Heads up letter from the Union about possible strike

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Every comment you've made has been thru the eyes of the tom dick and Harry.

They don't matter!!!!

I'm not someone who would just take any negative thing the company tries to pull on us. I'm just trying to figure out what you guys expect. The job is what it is. It can't be made into sunshine and lollipops. I've been with UPS for 10 years and the driver hours haven't changed in my center. Why is it such a problem now? We have routes that have 7pm p/u's. It is what it is.

When I read some of you and other's posts, I think you've completely lost touch with reality. You've been with UPS too long.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
If it's the norm for the members, it's the norm. People don't join a union to get the same or less than non union workers.
I'm far from a teamster fan boy but people bitching about unions makes no sense to me.

Instead of bitching about what others have join one or fight for your rights.


Staff member
He's also basing his views off of personal experience. If you've never experienced weeks and weeks of 12 hour days or management that nails you for every little thing, you don't think you need those protections. It's just complacency.

You get a lot of grief here for being management, but trust me, I know what you guys at your level put up with.

I think I would have been happy to have you in my center.

Lt. Aldo Raine

Sound good?
Walking into the building today and was greeted by my BA and a couple stewards with a paper handout. In short it basically says for full timers to start saving 5 dollars a day effective immediately so we will have that money in case of a strike.

I appreciate the advice and it's definitely a smart move, but it's starting to feel all to real and scares the :censored2: out of me. I went full time a month after last contract. Is this standard before every negotiation?
Better off safe than sorry. In 97 I ain't afraid to say that those three weeks didn't hurt me a little. Hind sight is always 20/20. Maybe your stewards and agent are trying to lay some knowledge down on you.


Staff member
I'd rather not lose touch with reality. I'll always try to remember what the outside world is like.

Just what did you do before that you say UPS is the easiest job you ever had?

I had an extremely physical job before UPS (tree trimmer), but it was worlds easier than package.


Resident Suit
You get a lot of grief here for being management, but trust me, I know what you guys at your level put up with.

I think I would have been happy to have you in my center.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Just what did you do before that you say UPS is the easiest job you ever had?

I had an extremely physical job before UPS (tree trimmer), but it was worlds easier than package.

I did a whole variety of jobs for 15 years before driver. Landscaping is way worse than UPS driver (unless it's just mowing grass). Last job had me crawling around on the floor 2/3rd's of the day. Torture for 1/3rd the pay. Retail? Work every weekend, most holidays. Crappy hours, yo-yo scheduling.


Retired 22 years
Wouldn't it be interesting if drivers delivering boxes who are in America's top 12% of income earners were to strike. I don't think that would go over too well with the bottom 88%.

The hell with the bottom 88%. They don't work for a company like UPS