Cover Driving VS Bid Route


My job is fun
Before I got seniority I was cover since all the routes that were available I did not want. Finally got my own route in march and I was surprised it came to me and I love it. You get to know your customers and like @Indecisi0n said you can shut your brain off and do the route. Know exactly where everything is. Also just driving into work every morning and not have to worry about bumping people or worrying where I will be makes it 100x better.


Well-Known Member
every day the night time guys mess up the truck order is a pain in the ass. Don't see how i would handle having a different truck everyday. From my first day i've had 2 routes and i love it.

Know every single address by heart, live close by both runs. Not interested in using a map or GPS on random runs. I know exactly which packages to give to PVD's if i have too many.


Active Member
Been covering all my 13 years. Don't see myself bidding a route until last 5 years or so maybe. I need the variety and a bit of a challenge. I can effeciently do about 90% of our centers area. I kinda like the fact that if someone is talking about a road or area in or out of work. I know exactly where they are talking.


Well-Known Member
I’m a recent bid driver after covering for three years. I’ve had this route for three months now and I already hate it. Same BS day after day after day. It was nice having a change of scenery but I’ll admit there are some perks with being a bid driver.

First off you’re guaranteed work, no clamoring for routes among higher seniority cover drivers. You get to know your customers, make a lot of friends. One of my customers owns a golf course, I get to golf there for free on Sundays. In exchange I take care of him, I’ll bring his stuff first thing in the morning after I run air. He ships a lot of stuff via UPS but never has to pay for on demands since I stop by at the end of the day and see if he has anything going out.

Other than that it sucks, stay cover unless you can win a real cushy route.


Well-Known Member
If I wasn’t single and had a family I would consider a bid route. Much more stable and predictable that way I imagine. I’m a 22.4 though.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Q. Why’d you run over?
A. Not my bid route..

Q. Why did you go over miles?
A. Not my bid route..

Q. Why did you not follow Orion?
A. Not my bid route..



Well-Known Member
Q. Why’d you run over?
A. Not my bid route..

Q. Why did you go over miles?
A. Not my bid route..

Q. Why did you not follow Orion?
A. Not my bid route..

Q. Why’d you CIR “chair” at this dock stop?
A. I’m a runner.

Q. Why are there like 50 wadded up info notices on my 2000 shelf?
A. I’m a runner.

Q. How did you manage to leave so much trash in my truck when you only did my route one day?
A. I’m a runner.


Well-Known Member
I love my bid route.17 years now. Be aware though, that when bid routes are posted to ask questions. Is this a training route? If so you will be pulled off of it when a new driver is hired and thrown on to possibly the worst route. Is it a retail route, industrial route, residential route? Especially if you’ve never run the route.

Bid route like others say after a few months you won’t need a spot light and you won’t get complaints, unless your a dick!!