Thanks TDU


Well-Known Member
It's funny how you wrote "highest standard" and TDU in the same sentence. Would you agree that you might need SOME for of qualification to be an elected leader? I'm still waiting on my 3 questions btw.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I did 3 times.

Saying it doesn't make it true. I am not saying that I don't trust you Stink, but your making some wild accusations abouth the founder of TDU, so you either should post your proof here on BC or you should admit that you were making it up. Unless you just want to admit that you have such a MAD-ON toward TDU that you can't help yourself and just have to post any BS garbage you can about them and hope something sticks.


Well-Known Member
You haven't been reading my post very carefully. I don't have a major problem with the democratic system in place for our union.
But, I hold those in office to the highest standard I can. They fought hard to win their positions and their salaries and their perks. Most (In my humble opinion) become lazy after just a few years in office. They need to be challanged often. They need to be thrown out of office often.
My dad used to tell me that there wasn't any differance between the Democrats and Republicans because after a while in office they become politicians who no longer care about the good of the public, but they only care about being re-elected.
So you see, if TDU was in charge, I would be challenging them too. I just hold my elected officers to the standard I think they should be held to. The highest standard.
Unlike stink, 407 and bug who believe it is their guy or nothing.

I respect holding elected officers to a high standard, I think it is our duty. The problem I have is that I've seen a lot of insults and worse, but not a lot of substantive criticism. Trying my best to be objective, everything I have seen points to Hall at the very least being a decent negotiator in the past, at least enough so to have earned the benefit of the doubt in the current negotiation.

As far as genuine criticism for the current administration, there may be some legitimate gripes that I can see, but I think those issues should be (and were) addressed during the elections, and a majority ruled. It seems to me that outside of legitimate election campaigns, in-fighting, splitting the union into factions, and attacking the leadership only serves to weaken us as a whole. Division is the antithesis of Union. That's how I see it right now. But like I said, my mind is open.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I respect holding elected officers to a high standard, I think it is our duty. The problem I have is that I've seen a lot of insults and worse, but not a lot of substantive criticism. Trying my best to be objective, everything I have seen points to Hall at the very least being a decent negotiator in the past, at least enough so to have earned the benefit of the doubt in the current negotiation.

As far as genuine criticism for the current administration, there may be some legitimate gripes that I can see, but I think those issues should be (and were) addressed during the elections, and a majority ruled. It seems to me that outside of legitimate election campaigns, in-fighting, splitting the union into factions, and attacking the leadership only serves to weaken us as a whole. Division is the antithesis of Union. That's how I see it right now. But like I said, my mind is open.
My main gripes have been about communications. There almost isn't any from the international down to the locals. Like I said earlier, my union b-board has info on there asking for volunteer to go house to house for Obama to be re-elected.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
As Hoffa Sr. often stated, we may fight amoungst ourselves, as long as we remain united. Or something like that.
And as long as the Old Guard wanna bees keep attacking TDU (unfairly in my mind) I will rise up and fight them. If they attack TDU and what they say is true, I will back the Old Guard. But so far, TDU is the better group in my opinion. Less arrogant. Less militant. More willing to share common information. And they drive around in more modest cars. The don't seem to need Lincoln Navagators or Yukons to get from place to place.


Livin the cardboard dream
Gotta say, the team over here that tried to win in the last local election is full of TDU supporters. The first thing they did was go to a smaller hub with a poster and had pictures taken with them but said they were from the union. Everyone assumed it was the hall. They weren't. Out of the 20 people in the photo, 15 called to complain. They also put out some false information in a handout about how our local ST had given himself a 12,000 raise. The "fact" they pulled out of his very easily researched salary were expenditures from traveling to and from the various companies hearings. It was one of the worst smear campaigns I've ever seen. Now, on the other end, I've seen some pretty good news reporting and their site has really good resources on it that are easier to find then on my local teamster site. On my end, IMHO, TDU hasn't been on the up and up.


Well-Known Member
Put them down? PUT THEM DOWN!? Are you :censored2: kidding me!? I'm just providing INFORMATION to the people. TDU can do it but I can't? Why the double standard? Paff is a proven communist. He gives true socialist a bad name. People will stick their middle finger up at the president of this union (as long as its not a TDU nominee) and the president of this country, yet kiss the ass of a man investigated by the FBI for plotting to overthrow the government? Are you :censored2: kidding me right now!!!!? So instead he takes the heat off himself (Paff) and goes smaller scale........enter the Teamsters Union. Do the research people! Eh eh eh, before you start quoting Wikipedia, understand that anyone can write in there with little to no factual evidence.

Its really sad. You come on here with all the rah rah of a real union guy yet you attempt to tear down a other union members. It is also ironic that you attack Paff for his alleged socialist ties (sort of like the clueless reactionaries who believe obama is a socialist, etc) on or about MAY DAY.You even confuse socialist and communist as the same thing. Paff of course believes in elections and democracy. His politics are more social democratic(non communistic) like they have in europe.As for him being "investigated by the FBI", that would be a badge of honor in my book. That group of fascists of course would be told to investigate any person or group trying to enlighten or organize the masses and clean up a disgraced union organization (as it was back then...the corp elite prefer corrupt unions). As for "plotting to overthrow the govt" LOLMaybe to overthrow the corrupt Teamster hierarchy.LOL!! Paff is a good strong unionman. His goals are the betterment of this union . You are just a bit politically confused. For a socalled strong union guy you dont know much about history, especially labor history. It was the socialists and communists and anarchists who organized and ran the unions in the beginning. Eugene V Debbs the great labor leader ran on the socialist slate numerous times for president. We all owe the socialists a great deal. The 8 hr work day, end of child labor, vacations, pensions, minimum wages, etc. Yet you prefer to side with the dimwitted reactionaries who want to undo the work of the unions and labor (left wing organizationss)?? Ive got to ask" WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON??


Well-Known Member
Paff gives true socialism a bad name. HE is NOT a Teamster nor is his group a union. He doesn't register his group as a union. Do you know why? So he doesn't have to report a LM2. Then we would find out about where his socialism is. It's the same stuff over and over and over. This site is overwhelmed with TDU warlocks to "talk up" their movement.
1. What is Paff's vested interest in pursuing the Teamsters?
2. Why does TDU not hold Sandy Pope accountable given the financial disaster of her local?
3. Why does TDU refuse to support the Teamster?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Gotta say, the team over here that tried to win in the last local election is full of TDU supporters. The first thing they did was go to a smaller hub with a poster and had pictures taken with them but said they were from the union. Everyone assumed it was the hall. They weren't. Out of the 20 people in the photo, 15 called to complain. They also put out some false information in a handout about how our local ST had given himself a 12,000 raise. The "fact" they pulled out of his very easily researched salary were expenditures from traveling to and from the various companies hearings. It was one of the worst smear campaigns I've ever seen. Now, on the other end, I've seen some pretty good news reporting and their site has really good resources on it that are easier to find then on my local teamster site. On my end, IMHO, TDU hasn't been on the up and up.
If they were running to election to your local's board, then they were from the union. You have to be a teamster in good standing to run for election.
About calling and complaining, I bet they were all for changing leadership at you local, but when challanged by the union's B.A.'s and shop stewards quickly backed down, playing ignorant. Some people have no backbone.


Well-Known Member
I posted it on this site 3 times!
Still can't come up with the proof even though you claimed to have already posted it. It's alright Stink. People already know that you and your 2 other stooges make :censored2: up.
804 confirmed it.
1. What is Paff's vested interest in pursuing the Teamsters?
2. Why does TDU not hold Sandy Pope accountable given the financial disaster of her local?
3. Why does TDU refuse to support the Teamster?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
804 confirmed it.
1. What is Paff's vested interest in pursuing the Teamsters?
2. Why does TDU not hold Sandy Pope accountable given the financial disaster of her local?
3. Why does TDU refuse to support the Teamster?

How many time do I have to tell you, I am not TDU. I don't have to answer your silly questions. But you made a pretty serious accusation about Paff. Either back it up with proof, or admit you are a liar.


Well-Known Member
Been doing some cyber sleuthing, and the picture that's forming in my mind is that Ken P was an academic, far-left idealist that thought the IBT would be a great tool to push a bigger agenda, and that other TDU higher ups have also fit that description. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.