DOT to Non DOT


Extra Large Package
I looked at mine a couple weeks ago, but I'm responsible.
If you're local only the DOT probably won't ask for hour logs at a random stop. If you have an accident it will be part of the investigation. If they aren't keeping proper logs because you're classified as non-dot it will fall on you.
Why would it not fall on FedEx? He is their employee and not a contractor.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Why would it not fall on FedEx? He is their employee and not a contractor.
I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about CDL drivers, but I know they have a responsibility to know their duty hours. If proper records aren't being kept that's in part on the driver. Just like if the tires were bald or his medical card expired, it's the employer's responsibility as well as the driver's. I don't think shrugging your shoulders and saying "I thought Fedex was paying attention" would fly in court.


Well-Known Member
I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about CDL drivers, but I know they have a responsibility to know their duty hours. If proper records aren't being kept that's in part on the driver. Just like if the tires were bald or his medical card expired, it's the employer's responsibility as well as the driver's. I don't think shrugging your shoulders and saying "I thought Fedex was paying attention" would fly in court.
You admit you don't know about CDL drivers, yet you keep telling me I am wrong. LOL. If Fedex isn't properly paying my income taxes to the IRS, who is gonna be held accountable? If Fedex doesn't properly pay my Social Security share, who is accountable? If my work hours are not properly recorded by Fedex and DOT wants to see a history, other than properly completing a timecard and because a Log Book is not necessary in my case, who will be held accountable? Fedex will. I have told management that I thought I was in the wrong classification and they see no reason to change it.

Now vehicle safety, license and medical card dates are MY responsibility. Record keeping is not. Once again, how can ANYONE that admits they know little about a CDL tell someone else they are illegal. I don't believe you know what you are talking about.

You looked at your hour logs a few weeks ago and call me irresponsible because I haven't. I have no idea where those records are and don't see it necessary to check on everything Fedex does to make sure they are getting it done.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You admit you don't know about CDL drivers, yet you keep telling me I am wrong. LOL. If Fedex isn't properly paying my income taxes to the IRS, who is gonna be held accountable? If Fedex doesn't properly pay my Social Security share, who is accountable? If my work hours are not properly recorded by Fedex and DOT wants to see a history, other than properly completing a timecard and because a Log Book is not necessary in my case, who will be held accountable? Fedex will. I have told management that I thought I was in the wrong classification and they see no reason to change it.

Now vehicle safety, license and medical card dates are MY responsibility. Record keeping is not. Once again, how can ANYONE that admits they know little about a CDL tell someone else they are illegal. I don't believe you know what you are talking about.
So you believe Fedex is wrongly classifying you, you haven't asked if they are keeping a dot driver file on you, you haven't checked to see if they are properly recording your on-duty hours, and you believe you have no responsibility in any of that? I'm not sure a jury would agree with that assessment.


So you believe Fedex is wrongly classifying you, you haven't asked if they are keeping a dot driver file on you, you haven't checked to see if they are properly recording your on-duty hours, and you believe you have no responsibility in any of that? I'm not sure a jury would agree with that assessment.
We were told regardless of DOT classification, everyone must follow DOT HOS. He's also full of BS. If anyone busts hours it's an automatic letter.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
We were told regardless of DOT classification, everyone must follow DOT HOS. He's also full of BS. If anyone busts hours it's an automatic letter.
If Fedex is maintaining all the same info, why do they even have a non-dot classification? Isn't the point to be able disregard HOS and send guys out 7 days in a row?


If Fedex is maintaining all the same info, why do they even have a non-dot classification? Isn't the point to be able disregard HOS and send guys out 7 days in a row?
I have no clue other than non dot does not require a medical card. Some people with certain health issues might have a hard time passing a physical.


Well-Known Member
If Fedex is maintaining all the same info, why do they even have a non-dot classification? Isn't the point to be able disregard HOS and send guys out 7 days in a row?
Supposedly saving them millions on physicals. And it's not just the physicals, but the DOT was starting to come down hard on those with a high body mass index. Said it could cause sleep apnea and have drivers fall asleep at wheel. Definitely a concern for big trucks, but an exemption for no physicals was granted for driving trucks under 10,000 lbs. Which was a good thing because office monitoring me was sending my mgr emails about reaching me on phone to get me to take some tests(at my expense). I was changed to non-dot and they stopped calling.


Well-Known Member
We were told regardless of DOT classification, everyone must follow DOT HOS. He's also full of BS. If anyone busts hours it's an automatic letter.
Hey Tupac, when I have I ever mentioned not following HOS. I even mentioned our entire station has been told to adhere to them regardless of your designation, license type or vehicle driven. Mercy, it is Mother's Day overtime all over again with you. Your knowledge is limited and your reading ability is about nonexistent.

Can you define "legally"? You seem to have issues with the meaning of that word as well.

Star B

White Lightening
Has anyone mentioned the "no logs if you stay within the 100cdl/150noncdl air mile radius of your home terminal as long as you punch in and out everyday" rule? No?

Okay then. I'm pretty sure Express has the past 6 days of your hours of service... aka... hours worked. Gotta get paid somehow...

have a link:Hours of Service: The 100 and 150 Air Mile Exemption | Glostone Trucking Solutions

Also... here's my take.

Express NonDOT means that you're not permitted by Express to drive anything bigger than a sprinter. If you get a manager that has a hardon for write-ups and you start a Reach, BAM. "Could you stop in my office please?". Can you use it legally? Yes. However, you are breaking company rules. Just because you're not getting OLCC'd/written up for it now doesn't mean that it could not become an issue later.

The DOT doesn't care as long as you have the qualifications for the vehicle class.

If Fedex is maintaining all the same info, why do they even have a non-dot classification? Isn't the point to be able disregard HOS and send guys out 7 days in a row?
Probably. Considering Express has many vehicle types and certain ones that need a med card... have to create a classification to distinguish who has can and can not.
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Well-Known Member
Has anyone mentioned the "no logs if you stay within the 100cdl/150noncdl air mile radius of your home terminal as long as you punch in and out everyday" rule? No?

Okay then. I'm pretty sure Express has the past 6 days of your hours of service... aka... hours worked. Gotta get paid somehow...

have a link:Hours of Service: The 100 and 150 Air Mile Exemption | Glostone Trucking Solutions
I did twice. "It will be fine" kept arguing with me and telling me I am wrong and am breaking the law. THEN they admit they knew very little about the CDL. Fine and Tupac need a return to the "Basic skills test" we used to take. It is because of people of their intelligence level that the company was forced to quit giving that test.

I know nothing about being a Service Agent, why would I try to tell a CSA how do do their job, yet "Fine" wants to tell me I am mistaken about a part of my job I have been doing for 32 years or so.


Well-Known Member
You know, I used to think oldfart just didn't think before he/she typed. This thread has convinced me I'm dead wrong. He/she is just a plain old bigot/racist.

On to the ignore list. Pretty sad, of all the years and all the boards I have ever been a part of, I have never put anyone in an ignore list.

Also sad that BC seem to continue to allow the oldfart racism experience to continue.