Its just so much you have to pay attention to and all the littlest details matter so much and your jugdement has to be on point. I drive so defensively that i almost drive scared at times because anything can happen and it will be your fault. I just gots to be more focused man.
If you’re driving scared.....that’s not really a good thing. You need to be confident; just not over confident. There’s a fine line there that we all have to figure out for ourselves. YOU are in control of where you put the vehicle.
I only have 1 accident; a hwp that was deemed avoidable. Was my park position optimal? No. Was it still a bs crappy situation? Yes. I parked as close to the stop as possible without doing anything stupid or egregious, some dude backed into me from like 6 houses down out of nowhere.
I learned my lesson that day. I will never, ever, not one time ever again rush at this job ever again.
If you are scared, stressed, whatever.... pull the friend over, get out. Walk around the truck, breath and go sort some crap. Never think that you have to back somewhere just to get a stop done quicker. Walk that thing across 2 parking lots if you have to. If it’s heavy, get the handcart out and whistle as you stroll to wherever you’re going.
I’m telling you man. Slowwwww down. I haven’t broken a sweat at this job in months and I can still run scratch occasionally driving and moving like a total grandpa. It’s more about organization and rhythm than “speed.”