By Invitation Only


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Hell I don't even know. They don't even have the decency to tell a person which post it was so maybe it could be re-written or written differently so it doesn't hurt someone's pusillanimous little feelings.
No time for that. These rogue posters must be dealt with swiftly.


nowhere special
No time for that. These rogue posters must be dealt with swiftly.


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Report them.
Besides, I think it's more of an annoyance than anything. There is some really off the wall stuff that most definitely should get deleted / censored and some pretty tame stuff that also gets censored / deleted. Then there is some off the wall stuff that stays put. There is no rhyme or reason for alot of it.


nowhere special
Hard maples are great shade trees but old ones rot inside out and a strong wind will cause a lot of damage. I cut down 8 big ones after we moved into our house. The roots like to come to the surface too.
Silver maples grow fast so are used a lot as shade trees but disease prone and shallow roots. I had a couple in my yard I cut down.