Popped for DUI

Evans10, we all make mistakes. Fortunately, we work for a company, that's not as judgemental as the Upser's on this site. I've known many individuals in your situation everytyhing will work itself out. The p/t employee will not lose their position.


Evans10, we all make mistakes. Fortunately, we work for a company, that's not as judgemental as the Upser's on this site. I've known many individuals in your situation everytyhing will work itself out. The p/t employee will not lose their position.

I confess!

I bet YOU didn't know I was gonna say THAT, smarty pants.


Having had a run in myself almost 15 years ago (18 y/o with .05 and a very very shady police force with nothing to do but lie behind the case), a fair share of AA meetings plus program orientated probation, I have to admit there are some pretty snippy comments coming from people who have never been there and selectively believe what they want with a fine tooth comb.

The OP never admitted to being guilty and has not been tried yet. I am assuming that he is guilty because he'd say he was innocent and fighting it otherwise.

The best advice is to immediately put yourself into a program and LIVE IT. Because if you just "go", your time will be ticking until the pattern repeats itself.


Man of Great Wisdom
I don't see getting caught driving intoxicated as the same as someone who needs to seek treatment for addiction. It is against the law to drive drunk, yes. It is not against the law to drink. Most people would go through all the classes and counseling that the state and UPS requires, say all the right things and go about drinking as usual. They just wouldn't drive.


Well-Known Member
I don't see getting caught driving intoxicated as the same as someone who needs to seek treatment for addiction. It is against the law to drive drunk, yes. It is not against the law to drink. Most people would go through all the classes and counseling that the state and UPS requires, say all the right things and go about drinking as usual. They just wouldn't drive.

Getting popped for a DUI may be the wake-up call that this person needs.


I don't see getting caught driving intoxicated as the same as someone who needs to seek treatment for addiction. It is against the law to drive drunk, yes. It is not against the law to drink. Most people would go through all the classes and counseling that the state and UPS requires, say all the right things and go about drinking as usual. They just wouldn't drive.

An alcoholic isn't someone who necessarily has a drink every day, it's somes one who drinks and puts themselves and others in bad situations. A drunk driver is someone who needs treatment.


Master Loader
hello all..
over the weekend I was cited for a DUI. and in AZ with any DUI, you are required to have a ignition interlock device on every car you drive.. unless your employer signs a waiver. Well I just heard that UPS no longer is giving out waivers and you can only work in the hub for a yr from the day your license was suspended and the device has to be on for 1 yr.. so I may lose my job.. does anyone have any info that could help???


One of the drivers I load for got a DUI back in Febuary, yet was still able to drive for some time. I believe if your job ables you to drive as a soul income, the state will allow you to drive for some time afterwords. But the state will still require you not to drive for at least six months as punishment. This is what I've heard in this state of Florida. Not sure if its in every state, still there has to be a compromise between you and the state.

I would say, if brought up to both parties (work and state), that you will be able to drive for some time and have to remain out of the driver seat for some time. Some states, I know of, you get a DUI and you can get your car taken from you for good and wont be able to drive for years. So its a toss up as to which laws are in play there.

Good luck!


evans, don't worry about those guys.

Hey Upstate Would you say " Dont worry bout those guys" if this guy drilled your loved ones while he was driving drunk ? Don't worry 'bout it fella .... it'll be ok !
I'll start a new family I guess :-/ What if he just drilled your kids and left you and your wife childless ? How 'bout he clipped you and left your family w/o you .... guess that would be cool , huh ? Yes , everyone makes mistakes and this guy probably got off lucky with ONLY a DUI and hopefully lessons will be learned but this guy should take EVERY bit of sh_t thrown his way .... cuz he deserves it. Maybe I'm overreacting .....I live in FL ...what the heck ....drink up fellas , don't worry 'bout it ... I don't live near you !!!! I didn't even touch on the fact that this guy DRIVES FOR A LIVING and he was under the influence
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Well-Known Member
Hey Upstate Would you say " Dont worry bout those guys" if this guy drilled your loved ones while he was driving drunk ? Don't worry 'bout it fella .... it'll be ok !
I'll start a new family I guess :-/ What if he just drilled your kids and left you and your wife childless ? How 'bout he clipped you and left your family w/o you .... guess that would be cool , huh ? Yes , everyone makes mistakes and this guy probably got off lucky with ONLY a DUI and hopefully lessons will be learned but this guy should take EVERY bit of sh_t thrown his way .... cuz he deserves it. Maybe I'm overreacting .....I live in FL ...what the heck ....drink up fellas , don't worry 'bout it ... I don't live near you !!!! I didn't even touch on the fact that this guy DRIVES FOR A LIVING and he was under the influence

Wow...did somebody piss in your eggnog?

The OP was not trying to rationalize his behavior. He knew he screwed up and did not need the first three people to read this thread to confirm that for him. He came here looking for advice as to what his options at work would be.


Master Loader
Hey Upstate Would you say " Dont worry bout those guys" if this guy drilled your loved ones while he was driving drunk ? Don't worry 'bout it fella .... it'll be ok !
I'll start a new family I guess :-/ What if he just drilled your kids and left you and your wife childless ? How 'bout he clipped you and left your family w/o you .... guess that would be cool , huh ? Yes , everyone makes mistakes and this guy probably got off lucky with ONLY a DUI and hopefully lessons will be learned but this guy should take EVERY bit of sh_t thrown his way .... cuz he deserves it. Maybe I'm overreacting .....I live in FL ...what the heck ....drink up fellas , don't worry 'bout it ... I don't live near you !!!! I didn't even touch on the fact that this guy DRIVES FOR A LIVING and he was under the influence

There are many levels to what really is a DUI...

You got a guy who drank 19 12oz beers who kills 3 people in a crash. Next you have a guy who drinks 3 beers and gets pulled over and fails a breath test. A problem.. or does the media make it look more meater then it is?

Over all, there are many settle levels of what can go into a DUI.


Retired 23 years
DUi's are just like everything else in this unfair world. If you have enough money or know the right people chances are you can beat it or at least get it reduced to careless driviing. A friend of mine who has plenty of $ and knows all the lawyers, judges and cops in town has had 2 and his kid has had 3. All have been either dismissed or lowered to careless driving. Both of them still can be found at one of the local saloons just about any night of the week.


Staff member
There are many levels to what really is a DUI...

I agree. I can't believe so many people are defending this guy...

I have no problem with people going out and having a couple, and then driving home.
BUT if you get a DUI, you gotta wonder how. Was he driving 80 mph in a 30? Was he swerving all over the road? Crossing the center line? If you get a DUI, you got it because you couldn't drive right. You were driving so bad, some cop had to pull you over so you didn't kill somebody.

Too much tragedy and heartache to give someone a pass on this.


The Nim
I agree. I can't believe so many people are defending this guy...

I have no problem with people going out and having a couple, and then driving home.
BUT if you get a DUI, you gotta wonder how. Was he driving 80 mph in a 30? Was he swerving all over the road? Crossing the center line? If you get a DUI, you got it because you couldn't drive right. You were driving so bad, some cop had to pull you over so you didn't kill somebody.

Too much tragedy and heartache to give someone a pass on this.

Or they got unlucky and had something like a taillight out and the cop could smell the alcohol.


golden ticket member
It's too simple for some people.....if you drink, don't get behind the wheel and drive. I find that rule very clear and concise. No excuses. You're not lucky or unlucky, you can however, make bad decisions that can change your life. If you want a night of drinking & partying, make your arrangements for a ride home ahead of time or call a cab.

There are no what ifs.....


There are many levels to what really is a DUI...

You got a guy who drank 19 12oz beers who kills 3 people in a crash. Next you have a guy who drinks 3 beers and gets pulled over and fails a breath test. A problem.. or does the media make it look more meater then it is?

Over all, there are many settle levels of what can go into a DUI.
Level's Schmevel's! The guy with the 19 12 oz. drinks, that's sloppy drunk, can make it home just the same as the one JUST over the legal limit. All of them deserve the SAME treatment.

DUi's are just like everything else in this unfair world. If you have enough money or know the right people chances are you can beat it or at least get it reduced to careless driviing. A friend of mine who has plenty of $ and knows all the lawyers, judges and cops in town has had 2 and his kid has had 3. All have been either dismissed or lowered to careless driving. Both of them still can be found at one of the local saloons just about any night of the week.
I disagree. SOME people that have connections MAY get off, but those are few and far between, especially in the world we live today.

I agree. I can't believe so many people are defending this guy...

I have no problem with people going out and having a couple, and then driving home.
BUT if you get a DUI, you gotta wonder how. Was he driving 80 mph in a 30? Was he swerving all over the road? Crossing the center line? If you get a DUI, you got it because you couldn't drive right. You were driving so bad, some cop had to pull you over so you didn't kill somebody.

Too much tragedy and heartache to give someone a pass on this.
+!, though I wouldn't want YOU to quit YOUR job because you made a mistake, even if it was on purpose.

Or they got unlucky and had something like a taillight out and the cop could smell the alcohol.
Which is good, because that is just how many people with warrants, serial killer's and idiot's are caught.

It's too simple for some people.....if you drink, don't get behind the wheel and drive. I find that rule very clear and concise. No excuses. You're not lucky or unlucky, you can however, make bad decisions that can change your life. If you want a night of drinking & partying, make your arrangements for a ride home ahead of time or call a cab.

There are no what ifs.....
You have the right, SISTAH!!!


Retired 23 years
I agree. I can't believe so many people are defending this guy...

I have no problem with people going out and having a couple, and then driving home.
BUT if you get a DUI, you gotta wonder how. Was he driving 80 mph in a 30? Was he swerving all over the road? Crossing the center line? If you get a DUI, you got it because you couldn't drive right. You were driving so bad, some cop had to pull you over so you didn't kill somebody.

Too much tragedy and heartache to give someone a pass on this.

I had to laugh when I read your post. I don't know how the cops operate in your area but around here all you have to do to be pulled over is to be seen leaving the entertainment district. Their standard excuse why they have pulled you over is "you have a license plate light out". All it is is an excuse to check you out. If you kindly point out that your license plate lights are fine they say, "well it was out when I pulled you over". Basically it is just plain harasssment.


I had to laugh when I read your post. I don't know how the cops operate in your area but around here all you have to do to be pulled over is to be seen leaving the entertainment district. Their standard excuse why they have pulled you over is "you have a license plate light out". All it is is an excuse to check you out. If you kindly point out that your license plate lights are fine they say, "well it was out when I pulled you over". Basically it is just plain harasssment.
Or safety, at least they're not sitting at a donut shop ignoring you altogether. BTW, do you visit the "entertainment district" often?

May I add, sorry, this just popped into my head. Do you realize how much less police we would need if more people stayed home MORE often? Those kids getting killed on street corner's, between 11pm and 5am, would still be alive. As would the drunks, their victims, etc...

Please be safe this CHRISTMAS season!