dhl isnt doing too well


Marty Peters kid
did anyone read this article on the front of brown cafe. This isnt the same story that management is saying about dhl.
Another scare tactic by management. same old song and dance, everybody going to shut us down, blah blah, blah.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about DHL but I think we should be very worried about FEDEX. I believe that I read they have about 15% ground marketshare. This is 15% teamster (and other) jobs that would otherwise by UPS. I understand that a judge has ruled that they must convert contractors to employees, but this hasn't happened yet and I think a celebration is premature. The bottom line is we do have to remain competitive or lose our business and then our jobs. The job loss has been so gradual that no one seems to notice it. This is a real problem and everyone should be concerned about the job loss and the competitive situation.

who me

retiredone said:
I don't know about DHL but I think we should be very worried about FEDEX. I believe that I read they have about 15% ground marketshare. This is 15% teamster (and other) jobs that would otherwise by UPS. I understand that a judge has ruled that they must convert contractors to employees, but this hasn't happened yet and I think a celebration is premature. The bottom line is we do have to remain competitive or lose our business and then our jobs. The job loss has been so gradual that no one seems to notice it. This is a real problem and everyone should be concerned about the job loss and the competitive situation.
Job loss?????Our center is always posting the bid for new drivers.We just got 5 new trucks and still have rentals everywhere.


Marty Peters kid
Our building has probably hired 50 drivers the last year and a half. competition makes our company stronger. Dont let people scare you into thinking that the sky is falling. We deliver more packages than both fedex and dhl compined times 2.


Well-Known Member
Frankly, we would have to be delusional to believe that FEDEX and DHL aren't taking jobs that would be done by UPS. That is simply being blind the reality and completly illogical. There was a time when I never saw a DHL/Airborne of FEDEX driver. Now I see them both more frequently than UPS.


Well-Known Member
Quite frankly there is enough volume for everybody. UPS has more volume than they can handle right now. We are leaving the building an 9 now when we used to leave at 830. They want the revenue from the packages but they don't want to pay the people to move them. So when they ask for a sales lead I quietly say to myself screw you


Well-Known Member
You guys sound like the pilots at Eastern Airlines and I fear that you are headed in the same direction. No doubt drivers work hard, but they are paid better than many professionals for performing essentially a blue collar job. If you reprsent mainstream driver views, we are seeing the beginning of the end for the company...and for your futures. That is a tragedy.


Staff member
"...DHL/Airborne of FEDEX driver. Now I see them both more frequently than UPS."

The reason you see them more frequently than us is that it takes 4 Fedex trucks and 3 DHL trucks to do one UPS route! I'm sure you know that Fedex ground only does ground; Fedex express only does air; Fedex freight, Fedex home, etc etc.
How they make money is beyond me. It can't last!

"UPS has more volume than they can handle right now."

God, ain't that the truth! They keep us out 10 hours everyday AND ask us for sales leads! WHY would I want to give myself more work??
Let me add that I think it is sad that I (the average driver) thinks like that, but it's the companys fault and THEY should do something to change their destructive behavior before they do sink the ship.


Well-Known Member
DHL and FedEx are both profitable and they are growning faster than UPS. Wake up to the reality. Our business (and our jobs) are eroding.


Staff member
You're right. I hope UPS management does wake up to reality. Our head honcho is spending too much time with the failure of PAS/EDD. He should be finding ways to encourage the submission of sales leads.


Well-Known Member
We should be able to multitask. Both are important. I believe that EDD is Electronic Driver Dispatch, which is also important to our future. I can't recall any technology that was exactly as it should be when it was rolled out. Most people were frustrated the first time they tried to use GPS, but that has gained wide acceptance and most people take the advanatages for granted today. Once EDD is a mature technology it offers the potential of real route optimization as well as prioritizing stops for our service committments. The potential for service and efficieny improvements are enormous.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
retiredone said:
We should be able to multitask. Both are important. I believe that EDD is Electronic Driver Dispatch, which is also important to our future. I can't recall any technology that was exactly as it should be when it was rolled out. Most people were frustrated the first time they tried to use GPS, but that has gained wide acceptance and most people take the advanatages for granted today. Once EDD is a mature technology it offers the potential of real route optimization as well as prioritizing stops for our service committments. The potential for service and efficieny improvements are enormous.

I have to agree with you on that. The potential with EDD will be great when all the kinks are worked out. Right now we have a lot of growing pains with it and some parts of the country have had it three years with no improvement. As drivers we have to deal with bad loops and missorts, in fact we waste a lot of time breaking off trace to deliver or meet another driver to swap packages. We usually have two oncar supes that have to ride around most of the day because of service failures. Also it seems that IE thinks we can run more stops. I still have to sort, my Speed Limit signs haven't changed, the houses didn't move closer together, nor have my preloader and myself grown extra sets of muscles! Like many things in life, it has its good and bad points.


Well-Known Member
scratch_king said:
As drivers we have to deal with bad loops and missorts, in fact we waste a lot of time breaking off trace to deliver or meet another driver to swap packages. We usually have two oncar supes that have to ride around most of the day because of service failures. Also it seems that IE thinks we can run more stops. I still have to sort, my Speed Limit signs haven't changed, the houses didn't move closer together, nor have my preloader and myself grown extra sets of muscles! .

Very important issues. I hope that the tech folks pay attention. I used to work in IS and I know that the roll outs are difficult and it might take awhile for the kinks to be worked out. But the end result is usually worth the wait.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what Fed ex or Dhl are doing. I just go to work everyday do my thing and go home. I found out we got a pick up account back from Dhl on my route yeppy


Well-Known Member
imported_happyboy said:
I don't care what Fed ex or Dhl are doing. I just go to work everyday do my thing and go home. I found out we got a pick up account back from Dhl on my route yeppy

I agree that we should take care of our customers and that will take care of the competition. But I'm curious. This is the only volume I've heard about coming our way. Is this representative? Do you know of accounts going away from us?


Staff member
I had a large account switch to DHL. They came back to us 6 weeks later because of DHLs poor service. Inbound international multiples would dribble in over several days.
DHL was going to save them a lot of money (over us), but their service sucked.