Expectations for 2019 pcm


Well-Known Member
It is going to be a bitch for them when we have to leave at start time so we can run scratch.

I would have to argue that the proverbial "they" don't even understand how their numbers work.

If my start time is 9:00 AM but I don't get on road until 9:30 I'm already 24 minutes over allowed the minute I get on road. We get 6 minutes for PCM (according to my on road supervisor).

Starting late compounds the over allowed. Orion is jacked up, I'm late for commits, etc...

These idiots, I'm sorry the proverbial "they," can demand stupidity all they want. Who cares? That's all they can do. They cannot actually do anything that helps me be a more productive employee.



Well-Known Member
I would have to argue that the proverbial "they" don't even understand how their numbers work.

If my start time is 9:00 AM but I don't get on road until 9:30 I'm already 24 minutes over allowed the minute I get on road. We get 6 minutes for PCM (according to my on road supervisor).

Starting late compounds the over allowed. Orion is jacked up, I'm late for commits, etc...

These idiots, I'm sorry the proverbial "they," can demand stupidity all they want. Who cares? That's all they can do. They cannot actually do anything that helps me be a more productive employee.


I believe over allowed is based off of on road hours. So it wouldn't start till you entered a left building time.


60 months and counting
I would have to argue that the proverbial "they" don't even understand how their numbers work.

If my start time is 9:00 AM but I don't get on road until 9:30 I'm already 24 minutes over allowed the minute I get on road. We get 6 minutes for PCM (according to my on road supervisor).

Starting late compounds the over allowed. Orion is jacked up, I'm late for commits, etc...

These idiots, I'm sorry the proverbial "they," can demand stupidity all they want. Who cares? That's all they can do. They cannot actually do anything that helps me be a more productive employee.

Stop making it so complicated.... have your sup run your route scratch and follow every single method....he won’t be able to.... nobody can.... done... dont let them walk all over you joe cool...

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Our pcm today was about our expectations for 2019, and the crackdowns are coming.

Everybody will run scratch. Even low overages below 0.50, which have generally been acceptable, will no longer be tolerated .

Everybody will run Orion at 95%. No longer will 85% be acceptable.

Everybody will beat the Orion miles.

Everybody who fails to meet all three expectations will be treated with 3-day performance rides until they do so.

Nowhere in these expectations are the words 'customer' or 'service' mentioned.

2019 is going to be a wild ride.

Buckle up.

Well golly geez that looks just like an Article 6 violation.