On Topic: UPS attempting to terminate newer driver after filing grievances


Well-Known Member
Here's a very good useful phrase you need to take to heart at ups:learn to pick and choose your battles wisely.

Also I want you to consider instead of filing 800 grievances on harassment, to learn and use the art of the union protest letter. Every time that ORS says something inappropriate or harassing, write it out in letter form for your BA to send a copy to the labor manager on your behalf.

I'm not saying don't file. File the important grievances. And next time they do this and there will be a next time, you'll walk in with a stack of protest letters that were filed to the labor manager to show a pattern of behavior. That will help your case better than filing grievances on every contract infraction.

Ups only needs two things to build a case against you: time and patience. So follow the methods, play the game well and act as if they are always behind you because with technology, they are.

Drop the fight all end all attitude too. You're very new and if you plan on making this a career, learn more and speak less. I'm not saying don't stand up for yourself. I'm saying learn to do it in a way where you aren't fired every week.

Because they've done it before to many others.

Learn your contract, but learn to be subtle in what you choose to do.

Hope this helps

Excellent point and ideas. Thanks.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You see things from a slanted view. His original post was about as matter-of-fact and neutral as anything on this website. Maybe you don't like a new guy standing up for himself? We need more guys like him.
I agree people should stand up for themselves. Just don't be stupid after you do it.

It's my opinion (along with many others) that it wasn't too bright to do what he did. After warnings and knowing he had a target.


Well-Known Member
I agree people should stand up for themselves. Just don't be stupid after you do it.

It's my opinion (along with many others) that it wasn't too bright to do what he did. After warnings and knowing he had a target.

I was just doing what I was told to do and also saw with my own two eyes what my On-Car Sups were doing while they were with me. Which was the exact same stuff I'm being called out for doing.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
So taking a :censored2: = eating lunch? I don't know anyone that takes their food into the crapper and prefers to eat there. But good to know. And I did listen to my steward. He said do not do it that way, do it this way. So I started doing it this way and then they found issue with that also even after they do it the exact same way themselves. Damn, the reading comprehension in this thread is at an all-time low.



Package Car is cake compared to this...
File a grievance, and a complaint with OSHA.

Absolute BS.

Where do you come up with this stuff ??

"The issue of employees remaining on or off the clock when using the bathroom is not addressed."

Bathroom Business: OSHA’s Restroom Rules

Safety and Health Topics | Restrooms and Sanitation Requirements

The only thing the Company can do....

Is request a medical evaluation, if they feel your "use" of bathroom facilities is "excessive".


End of story.

Some drivers tremble in fear, of a 3 day ride.

I don't know why.

Constantly rehydrating, causes you the need for using the restroom.

No matter.... how far away the nearest one is.

You can't be denied.


Yep. And the OP needs to understand how this company goes about its screwed up practices and adjust to their ways. This is no place for heros or original ideas. They trip over a dollar to grab a nickel. It never ceases to amaze me how much extra money we make by following their directions. Thanks fellas.


Huge Member
I can't believe you and Gumby are serious.

After reading this whole thread, I hope your arrogant ASS doesn't get his job back.

This has nothing to do with your freaking piss break.
It has nothing to do with US Labor laws on restroom periods.

It has everything to do with you being caught extending your lunch break over 30 minutes.
Then you filed grievances, which every union driver in the world will tell you to cross your t's and dot your i's

Then you get caught 3 days in a row, extending your lunch break again !!!!

You think your smart and savvy, but you aren't.
Play the union game right, or go find an IT job.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
After reading this whole thread, I hope your arrogant ASS doesn't get his job back.

This has nothing to do with your freaking piss break.
It has nothing to do with US Labor laws on restroom periods.

It has everything to do with you being caught extending your lunch break over 30 minutes.
Then you filed grievances, which every union driver in the world will tell you to cross your t's and dot your i's

Then you get caught 3 days in a row, extending your lunch break again !!!!

You think your smart and savvy, but you aren't.
Play the union game right, or go find an IT job.
His attitude will be his biggest hurdle at hearings.
After reading this whole thread, I hope your arrogant ASS doesn't get his job back.

This has nothing to do with your freaking piss break.
It has nothing to do with US Labor laws on restroom periods.

It has everything to do with you being caught extending your lunch break over 30 minutes.
Then you filed grievances, which every union driver in the world will tell you to cross your t's and dot your i's

Then you get caught 3 days in a row, extending your lunch break again !!!!

You think your smart and savvy, but you aren't.
Play the union game right, or go find an IT job.
Heff.... if you wasn't so ugly I would kiss you

Well said.
If you file even one grievance, you better be following the methods 100%.
That's UPS Teamster 101 crap. They can't do anything about your production, just your incompetence.
He better be practicing that $h!t eating grin at panel.
And he never answered my question. Fairly new driver with no record at Brown.

That also goes a long way when fighting a battle.