workers comp


Well-Known Member
When I first went on TAW earlier this year because of a workplace injury they said they would give me the 9.2 hours a day I had been averaging unless I signed a paper saying I didn't want to work that many hours.

I hated sitting around answering phones, and I left before my 8 hours were up some days. If I was an OMS, you could just shoot me.


Well-Known Member
I did figure out how to send DIAD messages to the drivers. I would tell them to "pick up the pace because they were killing my numbers"

My on car made me stop sending messages


Gravy route
Laws very by state but...
Make sure a first report of injury report was filed. Request a copy, they are legally obligated to give you one.
Sometimes worker's comp injuries are "hidden" (no report filed) when TAW is involved or the time off work is short.
If you return to full duty and then the injury flares up again putting you out, it is important to have a correct date of first injury.
In my state you have to be restricted from work a certain number of days before you qualify for wage replacement.
If the same injury flares back up after returning to full duty the clock for qualifying does not start over as if it is a new injury.

Miles driven to and from the doctor are usually compensated at a set rate per mile. Keep records
Parking fees for doctor visits are also usually covered. Keep records.

If worker comp pays 2/3 of your wages (Up to nearly $1,000 a month here) make sure you understand it is 2/3 of the wages you lost including overtime.

Here are tricks Liberty Mutual plays, none of which are OK:
-Try to deny claim even though doctor says it is work related based on "managers report"
-Try not to pay you comp if you are on vacation. The law and the contract clearly state you receive both comp and vacation pay (in my area).
-Try to pressure doctor to lift restrictions one day short of qualifying for wage compensation.
-Try to offer you only 8 hours a day of TAW and say they don't owe you 2/3 of the overtime pay you lost.
-Delay starting payments past the first check deadline (14 days here).
-Pay you every 2 weeks rather than your normal weekly check.

Again, laws very by state, check your own.
If you believe you are not being treated/payed fairly, request a conference/hearing with your state workers comp division.
If they are unfairly withholding compensation often times there is a penalty (2x pay).
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Gravy route
So they adjust the comp by the amount that you receive while on TAW?
In my state they take your average weekly wage for the last 6 months, subtract what you make on TAW and pay you 2/3 of the difference.

So if you averaged $1,800 a week and your doctor only cleared you for 8 hours a day of TAW (or UPS only offers you 8 hours)...
$1,800 Avg weekly wages
-$1,391.60 (40 x $34.79) TAW wages
=$408.40 lost wages x .67%
=$273.63 worker's comp payment (not taxable)

Plus compensation per mile and parking fees for doctor visits and/or physical therapy

In the above example you very well may clear more than a normal weekly check because the worker's comp is not subject to state and federal tax. That $408.40 of overtime is usually heavily taxed.
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Gravy route
Be aware of the following trick Liberty Mutual tried to get away with...
(I will use the numbers from the above example)
This is not the correct way to compute the worker's comp payment.

$1,800 avg weekly wages multiplied by 2/3
-$1,391.60 TAW wages
=$0 worker's comp payment

They paid up once a hearing was scheduled so they would not incur a penalty.

Nothing by 1030 anymore

I stand corrected ... I now remember working on taw about 30 days at 4 hours a day . When you don't work 8 hours workers comp pays the difference up to the maximum had you been out on total lost time. You must relay the taw hours to your insurance case worker to set this up and alert her to any changes,including when taw runs out so you can collect the max . I was wrong

Nothing by 1030 anymore

If i get hurt on the job and within that week go on taw. Will that be considered the start of workers comp? Or after 30 days is it work comp?
Bottom line is....communicate with ur adjuster. Hopefully you will have a good one


Gravy route
I stand corrected ... I now remember working on taw about 30 days at 4 hours a day . When you don't work 8 hours workers comp pays the difference up to the maximum had you been out on total lost time. You must relay the taw hours to your insurance case worker to set this up and alert her to any changes,including when taw runs out so you can collect the max . I was wrong
In my state you can work 8 hrs and more on TAW and still be owed comp pay.

Avg weekly pay minus TAW pay... then multiply the result by .67

You make more than complete lost time this way, and likely more take home pay than an average check because the workers comp portion is not taxed.

UPS/Liberty Mutual tries to tell drivers here you can only make up to the 2/3 Avg weekly pay figure on TAW so they give them only 8 hours of TAW daily.

I love it when they only offer 8 hrs of TAW because I will eventually be paid an additional comp check and make more take home than my normal check.
If you get hurt at work you go on Comp but if you get hurt while on comp at home then what do you go on?
So someone rear ended truck been out on comp for 3 years had 2 spinal fusion surgeries. Been with UPS since 1999 was wondering what I should do next. If I went on permanent disability would I be able to collect pension early? I’m 41 years old.