Trump meets with Kim Jung Un


Staff member
A month ago, the US administration insisted on the "urgency" of denuclearization, and said it would begin "very quickly."

"We're hopeful we can get it done" by 2020, before the end of Trump's term, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said at the time.

Pompeo has been charged with the challenge of putting meat on the bare bones of the Singapore commitment.

But 40 days and one apparently fruitless visit by Pompeo to Pyongyang later, the tone of the American side has clearly changed.

"We have no time limit," Trump told reporters last week. "We have no speed limit."

Trump says 'very happy' with progress in North Korea talks


Well-Known Member
A month ago, the US administration insisted on the "urgency" of denuclearization, and said it would begin "very quickly."

"We're hopeful we can get it done" by 2020, before the end of Trump's term, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said at the time.

Pompeo has been charged with the challenge of putting meat on the bare bones of the Singapore commitment.

But 40 days and one apparently fruitless visit by Pompeo to Pyongyang later, the tone of the American side has clearly changed.

"We have no time limit," Trump told reporters last week. "We have no speed limit."

Trump says 'very happy' with progress in North Korea talks

I sure hope this does not ruin your hate trip

North Korea begins dismantling key test site, satellite imagery suggests


Inordinately Right
North Korea begins dismantling key test site, satellite imagery suggests

However, the dismantlement of the facilities at Sohae appears to have taken place without outside experts there to verify it. The North Korean government has made a number of such unilateral moves since the start of the year, including the apparent destruction of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in May. Analysts have cautioned that these steps need verification.
Cool, wonder where they're moving it to.


Inordinately Right
North Korea Is Working on New Missiles, Report Says

Satellite photos and other evidence indicates that efforts were underway to assemble at least one, and possibly two, liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missiles, the Post reported, citing unidentified officials familiar with U.S. intelligence who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The rockets were being built at a facility in Sanumdong, on the outskirts of Pyongyang, the paper said.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
North Korea Is Working on New Missiles, Report Says

Satellite photos and other evidence indicates that efforts were underway to assemble at least one, and possibly two, liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missiles, the Post reported, citing unidentified officials familiar with U.S. intelligence who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The rockets were being built at a facility in Sanumdong, on the outskirts of Pyongyang, the paper said.

Who cares about missiles? There’s no nuclear threat anymore. Ttku.


Staff member
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Less than two months after a landmark U.S.-North Korea summit in Singapore, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo flew back to the city state on Friday and suggested that continued work on weapons programmes by North Korea was inconsistent with its leader's commitment to denuclearize.

Pompeo told a Senate committee hearing on July 25 that North Korea was continuing to produce fuel for nuclear bombs in spite of its pledge.

Pompeo suggests North Korea weapons work counter to denuclearization pledge



Well-Known Member
agreed. thank you Mr. President.
"Thank you, Mr President"........ Thanks for nothing. So what's he going to say to Kim Jung Un now? You're fired? Look his closest and most knowledgeable advisers told him not to go and he wouldn't listen .
As a result there's no way you can spin this newfie. Kim Jung Un made a fool out of him and hopefully he'll finally learn that being a real estate mogul means absolutely nothing when it comes to diplomacy and global politics.


Well-Known Member
"Thank you, Mr President"........ Thanks for nothing. So what's he going to say to Kim Jung Un now? You're fired? Look his closest and most knowledgeable advisers told him not to go and he wouldn't listen .
As a result there's no way you can spin this newfie. Kim Jung Un made a fool out of him and hopefully he'll finally learn that being a real estate mogul means absolutely nothing when it comes to diplomacy and global politics.

thank you mr president. your actions have resulted in peaceful negotiations this year with no test detonations, no missile launchings and no further escalation of tensions.


Well-Known Member
death to america

‘Death to America’ is like a sports chant in Iran.

They don’t mean it literally, it’s just a thing people chant.

In fact, the Iranian population loves the USA.

You’re reacting to nonsense ‘fake news’ videos curated especially for the uninformed.

Guess they work.


Well-Known Member
OK, by that reasoning I can now start chanting "Death to Islam!". It's OK, it's just what White, Christian males do. No need for people to get their PC hackles up and start screaming "racist!" What's that you say? Everyone can chant anything they like except White, Christian males? Got it.
‘Death to America’ is like a sports chant in Iran.

They don’t mean it literally, it’s just a thing people chant.

In fact, the Iranian population loves the USA.

You’re reacting to nonsense ‘fake news’ videos curated especially for the uninformed.

Guess they work.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
OK, by that reasoning I can now start chanting "Death to Islam!". It's OK, it's just what White, Christian males do. No need for people to get their PC hackles up and start screaming "racist!" What's that you say? Everyone can chant anything they like except White, Christian males? Got it.
Ah yes, the poor persecuted white male christian, when will you get a break?

I’m sure you chanted “build the wall!” Same difference.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the poor persecuted white male christian, when will you get a break?

I’m sure you chanted “build the wall!” Same difference.
You've got Congressmen openly questioning the faith of potential Supreme Court nominees. The Obama administration and others attacked Christians in court, as in a group of nuns who didn't provide certain contraceptives in their employee health plan. You can sneer all you want, but Trump was partly elected because Christians were being attacked. And yes, build the wall, but allow those already here to remain if they haven't committed felonies. Have a guest worker program for any industry short on workers who can prove Americans won't do the work for a reasonable wage. PAY the guestworkers a reasonable wage!


Well-Known Member
You've got Congressmen openly questioning the faith of potential Supreme Court nominees. The Obama administration and others attacked Christians in court, as in a group of nuns who didn't provide certain contraceptives in their employee health plan. You can sneer all you want, but Trump was partly elected because Christians were being attacked. And yes, build the wall, but allow those already here to remain if they haven't committed felonies. Have a guest worker program for any industry short on workers who can prove Americans won't do the work for a reasonable wage. PAY the guestworkers a reasonable wage!
First of all the question of what is a "reasonable" wage is in the eye of the beholder. Given the widely varied opinions as to what is exactly a "reasonable" wage is one of the main reasons why we have a federal minimum wage but there are people in your beloved GOP who want to abolish it altogether because they think it's too high. Part of their ongoing effort to create a 21st century gilded age.
As far as the poor persecuted white Christians it is simply a push back against the Religious Right's efforts to make Christianity America's official state religion. If the Religious Right wants a theocracy then all they have to do is to move to Iran where they will have the opportunity to live under the thumb of a repressive Mafia style group of unelected zealots who control every aspect of everyday life in that nation.
Now since you are already in that region why don't you stop by and spend a few weeks in Iran? I'm sure you'll love every minute of it.


Well-Known Member
First of all the question of what is a "reasonable" wage is in the eye of the beholder. Given the widely varied opinions as to what is exactly a "reasonable" wage is one of the main reasons why we have a federal minimum wage but there are people in your beloved GOP who want to abolish it altogether because they think it's too high. Part of their ongoing effort to create a 21st century gilded age.
As far as the poor persecuted white Christians it is simply a push back against the Religious Right's efforts to make Christianity America's official state religion. If the Religious Right wants a theocracy then all they have to do is to move to Iran where they will have the opportunity to live under the thumb of a repressive Mafia style group of unelected zealots who control every aspect of everyday life in that nation.
Now since you are already in that region why don't you stop by and spend a few weeks in Iran? I'm sure you'll love every minute of it.
Where has the Religous Right attempted to force you to live in a theocracy? The vast, overwhelming majority of Christians want the freedom to choose how you live your life as long as you aren't hurting others. On the other hand a number of cases have been brought in recent years against Christians in an attempt to set precedent, forcing them to submit to government authority over their religious beliefs. Comparing us to a Muslim theocracy is ludicrous.

As far as a reasonable wage is concerned I'm talking about being in line with what Americans are paid for similar work. The employers of illegals want to pay less than that, and illegals are willing to work for less.