Our Fantastic Healthcare

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
When it comes to FedEx, it is personal, because I'm from the generation of employees who got totally screwed over by Mr. Smith. I attack Dano because he deserves it as a shill for the company. I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion, as I am to mine, and my opinion is that Dano is a paid disinformation agent of FDX. You will find with a little research that he does the same thing elsewhere on behalf of X. I think that's disgusting and wrong. Mr. Smith has created a corporate paradise where he makes all the rules, and has created an effective legal barrier to us organizing against him.

Let me make something clear. This isn't my forum or my site. A lot of people assume that because I was Member #1 here, that I have some special status or standing...I don't. I'm just a regular member like anyone else here. I've been suspended several times by Cheryl and on the mod pre-approval list as well. So, when I say or do something, it's just like you or van or Dano said it. It's just my opinion, and I've never claimed anything else.

I have strong opinions, always have, and always will.
Trust me, I've been screwed by FedEx also. You are not the only one. If it wouldn't immediately pinpoint who I am, I would tell you how, but I've been very vocal about it in my station. Difference is, you're letting it eat you alive. I refuse to let FedEx have that power over me.


Well-Known Member
Trump and Clinton are manufactured political products turned out by their respective political machines and I am not happy with either of them. However there is one important difference between Trump and Clinton. Given the growing tensions in the Middle East and the South China Sea not to mention the expansionist aspirations of Uncle Vlad, Clinton did a tour of duty at The State Department and didn't do bad given that thanks to GOP driven sequestration she had her budget cut 40%.


Engorged Member
Trust me, I've been screwed by FedEx also. You are not the only one. If it wouldn't immediately pinpoint who I am, I would tell you how, but I've been very vocal about it in my station. Difference is, you're letting it eat you alive. I refuse to let FedEx have that power over me.

Understood, and I respect your stance. Believe me, it doesn't eat me alive, but I do feel very strongly about keeping the word out there about the way this place operates, especially to the new people.

It's kind of like my religion. I have faith that my efforts will help some people either escape FedEx or re-evaluate their career choices at an age young enough where it spares them some of the grief that folks like van and I have had to endure over the years.

I have a great family, a primary job that is not FedEx, and a very nice life. Mr. Smith needs to be fought however possible, and even if I'm pissing against a hurricane, at least I'm pissing on The Weasel and his throne of lies.



Well-Known Member
I don't have the time or the desire to sweat every last nickel paid by me and others. There are people who lose sleep because they think complete strangers may have gotten something they didn't. If you have that much time on your hands, God bless ya, but I don't sweat the lives of the entire US population and whatever deals they get, if any, on medical care.

Who has said otherwise?

LOL, just because you or I don't like it doesn't make it corrupt.

My comments on this subject are about everyone as a whole and you just figured yourself solely into it.

To your top part, the systems feeds on people like that, muddy the water, make them go do something else, corruption breeds there. Some simply cannot afford not to care and if you get really sick, most people simply can't afford to ignore. But go abouts your way and burry your head in the sand over a terrible terrible system, that many a folk including employers would agree is dearly costing.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Never said you were accountable to me. You portray yourself as Christian, yet you do the opposite of what Jesus said and taught, and represent a company and a man who are both the antithesis of Christianity.

If I need any clarification on topics of religion, I'll ask my pastor. Your ignorant help is not needed.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
When it comes to FedEx, it is personal, because I'm from the generation of employees who got totally screwed over by Mr. Smith. I attack Dano because he deserves it as a shill for the company. I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion, as I am to mine, and my opinion is that Dano is a paid disinformation agent of FDX. You will find with a little research that he does the same thing elsewhere on behalf of X.


"There's this guy Dano, and Fred S pays him to go all over the internet... ALL OVER IT!!! All over the internet to spread disinformation about FedEx. I have an extensive dossier on his actions but I refuse to show it to anyone because I'm going to use it when 60 Minutes contacts me about the story I want them to do."

I've been suspended several times by Cheryl and on the mod pre-approval list as well.

It's like they're trying to tell you something.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
My comments on this subject are about everyone as a whole and you just figured yourself solely into it.

To your top part, the systems feeds on people like that, muddy the water, make them go do something else, corruption breeds there. Some simply cannot afford not to care and if you get really sick, most people simply can't afford to ignore. But go abouts your way and burry your head in the sand over a terrible terrible system, that many a folk including employers would agree is dearly costing.

Thanks for your concern. I don't care.


Well-Known Member
Seventy-nine years in a free society with the world's most advanced economy vs eighty years in an impoverished communist totalitarian dictatorship. Decisions, decisions...
if freedom is slavery, then i guess america is free. americans have lower expectations (of freedom) than europeans. i would describe america as a corporate dictatorship under the facade of democracy.

I cant comment on cuba, or their health system really, but this is not the first time ive heard the comparison. and its well known your healthcare system is a disaster.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
if freedom is slavery, then i guess america is free. americans have lower expectations (of freedom) than europeans. i would describe america as a corporate dictatorship under the facade of democracy.

I cant comment on cuba, or their health system really, but this is not the first time ive heard the comparison. and its well known your healthcare system is a disaster.

Our healthcare system is fine, though imperfect, but thanks anyway for your concern. Feel free to not use it as much as possible.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Our healthcare system is fine, though imperfect, but thanks anyway for your concern. Feel free to not use it as much as possible.
Don't pay attention to him. He doesn't even work for FedEx. He was fired from UPS and spends all his free time in his Mom's basement in Canada, pointing out EVERYTHING that is wrong with the US.