Ukraine Conducts "Military Exercise" in Russia


Well-Known Member

This one has got to sting for Putin apologists.

Outwitted by Sleepy Joe once again!
Outwitted by whoever is running the country behind the scenes. Mention Greece to Joe and he'd probably tell you how much he loved Olivia Newton-John.
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Well-Known Member
chris hedges said america wants the war in ukraine to last a long time

when russia invaded afghanistan it lasted around 10 years.

russias been in ukraine for about 2 years.


Inordinately Right

This one has got to sting for Putin apologists.

Outwitted by Sleepy Joe once again!
This is what I'm talking about when I say Democrats celebrate the authoritarian fascist actions of their leaders.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

This one has got to sting for Putin apologists.

Outwitted by Sleepy Joe once again!
This is what I'm talking about when I say Democrats celebrate the authoritarian fascist actions of their leaders.
What part of Biden outsmarting Republicans makes him an authoritarian?

I wonder if the $500 million annual EDA limit has ever been circumvented by a President by valuing a weapons and equipment transfer at as low as $0 . Or if a President has also dangled another $200 million in front of a country just to receive that transfer.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I wonder if the $500 million annual EDA limit has ever been circumvented by a President by valuing a weapons and equipment transfer at as low as $0 . Or if a President has also dangled another $200 million in front of a country just to receive that transfer.
Loopholes gonna loophole. If billionaires can use them to get out of paying tax then presidents should use it to save a strategically important democracy.


Inordinately Right
I wonder if the $500 million annual EDA limit has ever been circumvented by a President by valuing a weapons and equipment transfer at as low as $0 . Or if a President has also dangled another $200 million in front of a country just to receive that transfer.
A specific example of an authoritarian leaning fascist action of the Biden regime being celebrated by modern Democrats.


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I wonder if the $500 million annual EDA limit has ever been circumvented by a President by valuing a weapons and equipment transfer at as low as $0 . Or if a President has also dangled another $200 million in front of a country just to receive that transfer.
Loopholes gonna loophole. If billionaires can use them to get out of paying tax then presidents should use it to save a strategically important democracy.
Biden: takes fascist actions

Democrats: he's so smart!

It's the same thing as a tax loophole for billionaires, OK? :)


Well-Known Member
Do you know the definition of fascism?
From Merriam-Webster: "A political philosophy, movement, or regime(such as that of the Fascisti), that often exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

Given that definition which party has worked towards a set of social norms that we must adhere to or be canceled? Which party has worked behind the scenes to control what the public knows about various subjects? Which party is trying to keep the likely nominee of the other party from even being able to run for president? Which party wants a strong, centralized government that controls everything? If you're answering Republican to any of the above then you're not paying attention.