Local 177 Election


You are correct about that cost, OSHA can only justify its existence by fining companies, i can only speak for my experiences, in all my years i had 2 unannounced OSHA visits in my buildings, they were random checks not visits because of a complaint made. Both visits were clean, no citations, no infractions, no fines, and no hearings, paper work in place, OSHA 200's and 300's complete and up to date, safety committee active, safety board up to date, pulled steward off the road to be interviewed by the OSHA inspector, was told by one inspector no need for me to come back. Not trying to blow my own horn but this is something i am proud of, and yes i get a little annoyed when people make blanket statements that ups doesn't care about safety.
OSHA makes unannounced visits?????

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
If that is teh email that was snet out, mayeb it would be in the best interest of gr8mark to read the bylaws. This is where it explains how to fill those vacated seats. But he would rather slam a good local and use the members money to hold an election that he has no chance of winning.

Its funny just a few months ago he started the Edison New Jersey thread promoting the locals fly over.


OHH RED I love you ...Just don't tell my husband LOL :wink2:. It's like the song Hokey Pokey.. Mark comes in Mark goes out Mark comes in and stirs the brown cafe about. He does the hokey pokey and turnes himself about ...That's what Marks all about>>> OH I feel like dancing. Ps Nails are fixed..


Active Member
If that is teh email that was snet out, mayeb it would be in the best interest of gr8mark to read the bylaws. This is where it explains how to fill those vacated seats. But he would rather slam a good local and use the members money to hold an election that he has no chance of winning.

Its funny just a few months ago he started the Edison New Jersey thread promoting the locals fly over.


Hey Red, I think Gr8fulmark is confused. He should change his name to Ungr8fulmark! Local 177 has done so much for it's members, Mark is either blind or ungrateful, perhaps both! Red, You see clearly that Local 177 is a strong union. All the way from Chicago, you can see that! My question to Mark is how come he can't see that, being a member? I see first hand The Executive Board working hard with great dedication and passion.


Browncafe Steward
I come from a local that has an election every 3 years. Now I will agree sometimes change can be good. We (upsers) where once the red headed step child of the Teamsters here. We have always been about 2/3rds of this local, but UPSers would not care or even vote. We had some good UPS reps and than they where all fired by the sec/treas at the time Gerry Zero. He put feight, DHL and other crafts in to our buildings and screwed us all over.

That came back to bite him, we got a slates together with a UPSer in the top spot, with some freight and railyard members. I remember guys from TDU saying that Zero could not be beat. This only motivated us, we had no representation! I watched guys that were close to teh slate get canned and upheld at panel.

Well after some fist fights and alot of campaigning, we for teh first time voted out an incumbent slate from 705. We didnt win by a few votes it was a 1,000 with 4 slates running. We have a YRC driver that has ran a slate teh last 9 elections knowing he doesnt have a shot. Thats 27 years straight he has ran and this last election he fot a little over 200 votes and he will waste our money next election and run again. This last election the current slate received more votes than the other 3 combined, and our local spent $100,000 to hold this election. Not including all the money the slates raised to run for office, that money could be better off spent on voting Hoffa out! IMO

I have heard good things about 177's leadership and have not heard one reason why this Mark wants to run an election. I have not heard what he and others plan on doing that would make the local stronger, better and more involved. Maybe this mark is related to my 27 year guy that runs for ****s and giggles!


Active Member
Princess as i Stated I am not running
does not mean i am not involved helping people run an election
I didn't send out that email
I am just one voice of many
There will be a platform on key issues
Hopefully we can organize a debate
The issues will be put out in websites and mailings not on this forum
we can discuss them if you want when they are released

Yes they made something up about me and have approached numerous others about taking there jobs away from them and taking it personal so and so on

The issues of what can be done to help with on going issues
not dragging the current board down
if you already decided on who you are voting for thats fine
some others are keeping an open mind till September

I think there may be 2 other tickets running so there should be a lot of questions coming from all of us
enjoy your weekend

I am in agreement with you and people running should come out at least in there own buildings



Browncafe Steward
Can I ask again, what are you running on? What is your platform? Lower dues, lower salaries, a summer barbeque for all members? etc, etc, etc.


Active Member
Hey Red
How are you doing?

I am not Bashing anyone

This original posting was only to get people who wanted to get involved to find out about us

I made a mistake by saying someone's first name on this site
and I regret doing that

I am not running for an office at this time
I did run 9 years ago for a business agent spot

We have not had an election in our local for 9 years

I am trying to change that and I want people to get involved in our local and make it stronger

When ever we have had elections for local,international or for Contracts we have less then 1/3 of the local return there votes

When September comes around The platforms and issues will be out. They will not be posted on this forum

There will be Websites and Mailings to the Members
Hopefully a Debate also

I am proud to vote in every election and when the election process is over in October
I will back who ever wins for the next 3 years
Weather that is the Current E Board a new one or a mixed slate

I did post the Plane video
I wanted the word to get out about that
I supported my local for trying to Help us out on the Safety Issues
I also feel the money spent on an hour flight could have been used for better things
but that is only My Opionon

Have a great evening


Browncafe Steward
Hey Red
How are you doing?

I am not Bashing anyone

This original posting was only to get people who wanted to get involved to find out about us

I made a mistake by saying someone's first name on this site
and I regret doing that

I am not running for an office at this time
I did run 9 years ago for a business agent spot

We have not had an election in our local for 9 years

I am trying to change that and I want people to get involved in our local and make it stronger

When ever we have had elections for local,international or for Contracts we have less then 1/3 of the local return there votes

When September comes around The platforms and issues will be out. They will not be posted on this forum

There will be Websites and Mailings to the Members
Hopefully a Debate also

I am proud to vote in every election and when the election process is over in October
I will back who ever wins for the next 3 years
Weather that is the Current E Board a new one or a mixed slate

I did post the Plane video
I wanted the word to get out about that
I supported my local for trying to Help us out on the Safety Issues
I also feel the money spent on an hour flight could have been used for better things
but that is only My Opionon

Have a great evening

As a UPS Teamster I understand your frustration about voting turnout. However how can you motivate people or make them aware and to get involved when you refuse to highlight what you or the people that you are supporting could do better.

You are upset that the money for the plane was misspent, yet you want to hold an election which will cost alot more money whne you or your alleged slate has no agenda at this time.

If the election is this year, its already too late. It takes time and money to unseat an incumbent, and it seems you have neither of them. IMO


Active Member
this was only to get people involved
Some people want to spend a lot of money on campaigning

Its a bit early for anything like that right now

Just want to get the right people involved

I have a feeling there might be 3 slates running that would be very interesting if that occurs

anyway with out drama the world would be dull

I have a lot of PM's on this forum and a lot of personnel email from people that are really interested in union activities for a change
I think thats great
Would love to get a debate of some key issues in September
I think no matter who wins Good ideas could turn into actually Actions for either side

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
You go Red! I asked the same questions about what the platform is. I agree its quite late in Sept to tell people what your platform is. Also why come onto a site and yet not have anything to say except we need change. I don't see the people who are running saying anything. You can't blame the E board for no one voting. You want to get the word out by posting the plane video... but what is the word back then you were yes they are da man! Now all the sudden it was money spent in the wrong way. My goodness you can't make everyone happy. Yes you were very wrong for trying to call someone out like that and saying names. Also trying to call me out for days.. GRRRRR oh that got me angry.. As you can see. What I write on this board is just as good and right as what you write on it. Even though I do not use my real name.
I would give you rep Red but this darn thing says I have to spread my rep around before I can give you more. Pooh.
this was only to get people involved
Some people want to spend a lot of money on campaigning

Its a bit early for anything like that right now

Just want to get the right people involved

I have a feeling there might be 3 slates running that would be very interesting if that occurs

anyway with out drama the world would be dull

I have a lot of PM's on this forum and a lot of personnel email from people that are really interested in union activities for a change
I think thats great
Would love to get a debate of some key issues in September
I think no matter who wins Good ideas could turn into actually Actions for either side
It doesn't seem early anymore. Sheets are being distributed about 2 people who are seeking nomination.

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
Princess as i Stated I am not running
does not mean i am not involved helping people run an election
I didn't send out that email
I am just one voice of many
There will be a platform on key issues
Hopefully we can organize a debate
The issues will be put out in websites and mailings not on this forum
we can discuss them if you want when they are released

Yes they made something up about me and have approached numerous others about taking there jobs away from them and taking it personal so and so on

The issues of what can be done to help with on going issues
not dragging the current board down
if you already decided on who you are voting for thats fine
some others are keeping an open mind till September

I think there may be 2 other tickets running so there should be a lot of questions coming from all of us
enjoy your weekend

I am in agreement with you and people running should come out at least in there own buildings


So now that the meeting is over and YOU ARE RUNNING! It seems your starting your Platform with LIES. Oh yeah you stood up at the last meeting crying "I'M NOT RUNNING" You professed that you were not running here. All along you knew we knew everyone knew you were running. Remember when you were a shop steward and the reason you quit being one was that well I say it like a lady. "All these A holes (the drivers) were bothering you and asking stupid questions." What do you think is going to happen now. Bahhhhahahahahaa let the games begin. UNGRATEFUL Mark. The union just won a MULTI million dollar lawsuit for the clerks. Each one getting a HELLA lotta money. Makes one wish we were clerks at the time. So sad too bad. So now we are suppose to trust you vote for you. When you were too busy either hiding from the world so no one would ask questions? OR you just plain out fibbed to all the Rank and File when you were called out and the last GM. You gave us all a good laugh today thank you I needed it. Have a hamburger enjoy the BBQ.


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

It's been awhile since I have come back to Brown Cafe! I am here to say,

Local 177

There really is no comparison. Everyone on the Executive Board has years of shop steward experience. They have been members of contract Negotiation Committees, Delegates to IBT Conventions, experienced Arbitration Preparation and Presentation, attended Teamster Leadership Academy. The Executive Board has attended many National Panel Conferences. Members of the Board have Co-Chaired many of our Local 177/UPS Supplemental Contract Negotiations, attended Labor Seminars, Labor Law and Law Arbitration Conference. The list goes on and on. Don't mess with the BEST, because the Best don't mess! For the sake of all our members future. Vote the Executive Board Slate, once again! Thank you for your support! Send out those ballots, now! Check off the only box, The Executive Borad Slate box!

Time4change slate has no experience nogotiating for anything. Most of them never been shop stewards nor attended meetings! I think a couple that are stewards, don't file many grievances and allow supervisors to do bargaining unit work! No shop stewards nominated any of the Time4change slate!
There is no evidence showing an interest in representing, you-the member, by this slate called Time4change. They should change their name to Time2change our diaper. They seem to be a bunch of cry babies, who only think of themselves!


Thank You For Your Support,



T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
Hey SS177 Welcome back. You took the words right out my mouth. I already sent the ballot out. Let me add a few more things..... IMG_0004.jpgIMG_00031.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'll say this much, there must be some problems in Tinton Falls, if all those people want to get involved in the union.
The "Time for Change" slate has not said anything negative about the "Executive Board" slate.
The "Executive Board" slate seems to be campaigning far more than the "Time for Change" slate, having member of their slate outside the gate greeting people, handing out cards, t-shirts, etc. I haven't really seen any campaigning by the "Time for Change" slate.

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
The time for a change has also been outside buildings handing out cards, greeting people, t-shirts etc. They are doing the same as the Executive Board. They also have been doing NOTHING BUT bashing the Executive Board. If you look though this entire site not one EB member has said one thing. The 177 post have been started by the Time for the changer's. Who are full of empty promises. I am sorry they are going to change the starting rate? They are going to stop Sups from working? Really! no one has ever tried to do that! Why didn't any of the Locals think of trying to stop the supervisor's from doing work. This must be a first!

T Princess Local 866

Well-Known Member
I'll say this much, there must be some problems in Tinton Falls, if all those people want to get involved in the union.

Everyone should be involved in the Union. You say it like it's a bad thing to want to be involved! It's time the rank and file join together and become a mighty force! A union (Local) is only as strong as it's rank and file. Let's be part of the solution instead of the problem.


Active Member
Time4change slate has done nothing but try to bash the Executive Board Slate!
I use the key word "TRY" because anything and everything they have said has been a bunch of lies!
Time4change should be ashamed of themselves, for running on empty promises and saying things about the Executive Board that are not true. It is a disgrace, how the Time4change slate has been ungrateful and forgetful on what the Executive Board has done for LOCAL 177!!! Anyone who votes for Time4change is not paying attention and has no clue as to how Union Business is conducted.

If you are one that sees the truth and has knowledge of how Union Business is done, then you clearly know the absolute correct choice is The Executive Board Slate! They have won thousands of dollars for my very members on my shift, in my building, on grievances that I have handled as the steward! The Executive Board have also won Millions of dollars for the Full-timers! I know some of the members that will be receiving thousands! There are Union Locals across the country of The United States of America and Canada that know Local 177 is a POWERFUL FORCE! It's Time2wake up! I can't wait for this election to be over, because I am tired of the Time4change people with their lies. Time4change, you know what happens to you when there is dishonesty in the workplace! That's right you get discharged! You probably don't even know that because you probably don't read your contract!
Many members are very dissatisfied with the representation that Executive Board has provided them. It may well be time for a change. I have always found that Union Officers seem to blame the company for every bad thing that happens and try to take credit for every good thing that happens, neither is true. Personally speaking, I am not impressed by what I have seen, so I am going to need to think about this. What exactly has the current regime done to improve working conditions for the working man in UPS? I want to know specifically what they have done to make working conditions and employee treatment at UPS better. Please don't refer to the airplane and the billboard because this, by my standards, is a sign of weakness and not strength.