOCAL 177!!! Anyone who votes for Time4change is not paying attention and has no clue as to how Union Business is conducted.

If you are one that sees the truth and has knowledge of how Union Business is done, then you clearly know the absolute correct choice is The Executive Board Slate! They have won thousands of dollars for my very members on my shift, in my building, on grievances that I have handled as the steward! The Executive Board have also won Millions of dollars for the Full-timers! I know some of the members that will be receiving thousands! There are Union Locals across the country of The United States of America and Canada that know Local 177 is a POWERFUL FORCE! It's Time2wake up! I can't wait for this election to be over, because I am tired of the Time4change people with their lies. Time4change, you know what happens to you when there is dishonesty in the workplace! That's right you get discharged! You probably don't even know that because you probably don't read your contract!
What are the lies that they have told? I have not seen any bashing by the Time4change slate. Please let me know, I want to make an informed vote.
How long you been in 177 to compare
Very long.

177er I did post and say many things that the EB did to help us out. You seem to have blinders on and only want to talk of the plane and billboards. I think they were great it showed the world how we are being treated. I am happy that they even try to improve the conditions in the centers and hubs. Everyone thinks it's so easy! You get empty promises from UPS about safety. They do it as the BA are in the building. As soon as they leave all heck breaks loose again. I will remind you again a Union is only as strong as it's Rank and File. If they choose not to put a grievance in or choose to put on in then take it back! How can the Hall help them out? A lot of people like to cry that they are getting no help... But yet they are not standing up for themselves. They tell the steward such and such is working or treating me bad. The steward then asks do you want to put a grievance in. The hourly will just say "No I just want you to take care of them and have them stop!" "No don't mention my name to the sup i just want it to stop" How do you walk up to a supervisor and tell them to stop harassing an employee. When they say who you have to say well he/she don't want to be know. It becomes a non issue. Like the law's of the USA you have a right to meet your accuse.
Union officials are not there to help us out. They are there to serve the membership. If they know chronic situations exist it is not the responsiblity of the rank and file to handle it, it is the responsiblility of the Local Union Officials to confront, challenge and correct the situation.

Safety is not a joke. Seems that everyone thinks it is. So then with that kind of tude yeah it's a joke! I don't know how many times I have seen people load trailers without a load stand when you ask them to use one tell them it's for there safety they refuse. You ask them to tie there shoes they refuse. You ask them not to walk on moving belts yeah they refuse. UPS has a dress code. It sucks but they do. When you are hired at UPS they tell you the rules of Tattoo's and I am sure before you made the Union you wore the uniform. Seems as you just want to blame the Union for everything. Including fashion statements. Since you followed the correct procedure with grievances and a rebuttal letter, you know have grounds for an arbitration. It seems everyone thinks the second we put in a grievance we should be paid the next week next month. No if UPS and the Union do not agree it goes to Arbitration. This takes time. Really how many buildings are there? How many grievances? I know everyone thinks they have the only grievance. It's like a hospital your in the waiting room for a long time, what takes so long. If someone comes in after you with a heart attack they won't say you need to keep your place in line. The move up to the head of the class. You seem to just keep bringing up this call out Sunday thing. Blizzard so cos you chose to move 50 miles away from your work you think you should have special treatment from UPS? Most accidents happen within a few miles from home. So just cos someone lives near there work they should be able to put there life on the line so someone who chose to live 50 miles away can sit in there warm house safe! Give me a break. How does UPS not closing down or saying you have to be in work in snow a union problem? Hint we do not own UPS! There is not a new slate old slate coming up slate in this world that will own the company. Alot of people like to complain about no representation. Till they need it then OMG where are they I want my steward! Maybe people need to start remembering when they did need the union and there Steward and BA's. If you are going to cry wolf or the sky is falling then be a man / woman and stick to your grievance.
There are many management suck ups on the Saftey Committees in Local 177, the current board has been unsuccessful in addressing this and other contract violations pertaining to Safety Committee contract language.

There are a lot of cry babies in here! Stop putting down the current slate! They are a strong team, they fight hard and get results.
If you don't know that about the current slate then you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
Stop being ungrateful and open your eyes to the world around you. Vote Executive Board Slate! When you cry babies have some real facts then come talk, until then shut it! Stop your whining!
I don't see this as being a very strong team. They have a reputation for not getting back to people and neglecting the silent majority.