If your helper took pictures and video of you what would you do?

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
The driver would have no right, legally or otherwise, to remove said recording device from the helper's possession.

Correct, but the driver can kick the helper off the truck any second he/she wants, hence getting rid of the recording device. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
Correct, but the driver can kick the helper off the truck any second he/she wants, hence getting rid of the recording device. Problem solved.

Based on other threads, I've wondered about this...

If a driver kicks a helper out at a random place on his route and something happened to the helper, wouldn't UPS be liable?

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Based on other threads, I've wondered about this...

If a driver kicks a helper out at a random place on his route and something happened to the helper, wouldn't UPS be liable?

Nope. They're terminated. What happens when they're off the clock is of no concern to UPS. It's no different than if the helper left at the end of the day. The time they leave is irrelevant. Whether or not they were on the clock is what matters. When I fire a helper, or send them home, I'm on the phone to my center manager seconds after doing so. That way they know the exact time that turd helper is done, why, and that anything happening to them past the that time is no longer our concern.


Fight the power.
I would take said recording device. Throw it on ground and proceed to run it over with truck. Then I would ask helper to please keep all personal devices at home they could "accidentally fall" out of truck. Then tell coordinator need a new helper

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
I would take said recording device. Throw it on ground and proceed to run it over with truck. Then I would ask helper to please keep all personal devices at home they could "accidentally fall" out of truck. Then tell coordinator need a new helper

No, you wouldn't do that. No reason to talk tough online because in reality you're not taking anyones phone, or running it over with your truck. C'mon now.


Pineapple King
I don't believe a driver has the authority to "Fire" anybody. Can they get them off the car? Sure. But can they terminate their employment officially? I don't think so.


nowhere special
I wouldn't care if helper took pictures other than he is wasting time when he is supposed to be working. I would make him put his phone away while on the clock or else he's done for the day and drop him off where I picked him up, and let him worry about his own ride home.

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
I don't believe a driver has the authority to "Fire" anybody. Can they get them off the car? Sure. But can they terminate their employment officially? I don't think so.

Ask the helpers that I fired, and never worked again. I let them go, call my center manager, then the Helper Coordinator, and they're done. They don't come back. Happens with any driver in my Center. If we get a complete turd, and there's reason to get them off of the package car immediately, they don't come back. Our management team won't risk having that turd on another car and doing the same thing. That's as "official" as it gets.


Pineapple King
Ask the helpers that I fired, and never worked again. I let them go, call my center manager, then the Helper Coordinator, and they're done. They don't come back. Happens with any driver in my Center. If we get a complete turd, and there's reason to get them off of the package car immediately, they don't come back. Our management team won't risk having that turd on another car and doing the same thing. That's as "official" as it gets.
Dude read your own post. I let them go,call center manager,then the Helper Coordinator. Still think you really fired them....technically? I too have fired helpers only to see them with someone else two days later.
The first time a driver decides to boot someone off in the wrong neighborhood and something does happen to that person then it's a guarantee that UPS and the driver will be held accountable by the right people.

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Dude read your own post. I let them go,call center manager,then the Helper Coordinator. Still think you really fired them....technically? I too have fired helpers only to see them with someone else two days later.

Yes, I fired them, because I made the decision and passed the info along to my center manager. None of them have sat a few days before being fired by someone else. I'm the deciding factor, backed by my center manager that in turns tells the HC that Helper X is done because they were fired. I don't know how much more official it needs to be where you work, but here the drivers have the final say. They don't risk sticking a POS helper with yet another driver just to be put in the same situation where the driver sends them home, and now they're tasked with having to find another helper to help get that driver done.

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Bingo. The driver cannot fire the helper. They can drop them off but they cannot fire them.

I forgot, in Pleasantville you guys work in this world where someone higher than the driver will call the helper and inform them that they're terminated. Sorry buddy, but not [here]. Driver makes the call on the package car. Once they tell that helper they're fired, they're backed by their management team. Who has the official capacity no longer matters. The driver fired the helper, and they never come back.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I fired them, because I made the decision and passed the info along to my center manager. None of them have sat a few days before being fired by someone else. I'm the deciding factor, backed by my center manager that in turns tells the HC that Helper X is done because they were fired. I don't know how much more official it needs to be where you work, but here the drivers have the final say. They don't risk sticking a POS helper with yet another driver just to be put in the same situation where the driver sends them home, and now they're tasked with having to find another helper to help get that driver done.

Sorry, dude, but you don't have the authority to fire anyone. Your center manager may have used your opinion when making the decision but rest assured that you did not fire anyone.

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Sorry, dude, but you don't have the authority to fire anyone. Your center manager may have used your opinion when making the decision but rest assured that you did not fire anyone.

Hey, whatever helps you stroke off to the 340 Methods. I fire them, and they don't come back. That's all the authority I need. I made the decision, and it was done. You can talk about the center manager having the final word all day long Gus, but in my world I've never had a helper come back after I fired them, so it was me, I, numero uno, that indeed caused their firing.

So rest assured, I did indeed fire many helpers.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of bragging on this forum lately. One guy claims to have $4-4.5M in assets yet continues to hump cardboard. Another claims to have fired multiple helpers even though one hourly cannot fire another.

You may have caused their firing but you did not actually fire them.