Todays PCM


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
LMFAO at "Stress Management" on the step. I've had a C.M. who intentionally tried load me up with mental aggravation for almost two months in retaliation for his own hot headed stupidity. Guy is a degenerate scum friend* bastard and I hope he gets run down by a coal truck while crossing the street.


Well-Known Member
Vest, reflective
Grab an orange cone
Obey the speed limit put your seatbelt on
Flashers work? Check
Headlights work? Check
Gotta have 360 visibility
Last but not least
The keys go with the driva
Safety by choice
You copy that?


Retired 22 years
Not being a fan of rap, hip hop or any auto tune generated music I would have walked out. Now if they could do that stuff as a sad country song or heavy metal (more realistic anyway) maybe it would have kept my attention-------but I doubt it.