Why vote?


Will all you folks admit in August of 2012 that the 'change' you voted in is just more of the same? Or maybe even worse for the well being of the country as a whole?

Welcome to an even more intense, extreme corporatism in the USA.

I can understand folks like moreluck and the owners of this site who are millionaires are voting for Republicans, and even management who have been shown the carrot, but for the life of me, I cant understand why 95% of the population would vote against their own personal interests and support the corporate party. Not that both parties aren't beholden to the corporations, but geez, one is really in their pocket.
Everyone that lives in California is a millionaire.:cool:
Obama was elected promising change and although a lot of folks wanted just that,the change was not what they expected,so maybe 95% of those people can change the change.


Well-Known Member
So what does the republican voter get out of electing corporate and Tea Bag candidates ?
The end of SS, Medicare, Education, FDA, EPA, unregulated Wall Street and Banksters ? Doubtful, they will fall in line just like the other elected criminals...
Extended tax cuts for the super wealthy during wartime and nation building, which BTW was put on the tax payers's credit card with interest by the last Republicans?
Out sourcing ? Bring quality jobs back. Sorry, They've gone overseas. So what's in it for you besides "winning"?
Too many Americans don't really think, they have opinions, feelings. Television/Talk Radio created opinion, then reassurance and validation. Are they brainwashed by the Fox Nation and talking heads ? It is really more than that. IMO, people have lost their ability to relate the images of their own lives without television intervening. This really is what we mean when we say we have a wired society. When actually we are headed for an Orwellian society.
Americans, prepare to become serfs to the rich the GOP holds tax cuts for the rich as some sort of fix. THe GOP has taken pandering to the corporate money to a whole new level, against education, against healthcare reform, the worst economic plan in the history of man (supply side economics, thus ignoring the demand side). Day in and day out I watch the GOPtard slobber at the feet of the rich.
So Republicans ask yourself this question. Will you Govern in campaign mode for the next 2 years ? Or use your political capital to get things done on important issues and policy on both, the short term and long term scale ? We're all aware long term investments are not popular. We are a country of what can you do for me now. We must have instant gratification.

What did Majority Democrats do in the past 21 months with total Republican obsruction.....

What they accomplished was historical, unlike what Fox infuses into it's audience....

Equal pay act for women...
Credit Card reform....
FDA reform on tobacco....
Hate Crimes Bill......
Childrens Health Insurance....
Reshape Student Loans....
Bailing out the Auto Industry....
Clash for Clunkers....

Recovery Reinvestment Act "Stimulus"
A) largest tax CUT ever
B) largest investment in clean energy, ever
C) largest investment in Education ever

HealthCare Reform...Not single payer, not European style Gov't system

Financial Regulatory Reform Law "Wall Street Reform"

Approve the most funds ever for "Veterans Administration"Care..expanded acess and (additional funds for caregivers and female veterans)

Created 25 seperate tax cuts

Passed the most significant Land Conservation bill in 2 decades

Created a Consumer Financial Protection agency

Oh BTW... Democrats shrank US spending, deficit in last fiscal year, figures ... in the process


Well-Known Member

LMAO you will try and spin any and I mean anything the dimocrats do as a positive.

"The Congressional Budget Office projects that if current laws and policies remained unchanged, the federal budget would show a deficit of $1.3 trillion for fiscal year 2010. That amount would be slightly smaller than the 2009 deficit but, as a share of the economy as a whole (measured by gross domestic product, or GDP), it would still be the second largest since World War II. The budget picture remains daunting beyond this year, with deficits averaging about $600 billion annually from 2011 through 2020."


Will all you folks admit in August of 2012 that the 'change' you voted in is just more of the same? Or maybe even worse for the well being of the country as a whole?

Welcome to an even more intense, extreme corporatism in the USA.

I can understand folks like moreluck and the owners of this site who are millionaires are voting for Republicans, and even management who have been shown the carrot, but for the life of me, I cant understand why 95% of the population would vote against their own personal interests and support the corporate party. Not that both parties aren't beholden to the corporations, but geez, one is really in their pocket.

lol classic class warfare mumbo jumbo. And to think the ghost hunters here accused me of being this guy. muhaaahaa

Good election.

we got some fiscal conservatives elected. Not enough to fix anything. Hopefully the democrats still have enough power to piss the rest of the population off by 2012.


Strength through joy
ok, all you kool-aid drinkers out there please try to explain this ......................
US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit

Mumbai: The US would be spending a whopping $200 million (Rs. 900 crore approx) per day on President Barack Obama's visit to the city.

"The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit," a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.

About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President. Several officials from the White House and US security agencies are already here for the past one week with helicopters, a ship and high-end security instruments.

"Except for personnel providing immediate security to the President, the US officials may not be allowed to carry weapons.

( and it's for a ten day visit )


Well-Known Member
ok, all you kool-aid drinkers out there please try to explain this ......................
US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit

Mumbai: The US would be spending a whopping $200 million (Rs. 900 crore approx) per day on President Barack Obama's visit to the city.

"The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit," a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.

About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President. Several officials from the White House and US security agencies are already here for the past one week with helicopters, a ship and high-end security instruments.

"Except for personnel providing immediate security to the President, the US officials may not be allowed to carry weapons.

( and it's for a ten day visit )

:happy-very: I would imagine that Obama and his entourage will not be staying at motel 6.
As Rome burns --Nero fiddles---Obama teleprompts !!! He should have had his speeched delivered to the Indian Parliament by UPS !!! Would have been the first good faith "comrpomise" of reducing spending !!!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Good election.

It would've been even better if Reid lost...oh well, in my state, despite the Democrats having a registration edge of 1.2M voters--we put in a Republican governor (replacing a democrat) and in my specific area (heavily democratic) both democrat incumbent Congressional reps got the boot in favor of Republicans (one had been in the US Congress for 26 years and was running for yet another term). We elected another Republican to the Senate (had been a democratic seat) and at the State level the Democrat House majority leader got ousted by a young political newbie running for her first office.

we got some fiscal conservatives elected. Not enough to fix anything.

...but Obama and the rest of the Dems will still try to blame them (along with George Bush) for any and everything that goes wrong--anywhere in the world at anytime....

Hopefully the democrats still have enough power to piss the rest of the population off by 2012.

From your keyboard to God's ears.


golden ticket member
I was moved that Boehner was emotional and I think that shows he cares. I'm sure others will say it was just croc. tears.

He made a pledge when he first took office to never take "pork" and he hasn't. He seems to be an honorable man.


Strength through joy
(BBC) — Officials in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) have taken extraordinary measures to protect US President Barack Obama ahead of his visit. In their effort to provide maximum security in the run-up to his visit on Friday, they have removed coconuts which may fall on his head from trees. All coconuts around the city’s Gandhi museum have now been cut down, an official told the BBC.
Every year in India people are injured or even killed by falling coconuts.
Mani Bhavan, where Mahatma Gandhi stayed during his freedom struggle against the British, is among five places the US president is visiting apart from a school, college and hotels attacked by Islamic militants in 2008.
“We told the authorities to remove the dry coconuts from trees near the building. Why take a chance?” Mani Bhavan’s executive secretary, Meghshyam Ajgaonkar, told the BBC.
Mahatma Gandhi has been cited by the president as an inspiration to him – he has [sic] a portrait of the independence leader in his senate office.
President Obama once famously said that he would like to have had dinner with Mr Gandhi.
No stone has been left unturned by the authorities to guarantee Mr Obama’s safety.


golden ticket member
You could substitute one of those dry coconuts for his head and it wouldn't make a difference!! $200 million a day !!! Unbelievable!!! He doesn't get it !!!


Well-Known Member
I was moved that Boehner was emotional and I think that shows he cares. I'm sure others will say it was just croc. tears.

He made a pledge when he first took office to never take "pork" and he hasn't. He seems to be an honorable man.

Here ye ! here ye ! Come one Come all....Introdrucing "The Weeper of the House" John Boehner ! Crying us a river of tears like "The Beckster" in Mandy Pandy Land.....lol
(In Conservative women language) "Man up", "Pull up your man pants" Mr Boehner, and take some composure lessons from bleeding heart liberal Mrs Pelosi.....And Mrs Pelosi, please leave a case of tissue boxes as your parting gift....


You could substitute one of those dry coconuts for his head and it wouldn't make a difference!! $200 million a day !!! Unbelievable!!! He doesn't get it !!!

ok, all you kool-aid drinkers out there please try to explain this ......................
US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit

Mumbai: The US would be spending a whopping $200 million (Rs. 900 crore approx) per day on President Barack Obama's visit to the city.

"The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit," a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.

About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President. Several officials from the White House and US security agencies are already here for the past one week with helicopters, a ship and high-end security instruments.

"Except for personnel providing immediate security to the President, the US officials may not be allowed to carry weapons.

( and it's for a ten day visit )

You guys are so gullible, it's comical... http://factcheck.org/2010/11/ask-factcheck-trip-to-mumbai/

"This story has spread rapidly among the president’s critics, but there is simply no evidence to support it. And common sense should lead anyone to doubt it. For example, the entire U.S. war effort in Afghanistan currently costs less than that — about $5.7 billion per month, according to the Congressional Research Service, or roughly $190 million per day. How could a peaceful state visit cost more than a war?"

LMAO you will try and spin any and I mean anything the dimocrats do as a positive.

"The Congressional Budget Office projects that if current laws and policies remained unchanged, the federal budget would show a deficit of $1.3 trillion for fiscal year 2010. That amount would be slightly smaller than the 2009 deficit but, as a share of the economy as a whole (measured by gross domestic product, or GDP), it would still be the second largest since World War II. The budget picture remains daunting beyond this year, with deficits averaging about $600 billion annually from 2011 through 2020."

amen, my friend

Let's just sit back and await a reply, from that Obama guy?!!??!!!

Hate to annoy Teabag people with facts such as this. Everyone knows facts have a liberal bias...lol
What it means is that with all this historic accomplishments of the last 21 months, and giving 98% of America tax cuts, they also shrunk the deficit, unlike the Bush Administration. We carried on a war started by the republicans. Used measures similar to those used effectively by FDR to end the depression.
I've said it before and I'll say it again....as most educated economist agree, the government NEEDED direct spending during a super recession like this to prevent it from turning into a full blown depression. Hence the extreme budget picture. That means some temporary deficits will be a reality until the Republican Recession fully resides.
That said, this administration and this congress has been going to great lengths to try to put the country back on track for long term investment and fiscal responsibility without Republicans lifting a finger.

I know it's complicated but the deficit is based not only on how much money goes out, but also how much comes back in.
"Current laws and policies remain unchanged"... Imagined a budget savings sometime between 2011 and 2020 without Wars/reduction of Defense spending and Tax cuts for the rich expiring...
The GOP has a particular narrative that they've pounded us with for this election. Despite the fact that small business got its first TAX CUT this year under Obama and despite the fact that the US deficit is lower this year than last, the GOP has already SEALED THE DEAL. Their narrative is already in place.
If I remember correctly,Dick Cheney said deficits don't matter. He then brandished his Dr Evil smiled broadly, proud of his statement,and Bush agreed. What was meant by "deficits don't matter" was that they don't matter for Republican voters when voting for Republican candidates, and that has historically be shown to be true. How's that reply for you Brownie, BTW, you did one heck of a job during Katrina......;-)


golden ticket member
You go ahead and try to make a reservation in the Taj Mahal Hotel for the next 10 days. The entire hotel is taken by Brack's posse. Even Wm. Shatner can't get in !!!

I'm happy with Boehner. Pelosi was a wet rag!! Ohio people tend to be more 'common sense' and not off the wall like the liberals from San Fran. or the crooks from Illinois. Yes, there are exceptions. So, you can claim Alan Colmes as your buddy and I'll take Bill O'reilly or Dick Morris or Huckabee.

"Extreme measures to ensure the safety of President Obama will include the complete booking of the 570-room Taj Mahal Hotel for his security entourage.."



Well-Known Member
You go ahead and try to make a reservation in the Taj Mahal Hotel for the next 10 days. The entire hotel is taken by Brack's posse. Even Wm. Shatner can't get in !!!

I'm happy with Boehner. Pelosi was a wet rag!! Ohio people tend to be more 'common sense' and not off the wall like the liberals from San Fran. or the crooks from Illinois. Yes, there are exceptions. So, you can claim Alan Colmes as your buddy and I'll take Bill O'reilly or Dick Morris or Huckabee.

Wow, the Libs on this forum are crying a lot more than Boehner!

John Boehner. Republican crybaby. Hike up the skirt orangey looking tan man.....We ought to have a cry-off between the tan-man vs the Beckster.....

Two Babies Crying Whaa...I work hard ! I love my Country ! Whaa ... "Hey Beckster, what time is tee-time at the Country Club....