Brownbailout is Working


Well-Known Member
my source is from browncafe.Administrator made a thread about it


quoted from site - Americans overwhelmingly oppose the proposed government “brown bailout” for United Parcel Service that would give UPS an industry edge for overnight deliveries, according to a new national poll conducted June 2-3 by Public Opinion Strategies for “”
Nearly seven out of 10 Americans polled oppose the government intervention and 80 percent say the federal government should stop bailing out companies and let the market determine who succeeds.

I would be amazed if FedEx would be stupid enough to conduct a poll that did not ask the question in a misleading way. Of course Americans are tired of bailouts and if the question asked was simply 'do you think UPS should get a bail-out' the numbers would be disproportianately high. But it is not a bailout - no Federal money would come to UPS. No special favors would come to UPS. The only thing that changes is that two similar companies would be covered by the same law.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
But it is not a bailout - no Federal money would come to UPS. No special favors would come to UPS. The only thing that changes is that two similar companies would be covered by the same law.
You are right.It is in no way shape or form a bailout at all.But Fedex is very clever and people are stupid,and they will eat it up.
Whoever came up with the whole brown bailout thing is a genius.


Well-Known Member
Like someone else said..unless your in the industry, or associated with it most americans have no idea whats going on...and even if they did I really doubt they give a sheit. and who cares about fedex using the whiteboard ad, youtube ups whiteboard and see all the differes=nt videos people have made..some are very funny.


Well-Known Member
Exactly,and like ive said before,its pure genius.Ima go watch cast Away now.

There is a part in the movie that does mention ups....anyone ever catch that???While your're watching, see how many times a fedex logo appears in the about product placement to the extreme. If I remember right, after the last few logos flashed before the plane went down, I almost puked, but caught myself.


Exactly,and like ive said before,its pure genius.Ima go watch cast Away now.

Its only pure genius in that it allows you to produce a bogus poll. Very few americans outside of those in transportation have any idea that a war of sorts may be raging between your company and mine. Your people will write and email the senate and mine and the teamsters will do the same.

In the end the bill will pas because the democrats in power have to appease the labor forces that helped them get elected.


According to several sources, worked as planned and FedEx is winning the war to keep it's RLA exemption. I called the offices of several Senators today but couldn't get anything solid from their staff members. That means that Smith's lobbying dollars are working their black magic(as usual).

2 events lend credence to a successful effort by Fedex. Yesterday, we were notified that there would be no raises until March, 2010, and any pay hike at that time would be contingent upon improving economic conditions. If Smith were truly afraid of losing his exemption, he would have probably offered a higher raise right now to try and keep the Teamsters out.

Fredly00 just posted a news story that Smith is negotiating to buy the St. Louis Rams, which would be very bad press if he felt unionization were imminent. After all, unionizing would break Fred's piggybank, right? We are about to perish as a company, but somehow Fred can scrape up the dough to buy another NFL franchise. Hmmmm.

Perhaps behaving like ladies and gentlemen on the part of UPS wasn't wise after all. Dealing with vermin like Fred requires strong tactics, yet UPS kept itself restrained.

While I admire UPS business ethics and it's honorable approach, you may have just handed Fred another few years of extreme competitive advantage. I sincerely hope I am incorrect on this one.

I think these fdx posters are all Machiavellian in nature. this one is playing games too.


Well-Known Member
I think these fdx posters are all Machiavellian in nature. this one is playing games too.

Its the Fred S troll. Youll never shut them down until ups has their own house in order and theres lots of work to do there.
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False.This website is called BROWNCAFE and all the threads are about FEDEX.

Think before you post.

yea only one problem with that the ups leadership is not running the brown cafe nor posting here.

You know Sat might be a good cop bad cop routine going here. one pretends to be our friend while the other one tries to be as obnoxious as possible. Only problem is the good cop let his slip show when he started this particular thread.