Trump meets with Kim Jung Un

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Cuba was a nothing burger.
It's not important.
It's not strategic.
It was just muddled thinking, "But that's what we have always done it."
The USSR is defunct ... just like buffalo bill.
I may head down there in the next two years do do some photography.
When I was Director of an Arts center here in Atlanta, we hosted an exhibition of a young photographer's journey to Cuba in 2010 where she stayed with different families that rented out rooms in a sort of bed & breakfast (casa particular) to people who stayed and became, for a time, part of the family.

View attachment 197231

Casa Particular


Well-Known Member
When Obama stated that he would be susceptible to meeting “not just with our friends but our enemies,” Fox News (AKA: Trump nut huggers) correspondents were suspicious and critical, saying things like he’s “bowing and scraping before dictators” and that they’re “not sure there’s any real discussing issues with Kim Jong-un.”
When Obama suggested something, he was being brazen and brash but when Trump does it he deserves a Nobel Peace


Well-Known Member
When Obama stated that he would be susceptible to meeting “not just with our friends but our enemies,” Fox News (AKA: Trump nut huggers) correspondents were suspicious and critical, saying things like he’s “bowing and scraping before dictators” and that they’re “not sure there’s any real discussing issues with Kim Jong-un.”
When Obama suggested something, he was being brazen and brash but when Trump does it he deserves a Nobel Peace
Exactly what did Obama do to promote peace? The Middle East went up in flames under his watch.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
When Obama stated that he would be susceptible to meeting “not just with our friends but our enemies,” Fox News (AKA: Trump nut huggers) correspondents were suspicious and critical, saying things like he’s “bowing and scraping before dictators” and that they’re “not sure there’s any real discussing issues with Kim Jong-un.”
When Obama suggested something, he was being brazen and brash but when Trump does it he deserves a Nobel Peace

In my case I was concerened when Obama said he would gladly perform oral sex on a dictator to get a deal. He then went to Cuba and did so. And just like a typical guy the Cuban leadership left him waiting for a ride at the airport the next time he came looking for some action.


Inordinately Right
In my case I was concerened when Obama said he would gladly perform oral sex on a dictator to get a deal. He then went to Cuba and did so. And just like a typical guy the Cuban leadership left him waiting for a ride at the airport the next time he came looking for some action.
I'm starting to think you might actually be TOS, and your goal in posting here is to make Trump supporters look like bat-:censored2: crazy morons.


Well-Known Member
You said the middle East 'went up in flames' under Obama.

I pointed out it's always up in flames.

You deflected to saying he didn't make it better. (And brought up two countries that technically aren't even part of the middle East)

Ttku jane
North Africa is very connected to the Middle East. Instead of nitpicking why not just admit what most people have, Obama sucked.