So... what happens when you get back from vacation?


swollen member
It's the girl who looks like she just stepped out of a Maxim shoot that works at Tractor Supply.

No one seems to be able to get past how hot she is to ask her for her last name and well, one guess where her name tag is.

How can you creep on her facebook/instagram page if you don't get her whole name??? rookie


Malaysia is in Asia. Just put "Malaysia" in a search engine, and the very first words are: "Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia."

This ain't hard. It's in Asia. Therefore people from there are a type of Asian.

People think they can do whatever they want with language, forcing others to accommodate them so their feelers don't get upset. If I play their stupid games with them, then our language and social discourse are dominated the whiny, the dumb, and the sissy.

They don't get to choose whether the Philippines, Malaysia, or anything else in Asia is actually in Asia. It is. Being from Asia makes you Asian. That's life. Get over it. You can also be other things in addition to that. But Asian is demonstrably factual and should upset nobody.


KTM rider
Actually yes I will but I'll file a grievance if I go over 9.5, 3 days in a week. I never say a word if I'm extremely heavy. I just do it and they pay me.

I just smile and quietly go to my package car. I was 2 clicks over 9/5 today. Looked like my PC was loaded with a scoop shovel.