Trump meets with Kim Jung Un


Staff member
Pentagon: Mattis consulted on Trump move to halt US-South Korean war games

Defense Secretary James Mattis was consulted on, and not surprised by, President Trump’s announcement Tuesday that the Pentagon will hold off on military exercises with South Korea during ongoing negotiations with North Korea, CNN reported.

“He was not surprised. He was consulted. ... The secretary is in full alignment with the president to meet his goal which is denuclearization of the peninsula,” Pentagon chief spokeswoman Dana White told CNN.
They're parsing that language very carefully.


Well-Known Member
Hey, let’s give Trump some credit, this was historic.

But, even though the score won’t be known until Trump exits his second term, I have to give this round to Kim.

It’s a win-win!

Kim can promise some nonsense and then back out of an International’s what Trump does.

Trump can say he tried, but Rocket-Man backed out.

This was just a photo-op.

And friend all you haters, neither side gave up anything.

Dems are all upset that Trump said we’re stopping the ‘war-games’...

Please, we just finished the last round, the next round won’t start for ten months.

That gives Trump nine months to change his mind.

We could move the fleet back in a NY minute.

Point being, the Trumpatistas are calling this a win, it’s not.

Dems are calling this a loss, it’s not.

Just a photo-op folks, move along.


Well-Known Member
Hey, let’s give Trump some credit, this was historic.

But, even though the score won’t be known until Trump exits his second term, I have to give this round to Kim.

It’s a win-win!

Kim can promise some nonsense and then back out of an International’s what Trump does.

Trump can say he tried, but Rocket-Man backed out.

This was just a photo-op.

And friend all you haters, neither side gave up anything.

Dems are all upset that Trump said we’re stopping the ‘war-games’...

Please, we just finished the last round, the next round won’t start for ten months.

That gives Trump nine months to change his mind.

We could move the fleet back in a NY minute.

Point being, the Trumpatistas are calling this a win, it’s not.

Dems are calling this a loss, it’s not.

Just a photo-op folks, move along.

I'm surprised the media is not parked outside your house waiting for all this inside info


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised the media is not parked outside your house waiting for all this inside info

Explain to me what I’m missing.

I know exactly what you know.

The difference between us is that no matter what happens, you’ll side with Trump.

You’re so sick in your Trump delusion, you missed the part where I actually gave Trump some props.

God, you’re a loser.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yea Obama did get punked sorry to bring up a sore point
Cuba was a nothing burger.
It's not important.
It's not strategic.
It was just muddled thinking, "But that's what we have always done it."
The USSR is defunct ... just like buffalo bill.
I may head down there in the next two years do do some photography.
When I was Director of an Arts center here in Atlanta, we hosted an exhibition of a young photographer's journey to Cuba in 2010 where she stayed with different families that rented out rooms in a sort of bed & breakfast (casa particular) to people who stayed and became, for a time, part of the family.



Well-Known Member
Trump shook hands with Un. OMG, they shook hands! Look, look, my whole world is falling apart! I must writhe on the ground and tear at my clothes! The sky is falling! Golly Gee, Sergeant Carter! Shazaam!! Aiiiieeeeee!!! I canna hold'er any longer Captain!! She's breaking up, she's breaking up!! Warning Will Robinson!! Danger, danger!! Dive, dive, dive!! What's we gonna do, what's we gonna do??!!! Stage left, curtains, even!! Yogi, I don't think the ranger is going to like that! Ahhh, fuque the ranger Boo Boo!! Hey, hey, I'm smarter than the average bear! Willllmmmmaaaaaa!!!


Well-Known Member
Trump shook hands with Un. OMG, they shook hands! Look, look, my whole world is falling apart! I must writhe on the ground and tear at my clothes! The sky is falling! Golly Gee, Sergeant Carter! Shazaam!! Aiiiieeeeee!!! I canna hold'er any longer Captain!! She's breaking up, she's breaking up!! Warning Will Robinson!! Danger, danger!! Dive, dive, dive!! What's we gonna do, what's we gonna do??!!! Stage left, curtains, even!! Yogi, I don't think the ranger is going to like that! Ahhh, fuque the ranger Boo Boo!! Hey, hey, I'm smarter than the average bear! Willllmmmmaaaaaa!!!

Wow, you sound like the snowflakes who lost their minds about Obama.

Just relax.


Well-Known Member
Explain to me what I’m missing.

I know exactly what you know. (nothing)

The difference between us is that no matter what happens, you’ll side with Trump. ( and no matter what I will side against Trump )

You’re so sick in your Trump delusion, you missed the part where I actually gave Trump some props. ( bull:censored2: sounded good didn't it?)

God, you’re a loser. Haha this is the part where my feelings are required to be hurt

fixed it for you

korean war experts.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mike Prysner liked
Brian Becker‏ @BrianBeckerDC 22h22 hours ago

Basic fact: When Jimmy Carter became President in 1977 He declared that he wanted to remove US troops from South Korea. The Pentagon brass went into a state of extreme opposition & insubordination & he was forced to cancel the plan. Now “liberals” want to sustain the occupation

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