Should union membership be optional?


Union membership is always optional; if you dont want to be a union member, dont take a union job.

Wal-mart, Taco Bell, McDonalds and Burger King are just a few of the places that allow their employees to reap the benefits of a union-free workplace.

Is it fair to represent non-union labor as the less desirable jobs in that bucket?

Shouldn't you also mention the many non-union jobs that actually pay well?

After all if the majority of the workforce is non-union then someones buying all those big houses and nice cars without a union representing them.


Browncafe Steward
Is it fair to represent non-union labor as the less desirable jobs in that bucket?

Shouldn't you also mention the many non-union jobs that actually pay well?

After all if the majority of the workforce is non-union then someones buying all those big houses and nice cars without a union representing them.
Tie joining a union is not always about the money. People look to join for fair work place rights more then money. It just so happens to be that we make top dollar, but we also have the best medical, a fair pension, we are just cause employees, we have seniority i mean the list goes on.

I understand what you are sayiing, im the only physical work grunt in my neighborhood. People have asked how we afford to live here with the wife staying home and only 1 paycheck coming in. These are the same people that probably put the bare minimum down on the house and are struggling to pay the bills with two or more people working. While we were smart and saved since we meet so when we did have kids she could take time off and stay home until the kids were raised.

Money is not everything!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Is it fair to represent non-union labor as the less desirable jobs in that bucket?

Shouldn't you also mention the many non-union jobs that actually pay well?

After all if the majority of the workforce is non-union then someones buying all those big houses and nice cars without a union representing them.

You are correct, and your statement simply reaffirms my original point; that no one is ever "forced" to join a union. A person who has philosophical or moral objections to the concept of collective bargaining is free to seek employment elsewhere, and there is no shortage of opportunities for them to do so.


You are correct, and your statement simply reaffirms my original point; that no one is ever "forced" to join a union. A person who has philosophical or moral objections to the concept of collective bargaining is free to seek employment elsewhere, and there is no shortage of opportunities for them to do so.
The stated goal of the Teamsters, and Organized Labor in general, is that all workplaces be union. Thus when you say an applicant can always seek non-union employment elsewhere this is only true in practice because Organized Labor has been shrinking steadly for half a century and is down to about 8% of the private sector workforce. If they had their way, there would be no non-union workplaces to apply too.

Secondly, in some local areas, there may only be one, two or three employers, and they may all be unionized, so any applicant in that local area may be forced to join a union even now.

It's also worth mentioning that at UPS job applicants are first hired and work 30 days or more. Only afterwards does the Union enter into the picture and demand the employee join and pay dues, or be fired for refusing to join.


Prblm found,part on order
Does one who isn't a member of the union make less per hour? Do they not get the same benefits? I Just wanted to know, we have 1 trailer mechanic that is working as a temp and he pays union dues even though he can't join the union. I just wonder about the non union employees and if their benefits and pay and retirement are the same as union employees?


The Contract applies equally to union and non-union employees alike, just so long as they are in the same bargaining unit. By law both groups must be treated the same. Same wage scales, health coverage, pension, grievance process, representation, etc.

If a "temp" mechanic makes less money than a regular mechanic, it's because he's a "temp," not because he's non-union.

In some areas UPS mechanics are represented by the Machinists Union (IAM), so union and non-union mechanics would be a part of the Machinists' bargaining unit and covered by the Machinists' Contract rather than the Teamsters'.

Non-union employees of the bargaining unit can not vote on the Contract, attend union meetings, run for union office, or vote in union elections.


our union would be good if some people would take matters in there own hands and put hoffa jr in the same place his father is. for some reason i dont think no one would look for a union trader like hoffa jr

These are the kind of posts that puzzle me. I can see if you feel Hoffa is not your guy. But why go the extra step and wish something bad on the guy?


Union annual financial reports (Form-LM-2) from 2000 to 2008 are here . . .

To see a list of all Teamster Locals, Joint Councils, and the International, just select IBT -Teamsters from the Union Name drop-down list, and hit "Submit."

I just knew you would be the guy that came up with the information. No jabs or anything meant when I say this but you have been a nice addition to the site.


Tie joining a union is not always about the money. People look to join for fair work place rights more then money. It just so happens to be that we make top dollar, but we also have the best medical, a fair pension, we are just cause employees, we have seniority i mean the list goes on.

I understand what you are sayiing, im the only physical work grunt in my neighborhood. People have asked how we afford to live here with the wife staying home and only 1 paycheck coming in. These are the same people that probably put the bare minimum down on the house and are struggling to pay the bills with two or more people working. While we were smart and saved since we meet so when we did have kids she could take time off and stay home until the kids were raised.

Money is not everything!

True but it does seem to lessen other problems when you have it.:happy-very:


Big Time Feeder Driver
True but it does seem to lessen other problems when you have it.:happy-very:

Or like my friend says, "money is the root of all evil....because when people don't have it they get real evil!".

In my opinion, money does indeed buy happiness :happy2:.

But I agree with the basic premise that money isn't everything.


New Member
Why anyone would want to be a member of a union baffles me. Im in a non union shop. Guess what. 401k, Medical, dental, vision, and childcare. Unions are a dying breed. Statistics will tell you this much and anyone suggesting otherwise is either lying or ignorant.


Well-Known Member
We all pay union dues. We pay for a service provided by the teamsters. They are suppose to represent us in our workplace. But what happens when the union fails to make good on those services? I believe that if we are not getting are due services, it should not be mandatory to pay for those services. Would you pay your auto mechanic after finding out he did nothing to fix your car? Would you continue to pay for a magazine subscription if you never recieve any magazines?

Maybe if the teamsters had some motivation to represent us, they would do a better job. Fact is... they are getting paid union dues whether they represent us or dont represent us. And most sates dont have "right to work" laws to give us that choice.

So what do you think? While gaining employment with UPS, should teamsters membership be optional?

If you work UPS THERE IS NO CHIOCE MUST BE UNION. If you have problems with your local than call International and let them know. With some union and some no union is a reciept for disaster. Why would you not be in a union....It's there


Well-Known Member
Why anyone would want to be a member of a union baffles me. Im in a non union shop. Guess what. 401k, Medical, dental, vision, and childcare. Unions are a dying breed. Statistics will tell you this much and anyone suggesting otherwise is either lying or ignorant.

Than I must be lying or ignorant? Are you in management or planning to go management. You should thank union for making the salary you make, because if you think UPS is paying 32.00 an hour out of the kindness of there heart than stop drinking the brown koolaid.....


Well-Known Member
Full timers would be lucky to make 20 an hr if there was no union and would def have to pay for some of health benefits and yea kiss pension good bye. Part timers would def not have health insurance if ups had its choice. Be thankful for your union! Take a look at walmart.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
With barely over 12% of the jobs in this country being union, it baffles me why anybody would whine about being "forced" to join a union. Vote with your feet. There are other options. mean the good jobs that you actually want are all union? Gee, looks like some people want to have their cake and eat it too.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Like I mentioned earlier....someone posted a link to a site where you could view each local's expenditures. It was a couple of years ago. Wish I still had the link. When several of our drivers and I looked at ours we were shocked. They were spending money like it was growing on trees. And seeing the report after hearing the die hard union drivers preach about the locals not having enough money to provide more quality representation just blew our minds. Always saying it was because so many people in right to work states didn't pay dues. Not enough money? Yet, they seemed to have thousands and thousands of dollars laying around to spend on picnics, unneeded "upgrades" to the union hall (I know because I had seen them), and what not. Not enough money? Give me a break!

I'm just asking here, but do you help organize other drivers when you have a 9.5 problem, or when management in your center is harassing your drivers? Do you call for meetings OFF THE CLOCK, to air out your feelings, talk strategy, and think of collective solutions to the problems you all deal with? Do you, along with all of the other drivers in your center/building, go to the union meetings to tell your union officials what you think of the unneeded "upgrades"?

How about this: do you, and most of the other drivers you work with, just say, hey, I'm just going to not worry about the over-dispatch, I'll skip my lunch because I HAVE to be off by such and such time? Do you file grievances about issues where management violates the contract?

You DO understand that our union IS a democracy, don't you? It is a personal, local democracy, which means you need to participate to help it along. It's not like our national democracy, where you just go vote every once in a while, then bitch the rest of the time.

When you and the other drivers looked at the reports you mentioned, I'm assuming you went to the next union meeting and asked all about it, right? I hope so, because a democracy has to be tended like any other living thing. Otherwise, it withers and dies. And I'm sure you don't just bitch and moan about it without taking steps to correct the problem, do you? You don't just post complaints on internet forums without taking man-sized steps to fix your problems, both real and perceived, do you?


B.C. boohoo buster.
If you are enjoying union scale wages and benefits and are not paying dues, in my opinion, your a freeloading scum bag. I have zero sympathy for you, your family, or your career. I'd hope you get screwed by management and find out that because your local has no money you get horse sheet for representation. Horse sheet is what you deserve.


Well-Known Member
I think its fine to criticize the union if you are a dues-paying member. The union is like any other institution; its imperfect and will never make everyone happy. The question to ask yourself is...."would I be making better wages and benefits if UPS were a non-union workplace?" Only an idiot would answer "yes" to that question.
If you are a newer PT hourly, you'd be saying yes..