
nowhere special
DOT laws are the equivalent of a second (maybe third) grade math problem.


Well-Known Member
Agree, boggles my mind some grown men can't do this. It's basic addition and subtraction, no calculus at all!
You have to admit that in feeders it is a tad hard at first, starting on one day and ending on another you know the whole time gained after midnight thing.

Edit:At least the rolling hours.


Well-Known Member
I imagine these are the same people that struggled with word problems in school no matter how simple they were.
I have no issue understanding how the 70 / 8 works. What I have an issue with is UPS using it for package car drivers. We don't sit on our asses all day long driving down the road. It's a very physical job. 70 hours in package takes a much harder toll on the body.


Well-Known Member
Exactly!! The 70/8 rule is for long-haul drivers, not package car drivers!
No, it's a DOT rule which applies to anyone driving a commercial vehicle. Is a P/C considered a commercial vehicle?
P/C drivers only need to concern themselves with the 70 hour not the 8th day.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I have no issue understanding how the 70 / 8 works. What I have an issue with is UPS using it for package car drivers. We don't sit on our asses all day long driving down the road. It's a very physical job. 70 hours in package takes a much harder toll on the body.
I'm not saying 70 hours isn't hard just that it's legal.

No where in the DOT laws does it say the 70/8 law only applies to fat lazy CDL drivers.


Well-Known Member
Package car drivers reset every weekend. The 8 is completely irrelevant for a package car driver.

I swear. Some of you make management look like a bunch of Einsteins.


Welcome to management's world.
Management has to deal with everyone of these Einstein makers every single day, and you wonder why some management lose their :censored2: and turn into :censored2: bags.

Not defending the DBs at all but I understand it. After the twelfth time explaining a simple concept to the same otherwise functionally intelligent employee I often had to work hard to re-find my UPS Zen.