Manual transmission package cars


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if my center is a minority in the fact that roughly half of our package cars are still stick shift. Is this common throughout the country? We run 45-50 routes per day where I am at.
No that's not common, we had 1 manual shift car out if 145 Brown Trucks. Got rid of it 1 year ago. They are easy to drive, just don't forget the parking brake.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if my center is a minority in the fact that roughly half of our package cars are still stick shift. Is this common throughout the country? We run 45-50 routes per day where I am at.
My first building maybe had 3-4 manuals out of like 200 package cars. I can count on one hand how many times I ran a route in a manual in 2 years. Since we moved to the brand new hub I have only ever seen one and that was like a year and a half ago. Now we have all new natural gas cars. The new drivers have told me they don’t even get tested in a manual anymore, so I guess that means we are done with them.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
You win---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------or do you?
Not me .. I’ve got a nice industrial route .. it’s tighter than a gnat’s ass .. haven’t seen stop count over 100 in a long time


Well-Known Member
My high was 285 stops (with a helper ) one peak in a P-800. 20 stops a day? You're drunk.
Did your car look like this.