The morning ballet of the brown sardines


My Senior Picture
I offered it as neither good or bad simply as what it is. In some buildings we park cars and trailer with the idea that we can only do so by scratching them. In others they are accidents. I am a humble servant of such logic who occasionally tries to explain what can not be explained. :happy-very:

Translation: a bull$hip artist

No I don't think its really bull****. I think there are management that hold safety to a very high standard and believe broken mirrors and scratched cars are accidents. I can defend that in that those people have high standards. Ups built a solid foundation based on high standards. I can't defend the fact we are not consistent in what we call accidents and what we don't.

OK Tie, I'll concede to "standup philosopher".
No, on second thought, I'm sticking with bull$hip artist.


Well-Known Member
However UPS loves parking p12's inside across from each other and it's a nightmare. You can tell when a management person has never done the job he's asking you to do.

A few weeks ago, myself and 2 other drivers in p12's had to sit online at least 15 minutes after we were ready to leave the building. That day all of the spare trucks were parked directly across from our p12's. Each p12 had to wait for the p10 on each side to leave first before the p12 had enough room to get out. It was horrible. But whatever, that's what we had to do to be safe.


Retired 23 years
No I don't think its really bull****. I think there are management that hold safety to a very high standard and believe broken mirrors and scratched cars are accidents. I can defend that in that those people have high standards. Ups built a solid foundation based on high standards. I can't defend the fact we are not consistent in what we call accidents and what we don't.

Drivers being charged for rubbing another truck in the morning makes as much sense as you being charged because your pencil lead broke or your chair fell over backwards when you put your feet on the desk:peaceful:


Nine Lives
I think there are management that hold safety to a very high standard and believe broken mirrors and scratched cars are accidents. I can defend that in that those people have high standards. Ups built a solid foundation based on high standards. I can't defend the fact we are not consistent in what we call accidents and what we don't.

It all comes down to there is an individual that is interpreting and applying rules and guidelines.
Some people have more common sense and some people have higher standards.
The two seem to rub one another just like package cars parked too close. :wink2:


I understand what you're saying.

If my boss observes me parking 2 inches from another car while on road, he'll blow a gasket. He should. Yet I'm expected to begin my work day parked 2 inches from another vehicle.

I think sober is asking the company to use a little common sense that's all. I'll bet most centers would ignore a very minor in the building situation IMHO.
We just had a bumper incident this past week, driver was pulling out and caught the bumper of the truck next to him. It was a non-issue with the sup but it didn't even have to happen. If the driver had pulled straight out until he cleared the other truck he wouldn't have touched the other truck.


High standards are good.

The best way to uphold and maintain high for those standards to be rational and based upon logic and common sense.

No I don't think its really bull****. I think there are management that hold safety to a very high standard and believe broken mirrors and scratched cars are accidents. I can defend that in that those people have high standards. Ups built a solid foundation based on high standards. I can't defend the fact we are not consistent in what we call accidents and what we don't.
High standards are good. Unfortunately there are those on both sides of the table (mgt and drivers alike) that are disreputable. Not trying to point my finger at any one person here. And I'm not saying who came first, the egg or the chicken. It's hard for mgt to trust the driver and hard for the driver to trust mgt. And the circle goes on. We do need some standardize language that protects us (the drivers) from incidents like this.

We have little control over how UPS sets up their sorts and parking. We do have control over the truck when we are in the seats and I won't pull a truck out unless I know I can get it out safely. The same goes for parking it. I have left my truck sitting in the middle of the parking lot because I couldn't get backed.


Well-Known Member
I used to love seeing 5 1000's lined up and the middle one Bulked out.
and the driver had to climb through 2 trucks to get in his(with his lunch
and duffle) couldn't even fit between the trucks to get in.

Simple solution guys still: "mr on-car, safety issue, please move my truck"


You have a great idea. However, I feel your sup would accuse you of an integerity violation if you were to use the brown paint to cover up an accident that you caused. Afterall it is your fault the trucks are parked so close together as they are. When they make the problem it is your job to deal with it and follow there stupid solution to remedy the problem.

Has the thought ever ran through your mind that when a finger is being pointed at you that 4 fingers are being pointed back at the one doing the pointing? Hmm. I have and where I work, the pointer has reason why he points to everyone else. So no one sees what he is doing. Better stay away from that brown paint.

friend...... Idiots

Every morning in my building, I get to watch hundreds of dollars being wasted during the Ballet of the Brown Sardines.

My building was constructed in 1986 and was designed to park a total of 124 P-5, P-6 and P-8 package cars. It currently dispatches around 190 routes, most of which are in P-7's, P-10's and P-12's.

The only way to force that many cars into the available space is to pack them like sardines. Many of the cars are touching, and the average distance between them is less than 2 inches. It is often virtually impossible to get them out without them scratching each other, particularly when the vehicle in question lacks power steering and must be backed in and out a fraction of an inch at a time.

Rather than just coming to terms with this reality, UPS instead insists upon following its idiotic policy of charging a driver with an avoidable accident for even the slightest scratch.

Many drivers simply refuse to even try, and wind up making management do it in order to protect themselves. This results in huge and costly traffic jams and delays for everyone else who is parked behind them and must wait to get out. It is pointless, frustrating and time consuming, and it doesnt have to be this way.

The solution to this problem is simple; brown paint and common sense. Unfortunately, UPS would rather pole vault over mouse turds and make a big safety issue over minor, incidental contact between two vehicles that are parked so close as to be practically touching.

UPS has saved millions of dollars over the years by making do with the current facility instead of enlarging it. Perhaps a minute fraction of this profit could be applied towards the purchase of a can of brown touch up paint. Someone with a brain needs to come up with a policy that recognizes and accepts the simple reality that 190 trucks parked a half an inch apart will occasionally scratch one another and it serves no purpose to jump the employees ass over a $5 problem that they didnt cause and cannot control.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You have a great idea. However, I feel your sup would accuse you of an integerity violation if you were to use the brown paint to cover up an accident that you caused. Afterall it is your fault the trucks are parked so close together as they are. When they make the problem it is your job to deal with it and follow there stupid solution to remedy the problem.

Has the thought ever ran through your mind that when a finger is being pointed at you that 4 fingers are being pointed back at the one doing the pointing? Hmm. I have and where I work, the pointer has reason why he points to everyone else. So no one sees what he is doing. Better stay away from that brown paint.

friend...... Idiots

First of is not "my fault" that the trucks are parked so close together. The trucks are all spotted by carwash, in a specific order, in order to allow 190 vehicles to be forced into a facility that was only designed to park 124.

Second of all....I dont use brown paint. I report and document all damage that occurs to my vehicle. The shop decides how best to make the repairs, and 99% of the time that involves a mechanic with a can of brown paint and a Q-tip.

My whole point is...lets not get our panties in a knot over scratches on the trucks when we have made a business decision to park them 1/2 an inch apart.


Well-Known Member
I used to love seeing 5 1000's lined up and the middle one Bulked out.
and the driver had to climb through 2 trucks to get in his(with his lunch
and duffle) couldn't even fit between the trucks to get in.

That happened to me this morning... Except i was the p7 in the line of 1000's. Rear was bulked out.

Took me 20 minutes more to get out of the building than it should. It included finding keys for a truck next to me so I could move it and give my p7 enough room to pull out. What a day.


Drivers being charged for rubbing another truck in the morning makes as much sense as you being charged because your pencil lead broke or your chair fell over backwards when you put your feet on the desk:peaceful:

or you being charged for ripping mommas underwear when folding the laundry?....:)

And you thought you would take a shot at me ......because?


Retired 23 years
or you being charged for ripping mommas underwear when folding the laundry?....:)

And you thought you would take a shot at me ......because?

Because its the Brown Cafe and thats what we do here------haven't you noticed?:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
One day, as a cover driver in a small center, I was sent to the larger hub to cover a route. They had just implemented a "closed door start", where the preload loaded all the nda, and wrote them down on a sheet of paper. The idea was that you would jump in and go, without looking at the load.

So, I'm doing a route blind. In a center I don't normally work out of. I'm going to thumb through the load before I go. District Mgr starts yelling at me to get going. Whatever.

Keeping with the theme of the thread...

The route is in a p700. With 2 p1000's on either side, 2 inches clearance. No way to get into my car, since the back door is shut. Brick loaded as it turned out, anyway.

The drivers on the side had 8:45 starts. I was 8:30

UPS couldn't coordinate 2 men in a canoe.


Well-Known Member
I think I meant division manager.

center manager's boss.

I wonder if he wanted me to kick out the windshield or something.