Can someone explain this corporate decision?


I’m full of it
You poor thing...


Well-Known Member
I don't think you could have planted Fedex or Amazon employees in UPS management and come up with a more self destructive policy.
Packages are on the trucks but.... Preload will be given exactly 0 seconds to straighten out the trucks from Saturday. 85% of drivers won't put their truck in order for Monday and 85% of preloaders won't care about whatever they arrive to tomorrow morning.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I haven't got off early on Christmas Eve for years, I don't expect Monday will be any different. It will be straight time with the weekend reset so that's why everything possible wasn't delivered today. My golf cart helper got fired Friday and I doubt my PVD driver will show up at all.
Dang Scratch, Major scab territory.