Teamsters and UPS reach tentative agreement


Well-Known Member
Tentative agreement between UPS and Teamsters reached.

Highlights of contract:

1)90% of parttimers employeed before August 30th, 2006 are to be given fulltime status and benefits based of a 40 hour work week. All wages will coincide with driver wage scales retroactive to hire date.

2) 40,000 new fulltime jobs to be created over the length of the new contract.

3) Any hours over 8.5 will be optional at the discretion of the package car drivers.

4)Teamsters will hand over control of the Pension funds to APWA, retroactive to january 1, 1981.

5) PCM's will be updated to allow drivers to control content of mistakes made by management on a daily basis.

6) 401k retirement funds will have an 8% company match with anything over 8% will then cally .5% match thereafter, retroactive back to August 30th, 1992

7) Graduated wage scales will be as follows for the length of the contract

August 30th 2007 $1.00 per hour increase + COLA
August 30th 2008 $1.00 per hour increase + COLA
August 30th 2009 $1.50 per hour increase + COLA
August 30th 2010 $2.00 per hour increase + COLA
August 30th 2011 $2.50 per hour increase + COLA

8)Christmas Bonus turkeys will be discontinued, in exchange for $1000 for each year of service, retroactive to hire date.

To see further information regarding contract agreements April Fool's Day Gallery
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Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Good one Pip. If that were to be our real contract, UPS would go out of business in no time. I especially liked #8, about getting $1000 for each year of service instead of a Turkey. I started in 1975, I could pay cash for a new car every year with $32,000.


Senior Member
#2 and #3 would work well together. Excessive overtime being optional depending on the driver, which would mean they would have to open up more full time jobs in package driving. They should take the the wage scale on this seriously though. The Last one would be nice and be out of a job haha


Well-Known Member
Tentative agreement between UPS and Teamsters reached.

Highlights of contract:

8)Christmas Bonus turkeys will be discontinued.

"But that Christmas Cornish hen is always the highlight of our family holiday meal!" (They do diminish in size every year..)

This was always my comment every Christmas and my mgr always told me what a smart a** I was. We walked out of the building together one night to pick up our turkeys and at the trailer where they're handed out, and saw a driver toss his right back, saying they could keep their d***** little Cornish hen. Arr arr...
You must think you're a stand up comic. Anybody that knows UPS business should know that you can't stay in business for 100 years with an attituide like this.


Well-Known Member
I appoligize for coming across as a comic or such. The post was only meant as a light hearted April fools day thing. Nothing more nothing less. Thats why I had the link at the bottom for an April Fools website. I'll be more careful in the future.:)


I thought it was great pip,p dale must not have a sense of humor,gotta lighten up.Very funny.Had me thinking though,#3 & 8 are worth going for,ahhhhhhhhh I give my turkey away every year anyway.


golden ticket member were the first to do an April Fool's thing and you pulled everybody's leg......too bad some people can't see humor in anything. I thought you did a great job and appreciate the laugh.


Well-Known Member
I appoligize for coming across as a comic or such. The post was only meant as a light hearted April fools day thing. Nothing more nothing less. Thats why I had the link at the bottom for an April Fools website. I'll be more careful in the future.:)

This is a funny thread. Don't worry about those who don't like your humor and please don't be more careful in the future! We need more laughs. Everyone gets so stressed out and laughter helps to relieve the stress. :thumbup1:


Good one Pip. If that were to be our real contract, UPS would go out of business in no time. I especially liked #8, about getting $1000 for each year of service instead of a Turkey. I started in 1975, I could pay cash for a new car every year with $32,000.

Why not get that bonus? Mgt doesnt? Come on man!