The raise in 2002 was bigger than in 2019

Time for change

Well-Known Member
My suggestion in getting this thing to pass without illegal activity is to worry more about the part timer that can vote and has many years of service in over the part timer that has yet to work a day at UPS. Giving them a big bump and not existing part timers should doom this contract barring corrupt and illegal vote tallying by the IBT.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
They couldn’t even get the dollar an hour for responder pay? Now a 15 year person that was skilled prior to the contract makes a dollar more than the 15 year person who was unskilled before the contract. Even if after the contract they work the exact same job. What kind of garbage is that!


Just a turd
So with this contract worth over 14.8 billion over 5 years, do you think this will eat away at those profits you don't like very much?
UPS revenue was over 63 billion last year. So total compensation for its union workforce is under 3 billion, and you are OK with that? Explains the contract


Just a turd
Sorry Pal. You are too far down the list. You are too white...


Well-Known Member
I do think drivers make good wages. The only time I complain about wages is in regard to the company making workers earn progression and then removing that progression and any incentive there was on the first place. Such as part timers that had to go through a 5 year progression to get to where they are, and then new hires start out at the same rate or higher thanks to attendance bonuses.


Typical member mentality. I know what you mean. Kinda like being offered 14.8 billion over 5 years and its the worst contract ever.

There’s another thread with the agreement. You should read it.