Sound of Freedom movie shows the evil of liberals and LGBTQs


Well-Known Member
Says the fellow who accused the makers and stars of the movie as being in it only for money, are pushing Christianity, are anti gay and trans. Without having seen the movie no less.

I know it troubles you, but there are a lot of minority folks who support Trump. There are people of color running for president as Republicans. Meanwhile the Dems have two old white men and an older white woman running.
If the distributors of the film are not doing it for the money why then isn't the corporation structured as a non profit? And how much of it's profits has Angel Studios committed to the task of combating child sex trafficking?

You see Van, because both Angel Studios and it's venture capital backers are privately owned. they don't have to disclose that information. So when privately owned cons like Angel Studios comes up with one of these little "faith based" schemes ( and they come along regularly) I and with good reason question their true intentions. Are they genuinely trying to organize a global response to the issue of child sex trafficking or have they simply recognized a certain demographic and niche market they can serve profitably?


Well-Known Member
If the distributors of the film are not doing it for the money why then isn't the corporation structured as a non profit? And how much of it's profits has Angel Studios committed to the task of combating child sex trafficking?

You see Van, because both Angel Studios and it's venture capital backers are privately owned. they don't have to disclose that information. So when privately owned cons like Angel Studios comes up with one of these little "faith based" schemes ( and they come along regularly) I and with good reason question their true intentions. Are they genuinely trying to organize a global response to the issue of child sex trafficking or have they simply recognized a certain demographic and niche market they can serve profitably?
Who cares if they’re making money, in order to make another film they have to have money, correct? Did this film get the discussion about a real problem Moving? Seems like it to me. And I say this without having seen it the fact that it upset you is curious to me. Sort of feels like when you flip on the light and the cockroaches scurry🤔.


Well-Known Member
If the distributors of the film are not doing it for the money why then isn't the corporation structured as a non profit? And how much of it's profits has Angel Studios committed to the task of combating child sex trafficking?

You see Van, because both Angel Studios and it's venture capital backers are privately owned. they don't have to disclose that information. So when privately owned cons like Angel Studios comes up with one of these little "faith based" schemes ( and they come along regularly) I and with good reason question their true intentions. Are they genuinely trying to organize a global response to the issue of child sex trafficking or have they simply recognized a certain demographic and niche market they can serve profitably?
Again, for the millionth time, the movie doesn't push Christianity or conservatism. And every movie studio is in it to make money. They can't exist if they don't. What you seem to have a problem with is conservatives, religious or otherwise, have come out in large numbers to see the movie.

You see Timmy, we've watched the decay of our American cities accelerate in recent years. Moral decay. Crime through the roof. So an inspiring story about a guy who was so troubled about the sexual abuse of minors he encountered on his job as a government investigator that he quit his job to try and directly save some kids has great appeal to us. And if he, working with 20th Century FOX, made a movie about it so that he could continue his work and raise his 9 kids(one of which was a kid he rescued and adopted), that's fine by us. And if Angel Studios came along and bought the rights to the movie from Disney because they realized the profit potential of the movie, they're just being smart businessmen. And that's fine by us too.

There are other ways of educating the masses beyond calling everyone who doesn't think like you a racist. I know you think the moral high ground belongs exclusively to the Left. So when are the liberal outlets going to put out movies that educate us about sex trafficking? Or is it now the position of the Left that some individuals, Minor Attracted Persons I believe they're called by the Left, can't help themselves and any movie that exposes sex trafficking to cater to paedophiles must be attacked and destroyed? Never mind the endless stream of children who have their lives destroyed so paedophiles can have that sexual outlet.

Just why are you attacking a movie you haven't even seen so adamantly?


Well-Known Member
Again, for the millionth time, the movie doesn't push Christianity or conservatism. And every movie studio is in it to make money. They can't exist if they don't. What you seem to have a problem with is conservatives, religious or otherwise, have come out in large numbers to see the movie.

You see Timmy, we've watched the decay of our American cities accelerate in recent years. Moral decay. Crime through the roof. So an inspiring story about a guy who was so troubled about the sexual abuse of minors he encountered on his job as a government investigator that he quit his job to try and directly save some kids has great appeal to us. And if he, working with 20th Century FOX, made a movie about it so that he could continue his work and raise his 9 kids(one of which was a kid he rescued and adooted), that's fine by us. And if Angel Studios came along and bought the rights to the movie from Disney because they realized the profit potential of the movie, they're just being smart businessmen. And that's fine by us too.

There are other ways of educating the masses beyond calling everyone who doesn't think like you a racist. I know you think the moral high ground belongs exclusively to the Left. So when are the liberal outlets going to put out movies that educate us about sex trafficking? Or is it now the position of the Left that some individuals, Minor Attracted Persons I believe they're called by the Left, can't help themselves and any movie that exposes sex trafficking to cater to paedophiles must be attacked and destroyed? Never mind the endless stream of children who have their lives destroyed so paedophiles can have that sexual outlet.

Just why are you attacking a movie you haven't even seen so adamantly?
Maybe hits close to home for him? Either way doesn’t matter he won’t listen he’ll just keep posting the same nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Who cares if they’re making money, in order to make another film they have to have money, correct? Did this film get the discussion about a real problem Moving? Seems like it to me. And I say this without having seen it the fact that it upset you is curious to me. Sort of feels like when you flip on the light and the cockroaches scurry🤔.
The discussion regarding child sex trafficking has been in the public domain for decades. The exposure of the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking network serving wealthy old white men did absolutely nothing to generate an actual commitment of sufficient international public resources capable of responding effectively .

So what makes you think that a scripted for profit motion picture is going to be an actual difference maker? Oh sure it will in addition to sizeable profits for the distributor create some quickly dying public discussion.... but almost certainly very little else.


Well-Known Member
The discussion regarding child sex trafficking has been in the public domain for decades. The exposure of the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking network serving wealthy old white men did absolutely nothing to generate an actual commitment of sufficient international public resources capable of responding effectively .

So what makes you think that a scripted for profit motion picture is going to be an actual difference maker? Oh sure it will in addition to sizeable profits for the distributor create some quickly dying public discussion.... but almost certainly very little else.
Difference maker? Really hard to qualify that even if one kid is saved from it that’s a difference isn’t it? How does it hurt anything?
You are distain for this movie on this topic is curious.


Well-Known Member
Difference maker? Really hard to qualify that even if one kid is saved from it that’s a difference isn’t it? How does it hurt anything?
You are distain for this movie on this topic is curious.
IF! That's a mighty big IF. It would require an international commitment of sufficient amounts of money and manpower. And how much of that are you going to see coming from impoverished third world nations where much of the trafficking occurs?


Well-Known Member
IF! That's a mighty big IF. It would require an international commitment of sufficient amounts of money and manpower. And how much of that are you going to see coming from impoverished third world nations where much of the trafficking occurs?
If we can spend $150 billion helping Ukraine we could certainly fund with millions the money necessary to increase our investigations internationally.


Well-Known Member
If we can spend $150 billion helping Ukraine we could certainly fund with millions the money necessary to increase our investigations internationally.
You saw what the Russians did to Ukrainian infants and children. Kidnapped them took them to Russia. So the money spent in Ukraine either directly or indirectly combats the child sex trafficking problem.

Then again Van, how much direct involvement can the US have with regard to law enforcement in foreign nations, especially if there's no treaty agreement or cooperation from that foreign country? Unfortunately international law enforcement and diplomacy is just not that simple.


Well-Known Member
You saw what the Russians did to Ukrainian infants and children. Kidnapped them took them to Russia. So the money spent in Ukraine either directly or indirectly combats the child sex trafficking problem.

Then again Van, how much direct involvement can the US have with regard to law enforcement in foreign nations, especially if there's no treaty agreement or cooperation from that foreign country? Unfortunately international law enforcement and diplomacy is just not that simple.
Are you under the impression there's no cooperation between countries? Of course our various agencies work with law enforcement in other countries. You've never heard of Interpol?

Well aware that the Russians took kids to Russia. That was a hostage situation, not sex trafficking.


I mean she willingly decided to put her personal story out there, and it explains why she is consumed by hatred for Christians.

If she's going to personally attack them, then the reason she's actually doing it is fair game too.
So one year in a Catholic college entitles you to be giving your psychiatric evaluation’s?