Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
Whaaaaaadafuh you talking about?
Alabama, Louisiana Mississippi, Tennessee, and South Carolina have NO state or federal minimum wage law. A minimum wage law? Remember, that's just another form of socialism. and whether it's a $600 or $2000 COVID relief/ stimulus check how can you say that it's not another form of socialism as well?


Well-Known Member
Why does the money other people pay or earn bother you so much? It has no affect on you.
Once again you missed the whole point. Which is something you've been doing a lot of lately. While IWBF keeps trying to impress upon us his $20+ an hour piece work based wage rate, for a matter of perspective it has to be compared to his state's minimum wage of $13.50 which will be raised to $15 in the near future. Now there down where you are in "good ole boy" country especially in one those states that have zero minimum wage laws period which includes Tennessee it would be impressive but not so much in comparison to his own state's minimum.


Well-Known Member
Once again you missed the whole point. Which is something you've been doing a lot of lately. While IWBF keeps trying to impress upon us his $20+ an hour piece work based wage rate, for a matter of perspective it has to be compared to his state's minimum wage of $13.50 which will be raised to $15 in the near future. Now there down where you are in "good ole boy" country especially in one those states that have zero minimum wage laws period which includes Tennessee it would be impressive but not so much in comparison to his own state's minimum.
All of those states are subject to the Federal minimum wage of $7.25. A few states, Georgia being one, have it at $5.15 but employers there must pay the Federal minimum of they are subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Since the Trump boom, and competition for employees greatly increased, most businesses pay more than the minimum wage.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Once again you missed the whole point. Which is something you've been doing a lot of lately. While IWBF keeps trying to impress upon us his $20+ an hour piece work based wage rate, for a matter of perspective it has to be compared to his state's minimum wage of $13.50 which will be raised to $15 in the near future. Now there down where you are in "good ole boy" country especially in one those states that have zero minimum wage laws period which includes Tennessee it would be impressive but not so much in comparison to his own state's minimum.
Why does what others do or don't do bother you? If you aren't paying the salary or you aren't drawing the salary, it doesn't concern you.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
All of those states are subject to the Federal minimum wage of $7.25. A few states, Georgia being one, have it at $5.15 but employers there must pay the Federal minimum of they are subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Since the Trump boom, and competition for employees greatly increased, most businesses pay more than the minimum wage.
Relevance and accuracy of information are not pertinent in bachaworld.


Well-Known Member
All of those states are subject to the Federal minimum wage of $7.25. A few states, Georgia being one, have it at $5.15 but employers there must pay the Federal minimum of they are subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Since the Trump boom, and competition for employees greatly increased, most businesses pay more than the minimum wage.
Got any data to support your claim that "most" pay more ? If so by how much and how do those numbers compare to the generally accepted "living wage" for those areas?


Well-Known Member
Got any data to support your claim that "most" pay more ? If so by how much and how do those numbers compare to the generally accepted "living wage" for those areas?
Was very easy to Google minimum wage by state and get a huge amount of websites. Google is your friend.

Edit: I misread what you asked. As to whether they pay more go on Craigslist and Indeed and see for yourself. Most jobs I've looked at for months starting pay minimum $8-$9hr but more likely $10-14hr. And I looked at jobs in numerous areas. You're misinformed or behind the times about the South.
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Well-Known Member
Why does what others do or don't do bother you? If you aren't paying the salary or you aren't drawing the salary, it doesn't concern you.
If they have to depend on publicly supported social programs to supplement their low wages then it's everybody's concern including you.


Well-Known Member
Was very easy to Google minimum wage by state and get a huge amount of websites. Google is your friend.
A cute way to admit that you have no data to support your claim that most pay more. What good is $7.50 compared to $7.25 in terms of what it can buy?


Well-Known Member
A cute way to admit that you have no data to support your claim that most pay more. What good is $7.50 compared to $7.25 in terms of what it can buy?
Again, you have no clue. I didn't document everything when looking at jobs because it never occurred to me that someone up north would make such ignorant claims. Why does Express start as high as it does? If it started at $12hr most people would take other jobs that are easier and pay similar.


Well-Known Member
All of those states are subject to the Federal minimum wage of $7.25. A few states, Georgia being one, have it at $5.15 but employers there must pay the Federal minimum of they are subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Since the Trump boom, and competition for employees greatly increased, most businesses pay more than the minimum wage.
You do realize that the Trump 'boom' is paid for by raising the deficit and is barely higher than the GDP growth under Obama, and since covid, we have lost GDP????? We may be a little higher than at the beginning of the pandemic, but are still well below where we were under Obama. Only a fool can believe the economy is booming when all the GDP growth is due to borrowing. That is the same thinking we get from fools who think getting a cash advance from a credit card makes them richer. And because corporations are now paying LESS in taxes, the average person owns more of the federal debt than they ever have, and it will be people who work for a living and not people who own businesses who will end up paying for the amount that has been added to the debt during this 'boom.' Borrowing money and literally giving it to the wealthy and to corporations and making workers owe more is only a Trump follower's idea of a boom.


Well-Known Member
Was very easy to Google minimum wage by state and get a huge amount of websites. Google is your friend.

Edit: I misread what you asked. As to whether they pay more go on Craigslist and Indeed and see for yourself. Most jobs I've looked at for months starting pay minimum $8-$9hr but more likely $10-14hr. And I looked at jobs in numerous areas. You're misinformed or behind the times about the South.
So the south is stuck in the 1950s now instead of the 40s. I guess that's progress. For $9 an hour in the south you can rent a double wide in a 'good' trailer park. For $11 an hour, you can get off food stamps.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
So the south is stuck in the 1950s now instead of the 40s. I guess that's progress. For $9 an hour in the south you can rent a double wide in a 'good' trailer park. For $11 an hour, you can get off food stamps.
And either one is preferable to living next door to you.


Well-Known Member
So the south is stuck in the 1950s now instead of the 40s. I guess that's progress. For $9 an hour in the south you can rent a double wide in a 'good' trailer park. For $11 an hour, you can get off food stamps.
Pay across the board is pretty miserable. Didn't say it wasn't. Was just refuting @bacha29 saying that a number of southern states don't have minimum wage laws, even Federal minimum wage laws.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that the Trump 'boom' is paid for by raising the deficit and is barely higher than the GDP growth under Obama, and since covid, we have lost GDP????? We may be a little higher than at the beginning of the pandemic, but are still well below where we were under Obama. Only a fool can believe the economy is booming when all the GDP growth is due to borrowing. That is the same thinking we get from fools who think getting a cash advance from a credit card makes them richer. And because corporations are now paying LESS in taxes, the average person owns more of the federal debt than they ever have, and it will be people who work for a living and not people who own businesses who will end up paying for the amount that has been added to the debt during this 'boom.' Borrowing money and literally giving it to the wealthy and to corporations and making workers owe more is only a Trump follower's idea of a boom.
I don't see any less spending than what Obama did. And Trump's tax cuts increased Federal revenue, not lowered it, due to the increased business activity. We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. And please don't try to put the virus on Trump. If lock downs worked then surely they would have squelched the virus in Democrat run states. Have they?


Well-Known Member
I don't see any less spending than what Obama did. And Trump's tax cuts increased Federal revenue, not lowered it, due to the increased business activity. We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. And please don't try to put the virus on Trump. If lock downs worked then surely they would have squelched the virus in Democrat run states. Have they?
Talk about stupid arguments!!!!!!!! This is a doozy!!!!

Last 2 years under Obama federal revenue grew from $3.02 trillion in 2014 to $3.27 in 2016 without any tax cut.

Under Trump, revenue in 2017 BEFORE the tax cuts took effect, revenue was $3.32 trillion, and was $3.46 in 2019 BEFORE any COVID issues

So how in the hell can ANYONE of sound mind claim that the tax DEFERRAL(not a real tax cut) increased revenue????

Do you just automatically believe EVERYTHING FOX or Trump claims????? This BS you call knowledge is so easy to check.
And you really need to check actual GDP growth to determine business activity, not corporate profit. The Trump Tax Deferral put your tax dollars DIRECTLY into the bottom line of corporations and the wealthy, and they are NOT paying higher wages in any measure that comes close to what they were given. Do you comprehend that when the rich pay a lower percentage of the debt it means that the less rich MUST pay more unless the government spends less??????

And because the government spent more, and corporations and the wealthy are paying a lesser percent, you not only need to pay more of the national debt from the past, and a higher % of the annual deficit every year.

Some idiots think that 2.3% growth under Obama was awful, and then claim that under Trump, the same 2.3% is a 'booming economy' because FOX, and Limbaugh tell them it is and the lemmings follow because they relate to Trump so well.

It is soooooooo easy to check these things before proving PUBLICLY to be ignorant, and a lemming.



Well-Known Member
What facts do you have that they do indeed depend on social programs to live? Show us your proof.
Someone making $7.50 an hour with even 1 dependent qualifies for almost every social program, some with no dependents, including health insurance that is a silver plan, but with ZERO deductibles and ZERO copays with a subsidized premium of $1 per month with the taxpayer paying the difference.. They also qualify for snap, and possibly housing assistance, free phone, free internet. And of course the rest of the taxpayers pick up the tab for those workers whose employer profits off low wage labor. Basically, a low paying employer is profitting directly off taxpayers.


Well-Known Member
Some idiots think that 2.3% growth under Obama was awful, and then claim that under Trump, the same 2.3% is a 'booming economy' because FOX, and Limbaugh tell them it is and the lemmings follow because they relate to Trump so well.

It is soooooooo easy to check these things before proving PUBLICLY to be ignorant, and a lemming.

VanTexan is a nice guy who seems pretty sharp, so I’m not including him in this, but look up the Dunning-Kruger Effect and it’ll really explain the undying allegiance Trump’s followers have to him as well as why they can’t separate fact from fiction from tabloid “news” outlets like OAN and Newsmax. It’s fascinating and horrifying.