discuss: do unions promote laziness?


Well-Known Member
Unions do not promote laziness per se simply because in and of itself the union is an inanimate object. UPS itself doesn't really allow for laziness. The contract doesn't allow for laziness, the contract protects against UPS abusing our bodies. I do agree we are paid very well for the work we do. But to tell you the truth, we're worth every penny (those of us who don't take advantage of the system.) There are those that do take advantage of the system and it's more of a personal issue there with their character rather anything the union promotes. So in essence, you're full of crap and full of yourself for even thinking this is a relevant question.

Well put sortaisle......
Why take the bait to this irrelevent question. There are both lazy and productive people in every line of work. It's a personal individual chioce, not a group chioce.