Box Ox

Well-Known Member



“Conservative US think tank finds 29% of GOP backers believe baseless conspiracy that Trump was secretly fighting a sex cabal led by Democrats and Hollywood elites”

im sure theres no connection between conspiracy theories ppl believe nowadays and conspiracies they believed pre nazi germany LOL


Inordinately Right

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads

“Conservative US think tank finds 29% of GOP backers believe baseless conspiracy that Trump was secretly fighting a sex cabal led by Democrats and Hollywood elites”

So what does the conservative think tank have to do with me?

Is more grouping literally your defense for your blatant hypocrisy?


Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
2 things can be true at once.

Child sex trafficking is real and it does involve Hollywood and Democrat elites.

Donald Trump didnt really do anything about it except low level arrests to make him look good.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Child sex trafficking is real and it does involve Hollywood and Democrat elites.

“Conservative US think tank finds 29% of GOP backers believe baseless conspiracy that Trump was secretly fighting a sex cabal led by Democrats and Hollywood elites”

So what does the conservative think tank have to do with me?
You've already answered your own question.