Hofficer Hater
Well-Known Member
hall came out in support of the leadership of 705 in Chicago for holding the fort against big brown.
He's now out claiming DT dropped the ball in negotiations and ramming the contract on the members. Looks like he forgot that back in 2013 after he and Hoffa imposed their sellout on the remaining supplements.
Other sources say Ken H has offered Ron H and Juan C positions on his slate. While the Kevin Moore slate has locked David Hoffa, Rome A, Rick M and Rick H so far.
Neither SOB, Kevin M or Ken H will be any good for the members. They're all self serving egotistic thugs!!!
He's now out claiming DT dropped the ball in negotiations and ramming the contract on the members. Looks like he forgot that back in 2013 after he and Hoffa imposed their sellout on the remaining supplements.
Other sources say Ken H has offered Ron H and Juan C positions on his slate. While the Kevin Moore slate has locked David Hoffa, Rome A, Rick M and Rick H so far.
Neither SOB, Kevin M or Ken H will be any good for the members. They're all self serving egotistic thugs!!!