Minimum Wage


Well-Known Member
move into their parent's basement!
and is fox news a reputable source, or is it ``fox said it, so it must be true!``

you should keep track of how often you are complaining against people who have nothing like min wage workers, immigrants, muslims, etc. im noticing a trend.

What The Hawk?

Seattle is just, stupid. Everything they do is stupid. I live in WA. The best thing you can possibly do is move out of Seattle. People don't realize that with higher minimum wage everything else either needs to go up, or they need to cut the amount of employees down.


Well-Known Member
I was making $15/hour (minimum wage) at Taco Bell in WA. Pretty ridiculous.
maybe raise your expectations.

its 2017 and the economy produces more wealth than ever, yet the american dream is dying, economy is worse for 90% of the population, and this is a long term trend. there should be more leisure time than ever , yet people are still working 40 hours. if the federal minimum wage matched rising productivity it would have been over $20 per hour now. instead all of the gains in productivity have gone to the very top. min wage is lower than it was at its peak in 1968 which is my opinion is when america was maybe at its greatest.

What The Hawk?

maybe raise your expectations.

its 2017 and the economy produces more wealth than ever, yet the american dream is dying, economy is worse for 90% of the population, and this is a long term trend. there should be more leisure time than ever , yet people are still working 40 hours. if the federal minimum wage matched rising productivity it would have been over $20 per hour now. instead all of the gains in productivity have gone to the very top. min wage is lower than it was at its peak in 1968 which is my opinion is when america was maybe at its greatest.
I quit taco bell cause there's no future there. Want to make more money? Find a way.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
maybe raise your expectations.

its 2017 and the economy produces more wealth than ever, yet the american dream is dying, economy is worse for 90% of the population, and this is a long term trend. there should be more leisure time than ever , yet people are still working 40 hours. if the federal minimum wage matched rising productivity it would have been over $20 per hour now. instead all of the gains in productivity have gone to the very top. min wage is lower than it was at its peak in 1968 which is my opinion is when america was maybe at its greatest.
So you want to work less but make more money. Sounds like the American Dream.

What The Hawk?

Why is that ridiculous?
$15 an hour to make tacos, when other people make much much less doing harder work. I make $11 hour in the same city I worked at Taco Bell in. It's ridiculous that people want more money for a "high school kid" job. That's essentially the mentality that started this whole thing in Seattle. "I'm not making enough money, even though I work at a fast food restaurant, that isn't fair". And because it's Seattle, they aid to all the people instead of telling them to get off their asses to make more money.