Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
worker coops is a revolution but its not a cure for everything.


Well-Known Member
I'm not dominated.
I make a good wage to do fairly simple work.

And if I decide I don't want to deal with it, I can quit freely, and go do whatever it is I want to do.
if you actually demanded ur freedom long enough, and theres enough of you that it mattered, you`d be shot dead or you`d actually get your freedom.

same here.


Well-Known Member
If you annex Chicago into the lake...

The surrounding states would support Illinois.

Why is Canada so hell bent on making the rest of the world think their gun control is working?

When we clearly see it's not...
ur pretty amazing guy

my prepaid account balance is $69


Staff member
if you actually demanded ur freedom long enough, and theres enough of you that it mattered, you`d be shot dead or you`d actually get your freedom.

same here.

I have financial freedom.
No one forces me to go to work.
Or tells me what to do.
It's all voluntary. I choose to follow directions because I like the social construct known as employment.


Well-Known Member

I have financial freedom.
No one forces me to go to work.
Or tells me what to do.
It's all voluntary. I choose to follow directions because I like the social construct known as employment.
u bet ur ass ur told what to do on the job. and if you demanded these same economic powers stop telling ur govt what to do you`d be squashed like a bug.

working for a capitalist is like cleaning up after a messy roommate; you both benefit, but they dont deserve it.